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Saarc done, all eyes now on BIMSTEC event

The world saw the surge of consumer products and India is blessed to have one of the biggest consumer market, so the effects of that should not be ignored. However, it is not 'wise' to even consider ignoring your neighbor for multitude of reasons

That said, every country chooses what is best for them, provided the ones with the choice are actually best for the country in the first place or not? :)

Nice try. India had one of the biggest consumer markets prior to 1990
Nice try. India had one of the biggest consumer markets prior to 1990
However, my reading of the matter is that the world burst into consumption post 90's owing to certain external manifestations such as increasingly easily accessible stores, displays and advertising. The same impacted internal manifestation of human behavior and willingness to spend on consumer goods. India being the world's largest consumer market was approached because of the available consumption potential as well as cheap (low cost) production potential. China boomed in the more or less similar era so China would beg to differ that it has got anything to do with one's relations with certain someone Pakistan :)

On a side note, Pakistan and India did gave heart attack to the world twice already post that era (Kargil and those muscle flexing stand-offs) so Pakistan was never out of it, ever! In fact, geographically we don't have that liberty to change neighbors! All we can do is continue involving with a hope for a better future. Though Pakistan has made it abundantly clear that the desire for dialogue should not be considered as OUR need alone and instead the necessity for the region.
Nepal, Bhutan: We do not share any border, nor do we have any dispute with them. So hardly makes any sense for them to boycott except the result of Indian bullying poor dependent neighbors
Bangladesh, Afghanistan: They are always going to be anti Pakistan block irrespective of the issue at hand, unless they get a government change and the masses are left to decide
India itself: :)

So, where Pakistan doesn't care in real, there it is also clear for the world to see what's going on! Pakistan however, will continue with diplomatic sobriety and pretend to be bothered by the annoyed neighbors in line with diplomatic norms :)
That is not called bullying. It is called solidarity that Bhutan and Nepal who are our friends have with us. We share historical and cultural ties with both the countries. You want to believe it is bullying so that it makes it easier to bear psychologically that 2 South Asian states who don't border you but recognize that you are a sponsor of terrorism in South Asia and hold us all back.

Bangladesh and Afghanistan are also tired of Pakistani meddling in their internal affairs.

Now, the message given to Pakistan is clear - South Asia does not want Pakistan, South Asia feels Pakistan is a sponsor of terrorism in our region, and that Pakistan holds us all back.
Problem is that Pakistan just can't be bullied like Bangladesh and Nepal! When it is Matter of Kashmiri people and state's integrity, Pakistan doesn't care about such dramas! India may stage such shows but Pakistan won't leave raising the human rights violations in Kashmir! 70 years have been passed .. 70 years more may pass ..
700 years more may also pass.
There were eyes on SAARC?

That is not called bullying. It is called solidarity that Bhutan and Nepal who are our friends have with us. We share historical and cultural ties with both the countries. You want to believe it is bullying so that it makes it easier to bear psychologically that 2 South Asian states who don't border you but recognize that you are a sponsor of terrorism in South Asia and hold us all back.

Bangladesh and Afghanistan are also tired of Pakistani meddling in their internal affairs.

Now, the message given to Pakistan is clear - South Asia does not want Pakistan, South Asia feels Pakistan is a sponsor of terrorism in our region, and that Pakistan holds us all back.

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CPEC has a long term investment pledge of 46 billion from China. This month BD going to sign 25 billion dollar direct project commitment from China on top of Business investment thats in the pipeline. India probably secured 100 billion from China.

China has increased it to 51 billion, Shanghai Electric have purchased Karachi Electric's 66% share of 1.6 Billion $ now Shanghai Stock exchange want to purchase 40% shares of Pakistan stock exchange, it clearly shows the economic and strategic importance of Pakistan. Iran and KSA are willing to join CPEC and also investing in Pakistan.

So take your irrelevant part of world wherever you want. :D
China has increased it to 51 billion, Shanghai Electric have purchased Karachi Electric's 66% share of 1.6 Billion $ now Shanghai Stock exchange want to purchase 40% shares of Pakistan stock exchange, it clearly shows the economic and strategic importance of Pakistan. Iran and KSA are willing to join CPEC and also investing in Pakistan.

