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In Kashmir, Pakistan Questions India’s ‘Surgical Strikes’ on Militants ( NewYork Times)

India is so isolated for her claim of surgical strike that in return creating a lot of doubt about uri attack being an insider job in order to divert world attention from atrocities in IOK.
Listen son, our Army chaps are professionals, not politicians like yours. when our DGMO says something, we believe him. The Indian Army, unlike yours, is not given to wheeling dealing.
Having faith in Armed forces is good but that faith should not be a blind..

Ask your DGMO why he backtract on AK-47..
why he Blame Pakistan within an hour of the attack..
where are the pics of the that 4 rebels?
how they came to infiltrate the base?
and why they attack only where there soldier were sleeping?
Hindus will survive, but Pakistan will be totally annihilated. The reason why pakistan failed to respond even after her integrity has been violated. Such fear !

If thats the intentions and thoughts out there then God help the world. Can we just for once come out of this war, destruction and annihilation thingi and concentrate more on the well being of our countrymen? Do U have any idea how much of resources had to be redirected to counter each other rather than building hospitals, clean water plants, give subsidies on essentials, invest more in education etc etc etc? Dude likes of You give me creeps and I always tend to lose hope of any peace in the region when I read such remarks may it be from any Indian or Pakistani. Plz re-read my post nwo with a cool mind and tell me if I am wrong. Plz just for once disregard "U did it first" notion and tell me what U got.
Having faith in Armed forces is good but that faith should not be a blind..

Ask your DGMO why he backtract on AK-47..
why he Blame Pakistan within an hour of the attack..
where are the pics of the that 4 rebels?
how they came to infiltrate the base?
and why they attack only where there soldier were sleeping?
If thats the intentions and thoughts out there then God help the world. Can we just for once come out of this war, destruction and annihilation thingi and concentrate more on the well being of our countrymen? Do U have any idea how much of resources had to be redirected to counter each other rather than building hospitals, clean water plants, give subsidies on essentials, invest more in education etc etc etc? Dude likes of You give me creeps and I always tend to lose hope of any peace in the region when I read such remarks may it be from any Indian or Pakistani. Plz re-read my post nwo with a cool mind and tell me if I am wrong. Plz just for once disregard "U did it first" notion and tell me what U got.
Why don't you also pose this question to your politicians, and especially your army whose bread and butter it is to build kingdoms out of constant tensions with India. Why is Pakistan so obsessed with Kashmir, knowing fully well that neither it, nor the Kashmiris have any power to force India to give up. It is common talk know that India is going to call Pakistan's nuclear bluff by escalating tensions on the border and by making incursions across LOC openly. Let us see if Pakistan has the craziness to invoke a nuclear conflict for border incursions.
Why don't you also pose this question to your politicians, and especially your army whose bread and butter it is to build kingdoms out of constant tensions with India. Why is Pakistan so obsessed with Kashmir, knowing fully well that neither it, nor the Kashmiris have any power to force India to give up. It is common talk know that India is going to call Pakistan's nuclear bluff by escalating tensions on the border and by making incursions across LOC openly. Let us see if Pakistan has the craziness to invoke a nuclear conflict for border incursions.
Don't change the topic.. Give he answer to my questions.

PA is has taken the media to the location where your army conducted so called Sir G Kal strike.
why IA is not allowing UN and International media to visit the LOC?

Kuch tou hai jis ke parda dari hai.
Correct that's why we see more youth joining army and armed forces from Kashmir keep dreaming
Its due to creating extreme unemployment condition. Plus its Indian govt tactic to use Kashmiri muslims against Kashmiri muslims.
Its due to creating extreme unemployment condition. Plus its Indian govt tactic to use Kashmiri muslims against Kashmiri muslims.

hahahaha accha ok ts its a tactics will pak be able to provide them jobs ?? last time i checked Pak was dealing with even more unemployment plus what do you even know about jobs bro in every goverment job in india their special quota for kasmiri students and applicants, hehehe stop blabring brother even their are they deploying kasmiries against kashmiries ryt:argh:
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