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"Indian Army is *Hanuman*, thats why none saw Indian Army": Manohar Parrikar's Explanation

I cant believe he actually said that. I cant believe that ANY sensible nation would accept that as an official statement.

@Joe Shearer I am actually scared since these religious references are one that one expects out of a tin pot middle eastern state like Gaddafis or out of terror organisations.
quote that Nationalised American as well who felt dejected and distressed when I did a run down of Indian intentions from conquering us to banning our actors and threatening Suleman Khan for making an out of line statement.

Can someone ask this dude then how did Pakistani Army saw Mr. Chandu of BSF. Or he belong to brigade of Raman?
Get a life losers
Chandu Chohan fell victim to the bragging and lies of NDTV and Indian government. so he picked up his gun and thought he can single handed invade and conquer Azad Kashmir but poor son of a biatch got nabbed and faces the prospect of getting surgical strikes on his arse
I am actually scared since these religious references are one that one expects out of a tin pot middle eastern state like Gaddafis or out of terror organisations.

Sir. Why, if I may ask, is this so repulsive for you, if an Indian minister is invoking a mythological figure of a majority religion to describe to majority in India something?

Yet, the same is a norm in Pakistani poltical set up and the military! The mortar platoon shouting allah o akbar with every shell being fired! I think, that is an example of what is the bigger threat than one random politician.

But that is scary. For all our rivalries, India has had some VERY sensible leadership in the past who were well educated and well read. These were not blood thirsty people and were quite astute in their understanding of the world and sane in their decisions; usually Pakistan was one that was foolhardy. Now it seems that the role is reversed, where you had brilliant Indian statesment like Vajpayee, Swaran Sing, Jaswant Singh were true gentlemen and men who knew statesmenship, diplomacy and politics. They knew where to draw the lines and where to say what. They were the creme dela creme of India civil service, Politics and in general.

Now, it seems like India has scraped the bottom of a fish barrel for its cabinet positions.

We are, as you may be aware of, dealing with borderline sociopath and psychopaths in power in Pakistan for almost 70 years. I would describe the advent of the above as a reaction towards the same. One begets the other. No one is clean.

Perhaps, like PDF here, sanity lost out to continued stupidity and hatred. Who is to blame? Indians alone? Are not Pakistanis equally responsible for bringging the conditions wherein for three decades Pakistan keeps giving nuclear threat and keeps fomenting trouble in Kashmir while at no point has it taken any steps to really help Kashmiris?

You can observe on PDF itself, that one after other members from Pakistan have continued in crossing the levels of a civil discourse and they have gotten away boldly day by day (Indians are equally pathetic but they have a short life) and where sensible people should have come to fore to take a stand in this very small forum, there is a lack of the same and it is being passed off as emotions of the moment and given a tacit approval.

When such a condonation is applicable in a forum of couple of hundred of members, what do you think is the situation in India?

Would you believe a Cabinet Minister addressing the Wadia Institute (geologists) and telling them that the Uttarakhand floods were due to defecation in holy places?

Do you have any idea about the day-to-day nonsense to which we are subjected? And the gradual water-dripping-on-stone effect of these? I've given up commenting, because of the massive assault by bhakts which comes immediately.

Our Pakistani friends have no idea whatsoever what they are fooling around with. These are seriously crazy people.

For more detail on this clown, you have to ask jbgt90. He knows about him in detail.

That is what the people want. Please go through posts of members from Pakistan here. Rapist hindus good for raping their women, cow urine drinker etc is a norm. What does that breed - love? Respect?

Why should India or Indians only be apologetic?

Trust me, irrespective of your readings of this clown, the clown has more guts than previous incumbents.

Will it be possible for Pakistan to absolve itself of any blame for the present crisis? I do not think so.

When a perfectly sane person acts insane it is borderline malingering. The only option to deal then, is to call the bluff. To call the bluff in nuclear scenario, you need to be crazy.

Actually if you look at the trends, in the last few years, Pakistanis have really separated religion from politics. There is not much representation of religious parties in our national or provincial assemblies and even the ones who have been elected, don't make statements that make a mockery of their religious beliefs.

But in India, situation is completely opposite. Saner people are going into hiding and religious fanatics are taking over. BJP has unprecedented support of RSS and the likes.

But don't you think that this situation is good for us? I mean they are creating a divide between between Hindus and other minorities that may divide India in future if people continue to elect religious fanatics. Of course there is a risk of these war mongers waging a war against Pakistan but other than this, the situation is in our favor. Division of India into smaller states is the need of time to end her bullying against smaller states in the region.

Look at your hypocritical post here. Everyone in your hierarchy be it political or military, does not say a word without religion being second or thrid word. Yet you have the gall to ignore it and comment on a single instance here.
As for your last couple of lines ... when you crap into wind, some does fly in your direction. That statement is exact what I referred to when I said Pakistan can not absolve itself.

