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India threatens Srilanka not to buy Pakistan’s JF-17 otherwise its 400 million aid will be stopped.

What do u mean out of India?:undecided: and why do I need to show performances? performances dont count, they are not circus dancers? and If you really need then you can just google.
and the other best fighters from around the world are dancers even the Russian ? Stop trolling please.
Oh look, JF-17 at SLAF HQ, in SLAF colours.

View attachment 285009 NEW DELHI: Diplomatic sources have revealed that Indian Government has threatened Sri Lanka not to buy fighter Jet JF-17 Thunder from Pakistan otherwsie its 400 million aid will be stopped, The Newstribe.com reported.

Sri Lanka is following the footsteps of India’s other neighbour, Myanmar. Myanmar bought JF 17 aircrafts from Pakistan shortly after India invaded its territory.

Sri Lanka is likely to buy JF-17 thunder from Pakistan but India has threatened her not to go for this move it will not be good in favor of India, Sri Lanka ties.

Sri Lankan Government is facing mounting pressure from its powerful neighbour India over a defence deal Sri Lanka is to enter into with Pakistan. According to highly placed sources in the diplomatic circles, India has expressed its strong opposition to a deal the SL Government entered into with the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) to purchase 10 JF-17 combat aircraft.

It is pertinent to mention here that Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is in Sri Lanka for 3 three days visit and they have already signed 8 different Memoranda of Understandings (MoUs) in various fields like Education, Trade, Technology and Science with host government.

Ceylon Today | Indo-SL tension over JF17 Pakistan deal

The Original article Fartbrain

Indo-SL tension over JF17 Pakistan deal

Sri Lankan Government is facing mounting pressure from its powerful neighbour India over a defence deal Sri Lanka is to enter into with Pakistan. According to highly placed sources in the diplomatic circles, India has expressed its strong opposition to a deal the SL Government entered into with the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) to purchase 10 JF-17 combat aircraft.

Ceylontoday, 2015-12-06 00:00:00
Read 10430 Times

Indo-SL tension over JF17 Pakistan deal

Sri Lankan Government is facing mounting pressure from its powerful neighbour India over a defence deal Sri Lanka is to enter into with Pakistan. According to highly placed sources in the diplomatic circles, India has expressed its strong opposition to a deal the SL Government entered into with the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) to purchase 10 JF-17 combat aircraft.

The deal was entered into apparently when former Air Force Commander Jayalath Weerakkody was serving as the Sri Lankan High Commissioner in Pakistan.
It is a lightweight, single-engine, multi-role combat aircraft developed jointly by the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) and the Chengdu Aircraft Corporation (CAC) of China. The JF-17 can be used for aerial reconnaissance, ground attack and aircraft interception. Its designation 'JF-17' by Pakistan is short for 'Joint Fighter-17'

The JF-17 was primarily developed to meet the PAF's requirement for an affordable, modern, multi-role combat aircraft as a replacement for its large fleet of Dassault Mirage III/5 fighters, Nanchang A-5 bombers, and Chengdu F-7 interceptors, with a cost of US$ 500 million, divided equally between China and Pakistan. The aircraft was also intended to have export potential as a cost-effective and competitive alternative to more expensive Western fighters. The development of this aircraft was headed by Yang Wei (aircraft designer), who is considered China's 'ace designer'. Wei also designed the Chengdu J-20.

By 1989, because of economic sanctions by the US, Pakistan had abandoned Project Sabre II, a design study involving US aircraft manufacturer Grumman and China, and had decided to redesign and upgrade the Chengdu F-7. In the same year, China and Grumman started a new design study to develop the Super 7, another redesigned Chengdu F-7. Grumman left the project when sanctions were placed on China following the political fallout from the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests. After Grumman left the Chengdu Super 7 project, the Fighter China project was launched in 1991. In 1995, Pakistan and China signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) for joint design and development of a new fighter and over the next few years worked out the project details. In June 1995, Mikoyan had joined the project to provide 'design support', this also involved the secondment of several engineers by CAC. (Source-Wikipedia)

According to sources, Indian National Security Adviser Ajit Doval had personally expressed India's concerns on the deal to President Maithripala Sirisena and Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe.
Doval who telephoned both President Sirisena and Prime Minister Wickremesinghe had told them outright that New Delhi is against the deal.

He warned that Sri Lanka will have to face serious repercussions if Sri Lanka was to seal the deal with Pakistan.
Sri Lanka on the other hand had offered to purchase three naval ships from India. This, however, was not favoured by India and New Delhi was firm on its stance.
To give in, Sri Lankan Defence Ministry had asked for 10 JF-17 aircraft or a similar craft. India came up with a counter deal where it offered a credit line to SL Government to purchase combat aircraft. The condition is that the government could buy the aircraft from any country other than Pakistan.

Pakistan, as things developed, renewed their offer by stating they would give 10 F-7 combat craft free, if we are going for an outright purchase. Pakistan also plans to announce the deal during Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Shariff's imminent visit to Colombo in January 2016.

However, India - Pakistan relationship will reach a breaking point with Sri Lanka's final decision on the aircraft deal.
Meanwhile, the government seems to have thought of maximizing this situation, as it indicated giving the nod to the Colombo Port City Project.

The EIA was finalized and the investor published the 1,000-page report. However, contrary to normal procedure of making the report available on line for the public to give their views and comments on the project, the Chinese investor had opted to a different path.
Accordingly, those who want to comment on the EIA report will have to buy the report and write their comments manually and hand it over again.

