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  1. ZARAJ

    Top 10 List Of Most Corrupt Politician Leaders Of Pakistan

    HaHaHa... more dangerous than ttp:rofl: what have you been smoking man.
  2. ZARAJ

    China May Deliver 300 of Type 99 Main Battle Tank to Pakistan

    can we make some jf-17 for entirely army aviation. just asking. we dont have ant hellicopter manufacturing so just asking if we can do that.???
  3. ZARAJ

    Analysis: Pakistan's Interest in the Altay MBT

    I think it wil be much easier and cost effective to make 120mm ammo rather than changing the gun.
  4. ZARAJ

    India's patience exhausted, won't allow Pak investigators inside Pathankot airbase: Manohar Parrikar

    Indians crying and weeping cause their bollywood drama to false flag Pakistan has badly FAILED.:pakistan:
  5. ZARAJ

    A Brief History of The Warrior Rajputs

    I am a Toor Rajput and my grand father migrated from India
  6. ZARAJ

    Pakistani Intel's SIGINT, COMINT, ELINT, gone hi-tech hi-spec, global reach

    Well let me tell you the capabilities of super computer at NUST (National University of Science and Technology, Islamabad). The supercomputer installed in NUST was the fastest GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) based parallel computing system operating in any organisation/ academic institution in...
  7. ZARAJ

    I believe in reunification of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh: French writer Francois Gautier

    This will also happen one day but we may not be there to see the world change.
  8. ZARAJ

    I believe in reunification of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh: French writer Francois Gautier

    As a true blue patriotic Pakistani I can definitively and categorically say with a 100% certainty that Pakistan does not have one race, color, language or culture. But the only thing common between pakistanis is Islam. And being a true muslim it is my religious duity to be worry for the...
  9. ZARAJ

    Pakistan Space and Satellite Developments

    It will be launched by chinese launcher Because army generals wants to enjoy a higher post when they are retired.
  10. ZARAJ


    the moment terrorists in india unlock their weapon to fire a shot the MIGHTY Indian MEDIA knows from where the terrorists came, how they were trained, from where they got the funds what was their planning. It is pathetic the way indian media shows immaturity on these events. I saw a cli from zee...
  11. ZARAJ

    India threatens Srilanka not to buy Pakistan’s JF-17 otherwise its 400 million aid will be stopped.

    as usual india threatening its weak neighbors even in their internal matters. first blockade of nipal and now this. but they dont understand that thi damages their own image and takes these nations more away from india.
  12. ZARAJ

    India threatens Srilanka not to buy Pakistan’s JF-17 otherwise its 400 million aid will be stopped.

    The United States, over the period 1946-2012, has given India the largest amount of economic assistance, while providing Israelthe greatest quantity of military assistance over the same interval, according to data compiled by USAID.
  13. ZARAJ


    what the fu** is valid in this point. If a group of people is living freely on a piece of land without dividing it, it means any one can go there and capture the land and divide it and kill the native people just because they did not wanted to restrict each other,s freedom...
  14. ZARAJ

    PAF Chief flies the Typhoon

    I think jf block3 can compete the gripen to some extent and with jf-17 block2 and 3 we may have a chance with the rest of the indial AF but in presence of Su-30s only few block52+ f-16s would not be enough for them. Eurofighter is expensive but what other choice does pakistan have instead of j-10B.
  15. ZARAJ

    Pakistan to stick with RD-93 engine for JF-17, say PAF officials

    Currently with Block1 thrust is 84.6kN with after burner and with RD93MA it will be increases to 91.2kN and more power required for AESA radar in block3. Pakistan and china already has a deal for 100 RD93 which will be surely used for Block1 and Block2. My personal guess is that Block3 will...
  16. ZARAJ

    PAF Chief flies the Typhoon

    PAF should induct atleast two squadrons of these aircrafts to counter indian rafale cause right now PAF has nothing to counter these indian ACs and even for current pakistani f-16s, indian SU30s will be much difficult to handle even in one on one scenario and india has a lot of SU30s.
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