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  1. MAS9

    Frontier corps under assault in Baluchistan. Where is the action?

    We do need someone like TK in Balochistan right now who is not scared to go to any extent to protect the troops.
  2. MAS9

    Frontier corps under assault in Baluchistan. Where is the action?

    They'll go underground after the first strikes. Infantry will have to go in sooner or later to flush them out.
  3. MAS9

    Frontier corps under assault in Baluchistan. Where is the action?

    But the fact remains. There's always an assessment of own casualties in any operation. Then they are monitored in real-time. And compared with the set bars. The ethical aspect of such judgments is another issue.
  4. MAS9

    4 FC Balochistan Soldiers Martyred by BLA in IED Attack in Margat Area

    Better change the name of FC Bln to "Cannon Fodder Bln"
  5. MAS9

    Featured Greek officials say UAE warplanes to arrive for joint drills

    UAE just can't stay out of controversies it seems
  6. MAS9

    2nd pilot

    The one with the body in chair position is from a jet
  7. MAS9

    Reports of fighting on In Sialkot, Narowal sector.

    Might be a mujahideen attack in Kulgam
  8. MAS9

    Attempted IAF incursion - A Failed operation

    *staged drama of "strike"
  9. MAS9

    Making Pakistan giving nationality to Afghan is US plan

    At least we'll have record of those here
  10. MAS9

    i oppose imran khan for wasting 7920000 euro wheat

    It is a game of gentlemen, not hooligans
  11. MAS9

    i oppose imran khan for wasting 7920000 euro wheat

    We weren't hosting a banquet. It was relief
  12. MAS9

    i oppose imran khan for wasting 7920000 euro wheat

    Beneficial in modern warfare
  13. MAS9

    i oppose imran khan for wasting 7920000 euro wheat

    Though itwill imrpove our image in the mind of common afghans
  14. MAS9

    A heart breaking picture from Kashmir . A mother and her dead son.....

    Don't occupy their land and they won't pick up arms.
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