So take your irrelevant part of world wherever you want. :D
To be honest, these should be worrying signs for you.
Your stock exchange and electric companies are strategic sectors. If you are allowing one country to buy these up...God help you if relations ever sour between Pakistan and China.
SAARC summit will go on in Islamabad and India will attend, BD and Afghistan will have to eat their words and follow their master too...that is my prediction after the humiliation India is receiving post Surgical Strikes. Post Surgical strike India will be a totally different country, having learned that fighting is not their forte so lets concentrate of business.
NEW DELHI: The Saarc summit was formally postponed after Nepal, the current chair, notified it on Sunday.

In a strongly-worded statement, the Nepalese foreign ministry said the regional environment was not conducive to enable a Saarc summit at this point and it would be postponed.

"To achieve peace and stability in the region, Saarc member states must, among others, ensure that their respective territories are not used by terrorists for cross-border terrorism," Nepal said. The statement added: "Nepal has always condemned all acts of terror in our own region.

Most recently, Nepal has condemned the attack on the Indian Army base in Uri, Kashmir on September 18, 2016, that resulted in the loss of life of Indian soldiers." The Nepalese statement, the last among the neighbours to issue one, formally puts the lid on the Saarc process for the present.

Soon, leaders from most Saarc countries will be in India for the BIMSTEC (The Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation) summit. The Centre is reportedly considering inviting the leaders of Maldives and Afghanistan (who are not BIMSTEC members) to the summit, and thereby hold a Saarc-minus-one meeting in India. It would be a signal to Pakistan that the neighbourhood is prepared to shame it for supporting terror, and it is not just an Indian whim.

This is not the first Saarc summit to be postponed. In 2005, Manmohan Singh refused to travel to Dhaka for the summit in February after Awami League leaders were killed. The summit was postponed to November of that year.

It should be remembered that Saarc was created as a neighbourhood platform to keep Indian power in check, and Pakistan used to hold much greater equity than India.

3 to 4 total terror incident happened in india during last 10 years. we suffered from indian backed terrorists more than any one in the region.
the world is already using the word of hindu taliban.
you cannot isolate pakistan until OIC and china is with it. until US is in afghanistan or britian pakistanis are there.

To be honest, these should be worrying signs for you.
Your stock exchange and electric companies are strategic sectors. If you are allowing one country to buy these up...God help you if relations ever sour between Pakistan and China.
why would they get sour. they don't have any terrorist PM.
If you lack the intelligence to enter a discussion, try avoiding it altogether next time.
so you know but you donot want to talk about something which everyone will think on when you talk about isolating pakistan.
people don't talk on face but inside their hearts they must be thinking. how bad these days are when a terrorist is trying to isolate someone diplomatically.
3 to 4 total terror incident happened in india during last 10 years. we suffered from indian backed terrorists more than any one in the region.
the world is already using the word of hindu taliban.
you cannot isolate pakistan until OIC and china is with it. until US is in afghanistan or britian pakistanis are there.

3-4??Which world are you live in?
However, my reading of the matter is that the world burst into consumption post 90's owing to certain external manifestations such as increasingly easily accessible stores, displays and advertising. The same impacted internal manifestation of human behavior and willingness to spend on consumer goods. India being the world's largest consumer market was approached because of the available consumption potential as well as cheap (low cost) production potential. China boomed in the more or less similar era so China would beg to differ that it has got anything to do with one's relations with certain someone Pakistan :)

On a side note, Pakistan and India did gave heart attack to the world twice already post that era (Kargil and those muscle flexing stand-offs) so Pakistan was never out of it, ever! In fact, geographically we don't have that liberty to change neighbors! All we can do is continue involving with a hope for a better future. Though Pakistan has made it abundantly clear that the desire for dialogue should not be considered as OUR need alone and instead the necessity for the region.

The most important thing is that Cold War ended in 1990

Having a large population means all the populous countries are doing well

Chinese boom started in the 1980s

India's IT boom and economic reforms started in 1990. It made no difference that Pakistan had a hostile relationship with India since then.

Indian Prime Ministers have extended olive branches only to be undermined by Pakistani army
From our BD perspective BIMSTEC makes much more sense. I think we should add Indonesia and Malaysia whom are also situated close to Bay of Bengal. We have bigger business relation with India, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia. We should make this group successful for development desired in this region. We will same time make BBIN and BCIM successful. And we shouldn't totally scrap SAARC. We can still play SAF games. We should wait till Indian west region stabilizes and our direct trade route to central Asia and beyond opens.
To be honest, these should be worrying signs for you.
Your stock exchange and electric companies are strategic sectors. If you are allowing one country to buy these up...God help you if relations ever sour between Pakistan and China.

they won't go sour ...
they were working their way towards servitude towards China
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