Look how stupid guts are Indian defence minister don't expect anything good from these educated but act like uneducated people

These are not Bollywood pics look Indian soldiers lying on ground no mercy

Look at the pics very carefully. Soldiers in background are also Indian. Troll
quote that Nationalised American as well who felt dejected and distressed when I did a run down of Indian intentions from conquering us to banning our actors and threatening Suleman Khan for making an out of line statement.

Chandu Chohan fell victim to the bragging and lies of NDTV and Indian government. so he picked up his gun and thought he can single handed invade and conquer Azad Kashmir but poor son of a biatch got nabbed and faces the prospect of getting surgical strikes on his arse
Lol poor son of a bitch :). He was trying to become Rambo or Mr. Silvester stone. But forgot to take Mr. India technology from the defense minister haha
Look at your hypocritical post here. Everyone in your hierarchy be it political or military, does not say a word without religion being second or thrid word.

Not directed to sane citizens of India. My comments was for religious fanatics who are creating divide. Believe me, I have no role in that. Now your problem is that your country is fast moving towards what we were in 80s. We have passed that phase.

You accept this fact or not that India is now being ruled by fanatics who act like bullies in the region. You close the routes of Nepal, you push Sri Lanka to the limits by supporting Tamil Tigers and you guys have paved the way for HW to get into power in BD.

Pakistan is the only country that is standing in front of you guys despite more than 7 times smaller than you in all respects.

So don't tell me about religion and stuff. Read your ministers statement and respond.
This is the point!
thats what i ben saying for two weeks, we have yet to see any sensible person from India. Look at this form and and Indian peers who chat here, you might think if they can type they are intellectual, zero IQ.

Is this guy serious? :o: he really is a "Defence Minister" i mean ok our guy do from time to time give nuke threats which kinda makes sense but this?
WELL, BJP hardcore Hinduz..
Sir. Why, if I may ask, is this so repulsive for you, if an Indian minister is invoking a mythological figure of a majority religion to describe to majority in India something?

Yet, the same is a norm in Pakistani poltical set up and the military! The mortar platoon shouting allah o akbar with every shell being fired! I think, that is an example of what is the bigger threat than one random politician.
We never claimed that our soldiers are some ''angles'' which can fly or turn invisible or have wings and use energy weapons this and that.
If some sane person ask you a sane question, you are meant to answer it in a sane way.
Not like this way. People will laugh at you.

We are, as you may be aware of, dealing with borderline sociopath and psychopaths in power in Pakistan for almost 70 years. I would describe the advent of the above as a reaction towards the same. One begets the other. No one is clean.

Pakistan too is fighting sociopath and psychopaths of Indian from past 70 years.
Starting from Nehru and ending at Mod, every one had its own colors.
Current leadership though has rainbow pattern, and it beat any leadership in South Asia in history and current time for his ''color full attitude''

Perhaps, like PDF here, sanity lost out to continued stupidity and hatred. Who is to blame? Indians alone? Are not Pakistanis equally responsible for bringging the conditions wherein for three decades Pakistan keeps giving nuclear threat and keeps fomenting trouble in Kashmir while at no point has it taken any steps to really help Kashmiris?

I believe Indians should be blamed most, as they are ignitor. They create issue then cry about spread of smoke. And Pakistan is giving Nuclear threats in response to Indian threats.
Don't forget, India has caused unforgivable damage to Pakistan, Pakistan has done nothing yet. And in 21st century alone, India has threatened Pakistan existence at least three times. It was Pakistan, who made India to settle down by giving nuclear threat in repose. Which served both nations well.

That is what the people want. Please go through posts of members from Pakistan here. Rapist hindus good for raping their women, cow urine drinker etc is a norm. What does that breed - love? Respect?

Why should India or Indians only be apologetic?

Trust me, irrespective of your readings of this clown, the clown has more guts than previous incumbents.

Will it be possible for Pakistan to absolve itself of any blame for the present crisis? I do not think so.

When a perfectly sane person acts insane it is borderline malingering. The only option to deal then, is to call the bluff. To call the bluff in nuclear scenario, you need to be crazy.

PDF members still are VERY respectful to Indians compared how Indian treat Pakistanis in their defense forums.
If you are member of them, you should know very well. No one here will abuse your family, your fore fathers and your faith. But in Indian defense forum, this is something you get in first clash.

That is what the people want. Please go through posts of members from Pakistan here. Rapist hindus good for raping their women, cow urine drinker etc is a norm. What does that breed - love? Respect?

Why should India or Indians only be apologetic?

Trust me, irrespective of your readings of this clown, the clown has more guts than previous incumbents.

Will it be possible for Pakistan to absolve itself of any blame for the present crisis? I do not think so.

When a perfectly sane person acts insane it is borderline malingering. The only option to deal then, is to call the bluff. To call the bluff in nuclear scenario, you need to be crazy.

