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Pakistani Intel's SIGINT, COMINT, ELINT, gone hi-tech hi-spec, global reach

Lawful Intercept Capability for Cell and WLL services (Voice only) was in place since 2010 by Govt. Mandate (Fully compliant by 2010 otherwise CMO;s were complaint in 2008). WiMax operators became compliant in 2013.

About the same time -- all International IPLC's and atleast one undersea landing station became compliant. The LDI industry provided the funds for Interception n monitoring of all inbound International Traffic. The system was to provided primarily the capability to monitor grey trafficking ( I have been privy to tier 1 reports which were purely for commercial monitoring) but could and is modified for other uses of other nature. The system is deep probe based.

The LL network has had LI capability a lot earlier. Right now work is in progress to bring Satellite comm. both data and voice into LI gambit. Both companies offering the service have been asked to do so asap.

Btw all LI platforms are installed in one LEA premises with limited access to another one only!
good one...... i dont see any SDR based capabilities in radio comms let alone mid tech manpacks - you are talking of huge leaps... just trying to keep people realistic.

A university was running a 132 TFLOPS system 4 years ago. Getting a single digit PFLOPS system for a sensitive organisation should not be out of the realm of possibility.
Recent developments of both internally developed and purchased systems have allowed the development of a domestic version of the NSA, GCHQ, massive capability to track all social media, smart phones, emails, encrypted messages, voice recognition, facial recognition algorithms.

Capacity for live, realtime communications, have led to adversaries to opt for "talks".


Tango Tango Papa are finding it almost impossible to communicate with their operatives and handlers and the state is happy to instill paranoa in both them and their handlers in the entity to the east, who' whole security aparatus has been compromised.

titbit of capability, a pilot flying in the south hundreds of km's away can be identified using his voice and style of speaking using advanced algorithms supplied by some friends.

Rafi Bhai, you just removed the cookie jar lid :D
I think we should use this new capability to track the Indian Posters on this forum. I bet most of them sit in the same building.
I have just a silly question. regarding pathankot attack, the telephone calls Indians are claiming to have been made to Pakistani numbers, they should also have been picked up by our intelligence?
All that is good and we're thankful for your insights on this topic, but you did not comment on your impression of the ISI when you worked with them. How do you think they fare when compared with other premier intelligence agencies? Roughly equal, below or above? Professionalism, work ethics, tradecraft, resourcefulness etc.

ISI folks are quite dedicated, while I cannot comment in detail on their Method, Ethics and Tradecraft (I am actually saying something when I comment on it) They are quite effective in their own way, and they would get their jobs done

Also, I don't know if it was just me or the whole ISI, seems to me most of the officer I met were graduate from overseas university. Depend on which field of intelligence you are talking about I would rate them on-par/slight behind the Agent from premier service I worked with. While they are quite resourceful with local knowledge, you would expect them to perform the task as with any agency. But at some point, they are seems lazy and directionaless

on the other hand, I don't think they trust us anymore than we trust them, but I guess this is a side effect for working with intelligence, you hardly trust anybody.
Obviously an insane amount of data has to be processed through supercomputers and humans can only look at the pieces flagged by it. We don't expect anything different from our intelligence agencies. You say that billions are required for this arrangement but I personally think it can be done on a much smaller budget than what the US spent. The reason being that cost of intelligent labor like Software Engineers etc in US is so much more than countries like China and Pakistan. Cost of building supercomputers would be a little less as well.

And considering the dire need of a capability like this Pakistan, I don't think spending $500-600 million or even a few billions is too much to ask for. We already spend tens of billions on defense every year. This wouldn't matter much.

And just for the record, the world fastest supercomputer, Tianhe-2 , cost around $390 million to build. Obviously no one in Pakistan would be looking to surpass that amount or speed.

there is a joke that NASA send 2 million dollars to develop a pen that will write in space with no gravitational force, Russian used a pencil
ISI folks are quite dedicated, while I cannot comment in detail on their Method, Ethics and Tradecraft (I am actually saying something when I comment on it) They are quite effective in their own way, and they would get their jobs done

Also, I don't know if it was just me or the whole ISI, seems to me most of the officer I met were graduate from overseas university. Depend on which field of intelligence you are talking about I would rate them on-par/slight behind the Agent from premier service I worked with. While they are quite resourceful with local knowledge, you would expect them to perform the task as with any agency. But at some point, they are seems lazy and directionaless

on the other hand, I don't think they trust us anymore than we trust them, but I guess this is a side effect for working with intelligence, you hardly trust anybody.
What would you like to say about Russia's current Intelligence Agency such as SVR and GRU and their capabilities compared with the formwr KGB ?
i dont think pakistan has a supercomputer or a system powerfull enough to filter through millions of users data. or has algorythms complex enough to recognise to look out for keywords. tech is there but its restricted and expensive.
Well let me tell you the capabilities of super computer at NUST (National University of Science and Technology, Islamabad). The supercomputer installed in NUST was the fastest GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) based parallel computing system operating in any organisation/ academic institution in Pakistan till date. The supercomputer can perform parallel computation at a peak speed of 132 Teraflops (132 Trillion Operations per second). It is equipped with multi-core processors and graphics co-processors with inter-processor communication speed of 40 Gbps. This is an educational Institute. Guess what will be there in ISI HQ. and this was in March 2012. It was upgraded after that.
I think this capability was decisively proven during a certain operation. :woot:

@Icarus @Irfan Baloch @DESERT FIGHTER @Bratva @MaarKhoor @Khafee @HRK @Slav Defence


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