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Why can’t women in Saudi Arabia drive?

Saudis in Audis love their rides more than their brides- there the oil is more cheaper than a women-
so they dont let the women to even scratch their car- Every one knows how bad the women drivers are-
well i am not in favor of this law nor against it- as living there it is least of my concern-

Any way women can easily fly a plnae- because there is not much traffic in the air-
sure but you need car for driving and most women in india and pakistan cannot afford to buy cars and get suffer in buses and public transport lol
Even middle class peoples in our countries can hardly afford one car which male drive most of the times and non working desi women stay homes most of the times

Get a life dude... most women in india and pakistan cannot afford to buy a car...
Saudi Arabia is basically the Zimbabwe of culture.

I have no doubt that within 50 years, Saudis would be illegal immigrants in Zimbabwe or the Congo. Without their oil they are nothing.

I'd much rather invest in Zimbabwe than in Saudi Arabia.

It is a land built on trading, essentially, oil for food and weapons. Weapons that have no target except its own citizens, and food that's squandered by the rich. Arabs don't work, they import workers and treat them like sh!t. They have nothing to do, so their primary recreation is to torture their women.

Truly baffling what medieval monarchies can do.
Though an utter disregard of womens' rights but I must say that the Saudi roads must be allot safer than the ones anywhere else. :p
In Saudi they follow strict rules.
Even the eyes of women are partially covered.
So its not safe to drive as it blocks the normal vision. Hence it is banned.:coffee:
'cuz its their country, their way of life, their rule! fake sympathy not needed by them I'm sure
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