I do consider him clown to be honest. When such a serious matter is in discussion, when entire World is watching and a claimed incident is yet to be proven by proof, if you give a funny non sense in answer under the cover of ''religious faith of 1 billion people'' then indeed people will laugh at you, even your own people.
DEHRADUN: In his first remarks after the cross Line of Control (LoC) anti-terror strike, defence minister Manohar Parrikar on Saturday compared Pakistan's condition to an "anesthetized patient" after a surgery and said like Hanuman Indian Army has recognized its prowess.

"Pakistan's condition after the surgical strikes is like that of an anesthetized patient after a surgery who doesn't know that the surgery has already been performed on him. Even two days after the surgical strikes, Pakistan has no idea what has happened," Parrikar said.

India loves peace and does not believe in unprovoked aggression but it won't take terror lying down, he said, adding that the strikes were also meant to give a message to Pakistan that Indian troops knew how to retaliate.

Comparing the Army to Hanuman, he made a reference to the Ramayana in which Hanuman crossed an ocean in a single stride after he was reminded about his extraordinary powers by Jamwant.

"Indian troops were like Hanuman who did not quite know their prowess before the surgical strikes," Parrikar said.

Congratulating the troops for the precision and efficacy of the strikes, the minister said he greeted all its members for their extraordinary feat.

"The surgical strikes gave our forces an idea of what they were capable of doing. Pakistan is bewildered following the strikes, not quite knowing how to react," Parrikar said in his first public reaction after the strikes.

"Indian troops caught Pakistan unawares as our commandos did what they had to without Pakistani authorities getting a wind of it," he said addressing a gathering at Peethsain in Pauri district.
The defence minister was addressing the gathering after unveiling a statue of noted freedom fighter from Uttarakhand Veer Chandra Singh Garhwali in his ancestral village Peethsain.

India carried out surgical strikes on seven terror launch pads across the LoC on the intervening night of September 28 and 29, inflicting "significant casualties" on terrorists preparing to infiltrate from Azad Kashmir.
Accompanied by Pauri MP and former chief minister Bhuvan Chandra Khanduri from Delhi, Parrikar was welcomed at Peethsain by senior party leader Satpal Maharaj, former CMs Bhagat Singh Koshiyari and Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank besides Pradesh BJP President Ajay Bhatt.

All party leaders showered praise on the Indian troops for their displaying extraordinary valour by carrying out the surgical strikes 3km into the LoC saying it taught a befitting lesson to Pakistan which had a track record of responding to India's friendly advances with a terrorist or military offensive.


At last, this explains why the Entire World cannot see the Sir G Kal strikes in Pakistan because *Hanuman* Indian Army was using *Vedic Technology* to condict Sir G Kal Strikes 3km into the LoC. Now thanks to the AWESOME explanation of Indian Defence Minister, the cat is out of the bag.
Yes India has Hanuman technology


thats what i ben saying for two weeks, we have yet to see any sensible person from India. Look at this form and and Indian peers who chat here, you might think if they can type they are intellectual, zero IQ.

Well, they talk all bullsh*t about being the largest democracy but when it comes to Kashmir, all this talk of democracy changes to Kashmir is our integral part aka "atoot ang" and we don't care what Kashmiris want, we will not hold plebiscite there no matter what blah blah. Then they start preaching democracy to others.
Well, they talk all bullsh*t about being the largest democracy but when it comes to Kashmir, all this talk of democracy changes to Kashmir is our integral part aka "atoot ang" and we don't care what Kashmiris want, we will not hold plebiscite there no matter what blah blah. Then they start preaching democracy to others.
Democracy is not the same as secession. Kashmir has legally acceded to India and a UN so-called-resolution is not binding upon sovereign nations.
Democracy is not the same as secession. Kashmir has legally acceded to India and a UN so-called-resolution is not binding upon sovereign nations.
Yes , Indian hypocrisy Junagarh vs Kashmir secession . In Kashmir one hindu Raja sold the whole majority population against there will to India.................................Then why the hell Indians play democracy drama.........Then UN resolution and Shimla accord....
Yes , Indian hypocrisy Junagarh vs Kashmir secession . In Kashmir one hindu Raja sold the whole majority population against there will to India.................................Then why the hell Indians play democracy drama.........Then UN resolution and Shimla accord....
We were able to "ENCOURAGE" the rulers of Junagarh and Hyderabad to go along with public opinion. Kashmiris had no opinion, because the valley is not J&K, and the state has very large Hindu and Non Sunni Moslem population, and this is proved by the fact that there were no agitations like in Junagarh or Hyderabad. How then do you say India went against popular opinion? And even if theoretically it did, thats because Pakistan was ineffective. Not India's fault.
We were able to "ENCOURAGE" the rulers of Junagarh and Hyderabad to go along with public opinion. Kashmiris had no opinion, because the valley is not J&K, and the state has very large Hindu and Non Sunni Moslem population, and this is proved by the fact that there were no agitations like in Junagarh or Hyderabad. How then do you say India went against popular opinion? And even if theoretically it did, thats because Pakistan was ineffective. Not India's fault.
Well , India did through Hyderabad massacre .

27,000 Massacred, the Bloody Price of ‘Liberation’: Hyderabad 1948
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