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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Turkey will gradually send Assad and Co back to the stone age with its strikes and put fear in the the looters that fridges and washing machines come with a heavy price tag. There is only so much that any military can take when they have so many losses in a short period of time. Russia will not happily replace all the heavy armour and you can't win a battle by airstrikes alone. And eventually the airstrikes will be too dangerous for the Russians and Assads. Once you level the playing field by removing the possibility of air support on both sides, then the Turks will roll to even Damascus unmolested.
It a blessing in disguise that all the civilians have been displaced from the area where the fighting is taking place. Next will be the turn of Southern Idlib plains. The Asses are spread thin and have a long way to run back to safety. I don't think a lot of them will make it. This is called feined retreat. I didn't believe it myself until Saraqib.
how much can Putin save his assrats?!! as always Turkey defends Muslims, Allah swt will never forsake the Levant , victory of islam is near
It a blessing in disguise that all the civilians have been displaced from the area where the fighting is taking place. Next will be the turn of Southern Idlib plains. The Asses are spread thin and have a long way to run back to safety. I don't think a lot of them will make it. This is called feined retreat. I didn't believe it myself until Saraqib.
A reasoned interpretation ....but for the plan to work, the SAM cover and f16s need to get to work soon.
It a blessing in disguise that all the civilians have been displaced from the area where the fighting is taking place. Next will be the turn of Southern Idlib plains. The Asses are spread thin and have a long way to run back to safety. I don't think a lot of them will make it. This is called feined retreat. I didn't believe it myself until Saraqib.
There is still almost 2Mil still in their homes in Idlib.
The 1Mil in the tents at the border, are those from the area taken by RU/ASSad recently.
To any assad fanboys lurking here when will you guys take Hatay back??

There is still almost 2Mil still in their homes in Idlib.
The 1Mil in the tents at the border, are those from the area taken by RU/ASSad recently.
There won't be much fighting in civilian areas now, unless the new Turkish points are pushed back or surrounded. The Assess will carry on bombing civilian areas though.
I've not been fully following events in Syria but if Russia and Assad are ok with ceding the Golan Heights to Israel...then what's the big deal of ceding Idlib to Turkey.

Cooler heads should prevail. The Assad regime should be satisfied with the gains they have already have...... and not overplay thier hand.
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