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  1. V

    Russia backs India’s surgical strikes, says Uri ‘terrorists’ from Pakistan

    Kashmir has always been a part of India. Kashmiris are not different people, simply Indians.
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    "Indian Army is *Hanuman*, thats why none saw Indian Army": Manohar Parrikar's Explanation

    The Minister's remarks will not be understood by anyone who is not a Hindu. Hanuman had forgotten that he was a god and only remembered it when a certain incidence occurred. Similarly, the IA for a long time had given up on freedom of action across the LOC. Thats all there is to the Minister's...
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    In Kashmir, Pakistan Questions India’s ‘Surgical Strikes’ on Militants ( NewYork Times)

    Why don't you also pose this question to your politicians, and especially your army whose bread and butter it is to build kingdoms out of constant tensions with India. Why is Pakistan so obsessed with Kashmir, knowing fully well that neither it, nor the Kashmiris have any power to force India to...
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    Saarc done, all eyes now on BIMSTEC event

    700 years more may also pass.
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    Indian Sergical strike exposed || discussion

    Pakistan simply cannot accept it as that would mean confessing to launching pads.
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    Saarc done, all eyes now on BIMSTEC event

    Pakistan is a country with a death wish. Other countries in the region are just normal states grappling with human issues. Good that Pakistan is being kicked out of the grouping just as a murderous thug has no place among a group of normal people.
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    One BSF Personal Martyred @ Baramula

    That will eventually happen.
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    One BSF Personal Martyred @ Baramula

    But now it is 4 of your pigs who are getting a ticket to hell.
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    "Indian Army is *Hanuman*, thats why none saw Indian Army": Manohar Parrikar's Explanation

    Whatever. Irrespective of what happened, the fact is that pakistan was ineffective, and the window of opportunity has now gone for ever. Its just a matter of time before Hindus start settling in the valley and then the game will be over.
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    India's biggest Lie exposed, "No Surgical Strike" says World Body

    Which proves that our army went into Azad Kashmir.
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    "Indian Army is *Hanuman*, thats why none saw Indian Army": Manohar Parrikar's Explanation

    We were able to "ENCOURAGE" the rulers of Junagarh and Hyderabad to go along with public opinion. Kashmiris had no opinion, because the valley is not J&K, and the state has very large Hindu and Non Sunni Moslem population, and this is proved by the fact that there were no agitations like in...
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    "Indian Army is *Hanuman*, thats why none saw Indian Army": Manohar Parrikar's Explanation

    Democracy is not the same as secession. Kashmir has legally acceded to India and a UN so-called-resolution is not binding upon sovereign nations.
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    Breaking! narendra Modi admitted that there was no surgical strike in pakistan

    Yes I know all that. UN resolution about referendum and all that. And who is the UN to tell India what to do when the rights were transferred from the king to the Republic by a legal instrument under the Indian Independence act. The meaty parts are already with us. Rest is barbaric country. you...
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    Breaking! narendra Modi admitted that there was no surgical strike in pakistan

    Kashmir is Indian territory by legal ascension. How did it become Pakistani territory? Just because you make a claim?
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    India's biggest Lie exposed, "No Surgical Strike" says World Body

    Whats this niger stuff? what are you? Some wannabe white desperate for validation of his araab or turki 1/1000000 traces ?
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    India's biggest Lie exposed, "No Surgical Strike" says World Body

    The world gives two hoots about what India or pakistan do......
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    India's biggest Lie exposed, "No Surgical Strike" says World Body

    Why is it so important to do that? Who benefits? The Pak army? and then how do we know that he skipped the actual area? who would know that? Why don't you realise that it is in India interest to provide an escape route to pakistan so that war is not forced, and at the same time to strengthen...
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    Exclusive - DG ISPR takes Journalists to LoC and briefs

    Good that you admit that infiltration is possible. Tell that to your countrymen who think going over to the Pak side is more difficult than escape from Alcatraz. So once you admit possibilities of infiltration , then all possibilities open up. Maybe a large group went in but many were killed...
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    India's biggest Lie exposed, "No Surgical Strike" says World Body

    so why are such threads popping up every 5 minutes ? And your DG taking the jornos to LOC to show them god knows what. And your diplomats going around pleading that nothing of this sort happened. This shows utter desperation. Looks like your Army, which claimed to be superhuman likes, are...
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