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India's patience exhausted, won't allow Pak investigators inside Pathankot airbase: Manohar Parrikar

See the perspective of my comment by reading your first comment..:tup:

Lol i asked you a simple Question and you replied that

eight years ago Muslims were also not kicked out of west cause they were Muslims..

so that means US and China is pressuring Pakistan because they are now kicking Muslims out.. and Pakistan is a Muslim country right?

So more 350 Million Muslims are living in India will India Pressure these 350 Million Muslims to??

You are not making any sense here try harder
That is an entirely inaccurate figure.

The Indian DM has said himself the time was almost half that.

Anyway, since when has "operation duration" been a metric of success in SOF missions? Mission success is defined by achieving the mission objectives, in this case the objectives were clear:

-Protect civlian life (thousands of family members were housed on the base)
-Secure strategic assets (the ultimate goal of the terrorists)
-Kill all terrorists

All three were acheived- the time taken to do so is rather irrelevent. In May 2011 did anyone care how long the Abbotobad mission took? The fact that the primary objective had been acheived(killing OBL) was what was the important factor and the main consideration.

Once the terrorists had been contained what was the rush in moving in to kill them? Indian CT doctrine is to try and wear down the enemy so as to capture them alive for intel purposes- where possible. Aside from the intial contact with the Garuds (which will always see the most casualties) and loss of life to a EOD tech no fatalities were suffered by the SFs (Garuds, PARA (SF) or NSG) and all the terrorists were killed.

So how is this a failed/pathetic op??

@Vauban sir, perhaps you can outline to our friend @F.O.X exactly what a mission objective is and what constitutes as military "success"

I 100% agree with you.

-Terrorists failed to achieve their objective.
-No damages were done to the strategic assets.
-The terrorists couldn't penetrate the heart of the base.
-All terrorists were neutralized by the Indian special forces.
-No terrorists were able to escape or to harm civilians.

Time doesn't really matter as the primary objective is to neutralize the threat and to protect the most important assets.
The problem is Pakistan isn't going to sit back and allow India to ascend unchallenged. In even a decade at current economc growth rates it is over for Pakistan- India's economy will be 15+ times larger than their's, in 15 years the Indian economy will be the 3rd largest on the planet. If you're a paranoid Pakistani these realities are going to give you sleepless nights- the gap is only increasing year after year and the risk to India in the next decade is only going to increase as a result.
Sleepless nights..Lol :rofl::rofl:...Such lame superior mentality..
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As I've said a few times, the final solution is nuking India

Do you want to first accept the 200 million Muslims from India into Pakistan before nuking India or will they be considered as a collateral damage?
Do you want to first accept the 200 million Muslims from India into Pakistan before nuking India or will they be considered as a collateral damage?
There are over a billion Muslims. 200 million is nothing
  • to have a meeting and discussion with the army and National Security Guard officials, who led the operations

The two points like discussion with army, NSG, families of IAF people etc goes far beyond the scope of investigation. If the cross questioning starts for NSG, it should be done by appropriate authorities as per Ops review and for army as per Army Enquiry committees. The SIT cannot have mandate over such bodies like Army and NSG.

Investigations to ops ppl from Army/NSG is not recommended.

Am I missing something or is the point of the Pakistani investigation meant to be about understanding who was behind this attack and taking evidence that will assist with prosecutions of Pakistanis inside Pakistan? As part of such investigations there is no need for the PAKISTANIS to be told HOW the operations were carried out and how the terrorists were eliminated. What buissness do the Pakistanis have in asking to speak to Special Operators? This is absurd and if it is the case then no wonder the Indian side is getting uptight.

I'm sorry but am I the only one that sees the lunacy of this? Pakistan is a state sponserer of terrorism and they are asking for state officals to have access to India's tip of the spear against their proxy war? What will such information be used for by the Pakistanis if not to refine the terrorist's modus operandi for the next attack?

No Pakistani offical should be allowed to meet any NSG or IA/IAF SF operator, I can't believe this is even open for discussion. Did the US allow members of Seal Team 6 to be questioned by the Pakistanis post-Abbotobad as part of their "investigations"?