India which was completely against the China Port City project, meanwhile, has loosened its grip on the matter and said they have no issue if the government and the Chinese company agree to certain amendments including the land ownership.
However, this much reluctant approval comes with a condition of Sri Lanka dropping the aircraft deal with Pakistan.
Maldives to be blacklisted
The Commonwealth is mulling to suspend the Maldives from its membership over the escalating crisis situation and deteriorating democracy in the country.
The decision to ban the Maldives has been seriously considered at a closed door meeting held on the sides of the Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Malta.

The high level closed door meeting was convened and headed by the UK Prime Minister David Cameron and the suggestion was backed by Commonwealth superpowers including India.
The meeting was held in complete secrecy where no one was even allowed to serve any refreshments for the heads of governments.

Earlier, both Fiji and Pakistan faced suspensions twice. Sri Lanka vehemently opposed the suspension of Pakistan in 2007 but this time, it was learnt that President Maithripala Sirisena was left with no option, thus had nod to the decisions.
The reason behind this anti-Maldives policy of the West and the India alike erupted from the Maldives President's dictatorial administration and his pro-China policies.
CHOGM in November 2007 suspended Pakistan during President Pervez Musharraf's military regime which led to gradual ouster of Musharraf from office.

This was done in the hope of bringing democracy to Pakistan, and it seems Commonwealth heads are applying the same method to bring democracy to the Maldives.
Anura meets
business community
Leader of the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna, Anura Kumara Dissanyake, along with MP Sunil Handunnetti attended a forum organized by Sinhala business owners' group recently.

During the Question and Answer Session Dissanayake revealed quite a lot on his party's stance on certain issues.
When asked to reveal what his party thinks of the new Lands Bill proposed by Budget 2016 which would allow foreigners to own lands in the country, Dissanayake has noted that his party is completely against the Bill and also told the gathering that as far as he was aware, even President Sirisena is against such a Bill which would make farmers lose their lands.
When asked about his stance on the CEPA, Dissanayake said he is in possession of information that the two governments are planning to finalize the deal under a different name. He had vouched that the party would do anything and everything against such an agreement be it CEPA or comes with a different name.

Most important revelation came when one asked him as to what they would do with having the leadership of COPE, the Parliamentary corruption watchdog.
Dissanayake said the COPE would commence a fresh investigation on the Central Bank bond issue and the report will be made public even if the Ministers concerned were found guilty.
Why am I not surprised. India fallows a combative and extremely aggressive foreign policy. It sees Pakistan as an enemy and is trying to isolate us. Anyone who thinks it is not succeeding is lying to himself because now even Americans our traitorous allies are towing the Indian line. US has also become the largest seller of weapons to India and India is its largest weapons buyer-replacing even Saudi Arabia.
yea and that is why indian's are crying on PDF and this thread gone more than 40 posts and mostly are from indians lol :)
you cannot come out of your fear as a nation, without understanding what causing it in the first place ..


And where did you see indians crying because JF a threat to National Security !!:lol::lol::lol:

LoL Indians are having a Big Laugh here due to the usual Propaganda from pk Medias :lol:

Indians are scared of JF!!!:omghaha::omghaha: "" this shoud be in my Signature with a big smiley :rofl:
India threatening Sri Lanka, India blocking the goods to Nepal, India blaming Pakistan for anything and everything. I mean what exactly they want? No peace in the region?
Well stats dont lie, there is difference between aid & investment. ;)
The United States, over the period 1946-2012, has given India the largest amount of economic assistance, while providing Israelthe greatest quantity of military assistance over the same interval, according to data compiled by USAID.

urdu is not my strong point mate. I hope you can help with the translation. :sarcastic:
The United States, over the period 1946-2012, has given India the largest amount of economic assistance, while providing Israelthe greatest quantity of military assistance over the same interval, according to data compiled by USAID.
as usual india threatening its weak neighbors even in their internal matters. first blockade of nipal and now this. but they dont understand that thi damages their own image and takes these nations more away from india.
and the other best fighters from around the world are dancers even the Russian ? Stop trolling please.

You can check my record but I dont troll. If Pakistanis dont troll so much then Indian's wont. You guys started bulldozing Indians over a false allegation. Did SLAF gave such news, did SL news agencies report such. Nothing!, then why drag India unnecessarily over a report that was perpetually designed for Pakistani populace! And trust me if SLAF buys JF-17 then we will be the happiest people on earth :lol:

and for your consumption and everybody's, Indians never said China is putting pressure on SL to buy JF-17 from Pakistan, possible right? we can also spread false propaganda?

And for the dancers part, LCA will be performing for teh first time in Bahrin airshow. After that we can put an end to the international claim by some members. Otherwise it has enough under its wing.

EDIT- Read the Cylon times report.

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Well stats dont lie, there is difference between aid & investment. ;)

yea well do some research and u will find out if India is still getting aid from US or no?? and wasnt till 31st december 2015 India getting aid from uk???:)
This could be so true. Such concerns(incase here Indian) are not made public thats why news like these comes from the back door channels. Offer of Teja to SL Air force when the plane is even not combat ready and when SL is about to purchase JF17 talks volume. If Myammar and SL going for Pakistani planes than whom can India offer their product especially to the countries where they have direct influence ? Secondly it won't go along wit the India's projection of big brother of South Asia when her Pakistani counterparts edges against them in planes sale.

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