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  1. Hezbollahi

    Did we shoot our own passenger plane?

    Could be closely related to the same issue that the MAX series is having...
  2. Hezbollahi

    Iranian BMs were launched at Ain Assad: Fars News

    Any update on the American aircraft reportedly shot down? Another fake news?
  3. Hezbollahi

    Iranian BMs were launched at Ain Assad: Fars News

    How safe is the USN fleet hiding in the Indian ocean?
  4. Hezbollahi

    Iranian BMs were launched at Ain Assad: Fars News

    Can Iran air defences fare against USAF? What are the likelihood USAF planes or cruise missiles get shot down?
  5. Hezbollahi

    Trump Prevents Zarif from Addressing UN Security Council

    https://foreignpolicy.com/2020/01/06/trump-administration-blocks-iran-foreign-minister-zarif-addressing-un-security-council/ In violation of 1947 headquarters agreement.. Hope the UN addresses this issues promptly..
  6. Hezbollahi

    Operation Praying Mantis: US teaching Iran a lesson

    It was an interesting read. What are your personal thoughts? At that time the pressure was on the Western theatre for Iran.
  7. Hezbollahi

    Blasts Heard in Baghdad Amid Reports of Rockets Landing in US Embassy

    What's the possibility of a successful defense against an air attack? Will Russia or China get involved if situation goes out of hand?
  8. Hezbollahi

    War is Coming: US running a de-fang operation

    Logical scenerios are being described. It is obvious that that this is a bait to drag Iran I into a conflict that would benefit their agenda. The question is whether this will help Trump's re-election campaign because if anything this act has worked against them so far..
  9. Hezbollahi

    US strikes Katai'b Hezbollah facility in Iraq as response

    Looks like Trump wants to be reelected very badly.. I wonder how Iran and Iraq will respond to this murder.
  10. Hezbollahi

    Analysis : What used to attack saudi oil facilities?

    Apparently there will be "experts" coming in France to conduct an investigation. The question is whether the drone pathways have been recorded on the military radar and they will review that. Something tells me they will blame Iran.
  11. Hezbollahi

    Rouhani Willing To Meet With Trump This Week At UN, CNN's Amanpour Says

    I wonder whether IRI will get back at Canada for seizing their assets. Another tanker?
  12. Hezbollahi

    Pompeo: Iran did it, Saudi: Iran was behind attack- NYT: well, not so fast...

    Were the UAVs that sent hard to detect? How can they fly them deep into Saudi airspace without being countered? Is this another inside job to promote their interest? Bahrain just bought their first Patriot and Putin is offering s-400 to Saudi Arabia..
  13. Hezbollahi

    Breaking: IRGC seized a British tanker

    How likely is the possibility that Israelis may hijack this ship on its way to Syria? How would Iran respond if they confiscate the ship and its oil?
  14. Hezbollahi

    U.K blocks Iranian passage in the Strait of Gibraltar, it means:

    Would the Brits still have gotten away with this if this incident occurred in or near Persian Gulf rather than straight of Gibraltar?
  15. Hezbollahi

    Trump says 'Iran made a very big mistake' after US military confirms it shot down American drone

    There is an article that mentions the drone was days away from retiring. This raises a number of questions such as whether the this was an intentional provocation as the drone was expendable. https://www.duffelblog.com/2019/06/robots-get-pensions-too/
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