@PARIKRAMA @Levina @mkb95 @Vauban @Spectre @MilSpec @danish_vij @anant_s
AFS has an area of about 25Km sq, which also includes family quarters and a school. The task of combing the area wasn't as easy as it looks from google earth.
25Km in perimeter, roughly 50 Km sq area if circle.
Am I missing something or is the point of the Pakistani investigation meant to be about understanding who was behind this attack and taking evidence that will assist with prosecutions of Pakistanis inside Pakistan? As part of such investigations there is no need for the PAKISTANIS to be told HOW the operations were carried out and how the terrorists were eliminated. What buissness do the Pakistanis have in asking to speak to Special Operators? This is absurd and if it is the case then no wonder the Indian side is getting uptight.

Actually one can view this as a trick of camouflaging intentions. The questioning of Special operators is technically not possible.. EVen NIA may not do it in full aspect as its a infringement of a body's own independent rights.

The details of ops in nitty gritty should be outside the scope of any investigations including NIA's. TBH one way to look into such actions does portray a pre determined mindset to show gaps leading to the attack. I dont rule out discussions and findings.. But operators should be out of the picture..

Especially bcz operators wordings or evidences given by operators may not be applicable to judicial court.. I am not a law expert but since there are no alive terrorists the investigations would be more of fact finding, circumstantial and forensics based on evidences collected in nature. Implying oral admissions if needed can be given only by authorized COs. In this case its beyond COs percolating too much within a structure which is incorrect.
No Pakistani offical should be allowed to meet any NSG or IA/IAF SF operator, I can't believe this is even open for discussion. Did the US allow members of Seal Team 6 to be questioned by the Pakistanis post-Abbotobad as part of their "investigations"?

@PARIKRAMA @Levina @mkb95 @Vauban @Spectre @MilSpec @danish_vij @anant_s

You are right we never got the chance to interview seal team 6 because their helicopter was blown up with an RPG by Taliban in Afghanistan

But hey don't be so bitter our PM loves Indian money and even received pink turban from your living God Modi.
You are right we never got the chance to interview seal team 6 because their helicopter was blown up with an RPG by Taliban in Afghanistan
Some Seal team 6 members were killed in that incident but neither was it the entire Seal team 6 nor was it every DEVGRU member who participated in the OBL mission. In fact 2 of those team members have publically revealed they were on the mission (Mark Owen and Rob O'neil) and one of them (O'neil) claims to be the person who killed OBL. There are plenty of interviews of both online.
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Am I missing something or is the point of the Pakistani investigation meant to be about understanding who was behind this attack and taking evidence that will assist with prosecutions of Pakistanis inside Pakistan? As part of such investigations there is no need for the PAKISTANIS to be told HOW the operations were carried out and how the terrorists were eliminated. What buissness do the Pakistanis have in asking to speak to Special Operators? This is absurd and if it is the case then no wonder the Indian side is getting uptight.

I'm sorry but am I the only one that sees the lunacy of this? Pakistan is a state sponserer of terrorism and they are asking for state officals to have access to India's tip of the spear against their proxy war? What will such information be used for by the Pakistanis if not to refine the terrorist's modus operandi for the next attack?

No Pakistani offical should be allowed to meet any NSG or IA/IAF SF operator, I can't believe this is even open for discussion. Did the US allow members of Seal Team 6 to be questioned by the Pakistanis post-Abbotobad as part of their "investigations"?

@PARIKRAMA @Levina @mkb95 @Vauban @Spectre @MilSpec @danish_vij @anant_s

Lets not forget the man who has given a green signal to Pakistan SIT in Pathankot- Doval.
Me thinks its a master move...
1) The most obvious reason- international community is given a feel that India is ready to go any extent to thaw its relations with Pakistan(not that its a necessity). This step would mount more pressure on Pakistan to act responsibly.
2) This is a risk- a big one at that. Its like asking a suspect to visit the crime scene, and observing him to see what leads and evidences disturb him. In short, it helps you gain more evidences. But as i said this is an extremely risky move.
I trust Doval on this.
so are they finally coming to India?
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2) This is a risk- a big one at that. Its like asking a suspect to visit the crime scene, and observing him to see what leads and evidences disturbs him. In short, it helps you gain more evidences. But as i said this is an extremely risky move.
If usual suspect havn't access to crime scene then how can they build case against the so called culprits, Guns, boots medicine can be procure from any where Since you are also living in UAE you can buy many Pakistani products and delivered it to India Simple.
May be the are afraid if they allow Pakistani investigators to inspect crime scenes and questions official many security laps come to light like 50 rupee gate entry and many other things.
Like Lakhvi's case Pakistani courts never granted access to cross examine Mumbai attacks victims and eye witnesses which resulted in Lakhvi's bail.

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