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  1. G

    Wikileaks:Saudi-funded Madrassas in Punjab providing recruits for militants

    I'm wondering now, is there any country left which hasnt been involved in interference with Pakistan ?? 'cuz this is gettin' very ridiculous
  2. G

    Why can’t women in Saudi Arabia drive?

    'cuz its their country, their way of life, their rule! fake sympathy not needed by them I'm sure
  3. G

    Is there a Pakistan to go back to?

    Pakistan is not a amusement park, its a country which needs people to work for its future, its development etc. if people cant be bothered to return to do something for Pakistan's interest then who the hell 're they to judge Pakistani society for their amusement purposes ??
  4. G

    CNN: US reducing troops inside Pakistan, Pentagon acknowledges

    US reducing troops from Pakistan ?? when did they actually deploy any troops ??
  5. G

    Pakistan should have known bin Laden was there: Afghanistan

    hmm in my personal opinion, no matter how corrupt, bad, incompetent etc the govt of any country is, no country wants foreign interference with their govt. foreign interferences didnt start in Afg with Russian war nor did it end after Russian war which why their pov at times makes sense. those...
  6. G

    NATO concern over Pakistan nuclear arsenal

    'n we 're worried for American allies with India and their encouragement of Jewish nuclear , but who gives a fcuk ??! US should just focus on how to clean up the dirt they 've created in mid east rather than interferin' with countries they cant handle! decesive pigs
  7. G

    Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

    'n can the Indian memebers plz stick their nose into their own matters only ?? e-freaks
  8. G

    Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

    hmm from attacks in Pakistan, to interference of India, to history of Afghanistan, to personal attacks, to frustration, where the hell is this thread heading to ? if there's no evidence against the accused ones then for earth's sake just stop replyin' ur not forced to reply . I get tired of just...
  9. G

    PN Bus attacked in Karachi by Terrorists

    whatever u Bharatis want to happen. arent u happy?
  10. G

    Chinese daily fears India may resume nuclear tests.

    rofl rofl! the world fears China as a superpower while the superpower is fearing the slums? dont make me laugh! :D
  11. G

    Nato, Afghan forces attack Pakistani border check post

    has this news been shown on any news channel as well or 're we arguing based on the the only source provided which itself states that no government has confirmed this incident? 'n anyone trying to compare govts on either side should seriously clear up some facts. Afghanistan is a country in war...
  12. G

    Spot-fixing/Match-fixing scandal

    in our most crucial times the only good news we used to hear was regarding our cricket team. the nation used to cheers up again, faces used to smile again, youngsters were hoping for a better tomorrow again. but I think scandal has broken quiet some hearts 'n disappointment some very loyal...
  13. G

    Saudis are ahead of everyone in Helping Pakistan Flooding.

    even if a nation pays a hundred dollars, their thoughts 're appreciated anyway! so to each 'n every donater, may Allah swt be with u in ur times of need as well!
  14. G

    Afghanistan call for sanctions against Pakistan

    some of the comments made 're extremely saddening and disappoiting at the same time! some emptyhead politicians who don't give a damn about their country 'n nor their people care about them make some absurd remarks about Pakistan, 'n some members in return end up critisizing the entire nation...
  15. G

    'India only gives moral support to Balochistan'

    do u guys know why lately we keep blaming neighbouring countries 'n US for everything instead of prevent their so called interference in our country? that's 'cuz we 've lost the sense of unity, we 've lost the meaning of trust. target killings in Balochistan, target killings in Karachi, tribal...
  16. G

    Pakistan to deport Afghan refugees

    @Sher Shah: lahnat de wi ta khonde pe yaw namard che zaan ta Pukhtun wayi kho de Pukhtuno ghairat derke nishta! wos ye derta khwand warkrel che spai khonda beyab shwe aw kheze de ham beizzate shwol? tarbya aw abad hezda kra, deer artia lare dagho ta.
  17. G

    Pakistan to deport Afghan refugees

    @Pakistani nationalist: the girl u sent vid of was married to an Indian who'd even converted to Islam while I myself know of girl of our own community who would even date Hindus 'n Sikhs. also about prostituetion, do u know how all those singers 'n actresses in Khyber-Pashtunkhwa actually into...
  18. G

    Funny Japanese LOL

    nor is this forum for moaners 'n nor is this only fun thread. jeez how hard is it to just not react at all if aint liking a thread?:s
  19. G

    Pakistan's Biggest Threat

    a better/worse thing starts with urself. so in that case those bloody rulers should 've been no1 in ur list, followed by india. usa is here for economic reasons, they dont 've any personal enmity. but india does so never underestimate them. never
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