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Pompeo: Iran did it, Saudi: Iran was behind attack- NYT: well, not so fast...

Were the UAVs that sent hard to detect?

How can they fly them deep into Saudi airspace without being countered?

Is this another inside job to promote their interest?

Bahrain just bought their first Patriot and Putin is offering s-400 to Saudi Arabia..
Who Was Behind the Saudi Oil Attack? What the Evidence ShowsView attachment 580183

More lies from the B team.......
View attachment 580185
Where the strikes originated remains unclear
Administration officials have not publicly said where they believe the attack originated from. They did say that the satellite imagery was consistent with strikes from the north or northwest, which would point to an attack coming from the direction of Iran or Iraq, rather than from Yemen.

But the satellite photographs released on Sunday were not as clear-cut as officials suggested, with some appearing to show damage on the western side of the facilities, not from the direction of Iran or Iraq.


If those direction indicators are correct, that is pointing towards Israel.
Guys, for people who are more read on the subject how in hell was this facility hit? with such accuracy? If it Yemen this distance is over 600 miles, if Iraq in excess of 300 miles. If Iran over 250 miles. How on earth did Houthis manage to target this place with 600 miles distance. It looks like only Iran could do this?

What was used?? Or was this a inside job??

for accuracy a simple GPS will do, as for what was used ???

1. 10 Quds-1 cruise missiles.


2. almost 20 suicide drones.



Were the UAVs that sent hard to detect?

How can they fly them deep into Saudi airspace without being countered?

Is this another inside job to promote their interest?

Bahrain just bought their first Patriot and Putin is offering s-400 to Saudi Arabia..

they pass through Iraq and Kuwait and then SA just 50 KM from Bahrain US has big military presence in all of those countries how did they pass US Air defense is another question for it self. Patriot can not help them Patriot was built to deal with conventional military's not Iran's asymmetric warfare.
Russian cruise missiles were used by Iran, just a day after when Saudi crown prince openly said they can finish Iran in 8 hours and that attack is just a retaliation and show off that Iran is a mighty power.

Iranians are pretty suicidal now a days.


Well for a start these arent "russian cruise missiles",these are iranian hoveyzehs.The basic airframe design is based on the old soviet built 1970s era designed kh55 that the iranians acquired some samples of back in the early to mid 2000s,however I doubt that there would be very much of that design left internally in the iranian weapon and I would imagine that the iranians would`ve thoroughly reegineered the weapon to take account of all the numerous technological developments that have come along since the 1970s.Interestingly the iranian hoveyzeh has even replaced the drop down turbofan with a fixed turbojet.
Theres no evidence that these were used in the attack on saudi,indeed the only clear evidence of a cruise missile is the small yemeni quds1 which is NOT iranian tho it may well have been developed with irans help.Most of the strike appears to have been carried out using suicide drones with relatively small explosive payloads rather than something like a hoveyzeh cruise missile with a payload of around 400kg.

You can see from the small size of the hole that whatever hit this wasnt carrying a huge payload,if this had been a hoveyzeh the tank would`ve had a massive hole blown in it.
If the us has any proof that the weapons involved were launched from iran it had better hurry up and present it,because so far there is NO proof that this was anything other than an attack by the houthis,tho the iranians might have given them some help with target selection and weapon ingress routes to the targets to avoid saudi defences.
I don't care if they insult me but it really makes me sick when they insult their own country man !

They think there is no patriotism and love for pakistan in shias ...

LoL majority of Pakistanis have a good impression of Iran and Iranian people. The ones infected with the takfiri virus, there is no saving them, too far gone.
No, it's not the same, I condemn all incidents of discrimination, violence and abuse of Sunni people in Iraq and Syria, it is not systematic.

Saudi are bombing and starving Yemen on an immense scale. No comparison.
You are the fitna my son, and your kind will loose.
Exactly, ask yourself how we got here? Sunni, Shite, why should it matter....it's so stupid. It's like killing people over Nike vs Reebok.....Ask yourself why do Arabs always turn on each other and us? Proof: Iraq's war on Iran, Iraq's war on Kuwait, ISIS, Al Qaeda's violence against other Muslims, S.A.'s war on Yemen, Syrian war against itself, UAE/SA threats/blockade against Qatar. All because of the disease of Wahhabi ideology....this ideology needs to eradicated from our region. These same Gulf states have sold us out to the Americans and Europeans, as you have seen they have also sold out the Palestinians and are now allying themselves with Israel.....these losers cannot be the standard bearers of Islam after this shameful act. Don't give it to Iran, we don't want it....but at least let's agree that these Wahhabis are not fit to be the leaders of our region......they could have united the ME but instead they have shattered it, and then sold it off piece by piece to the west. I say f*ck them....let them go to hell.
No, it's not the same, I condemn all incidents of discrimination, violence and abuse of Sunni people in Iraq and Syria, it is not systematic.

Saudi are bombing and starving Yemen on an immense scale. No comparison.
Yemen was under crisis for years,KSA has added only fuel to the fire.
LoL majority of Pakistanis have a good impression of Iran and Iranian people. The ones infected with the takfiri virus, there is no saving them, too far gone.
Pakistanis have a good impression of every Muslim country
Saudi Arabia's impression is much better than Iran most of the Pakistanis are neutral towards Iran because it's an Islamic country and doesn't have any conflict with Pakistan
But after KBY some Pakistanis have become anti Iran
People tend to see things through their own interests ...

I can imagine a normal Pakistani see KSA and Gcc more favorable than Iran because they are far Richer than Iran at the moment and the said normal Pakistani can get benefit by directly or indirectly working with them ....

So please don't complicate things ....
People tend to see things through their own interests ...

I can imagine a normal Pakistani see KSA and Gcc more favorable than Iran because they are far Richer than Iran at the moment and the said normal Pakistani can get benefit by directly or indirectly working with them ....

So please don't complicate things ....
We hardly ever see anything related to Iran at our news channels and I think same is true for Iranian media
Pakistan and Iran are neither enemies nor friends an average Pakistan doesn't have any good or bad opinion about Iran we know Iran is an Islamic country and shares border with Pakistan
Iran Pakistan relations are like Pakistan Egypt relations or Pakistan Kyrgyzstan relations
Coming from a chronic teenage wanker with a pimply complexion, talking to people who have fought and bled for PAKISTAN, is a bit ironic.

Don't you think, my son.
See you soon after you got treatment in asylum....

Hmm tu kuj krda ku nae Ena da?
Wait and watch....

They will destroy themselves....

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