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Pakistani Intel's SIGINT, COMINT, ELINT, gone hi-tech hi-spec, global reach

how within short span of 6 months, almost all the criminals are behind bars, some ran away to Dubai and England...some just committed suicide.

No one is screaming injustice, they got something on everyone, so be quite and wait your turn or you burn before Daddy return (I borrowed OPs writing style here for a moment)
No. There is no such thing as absolute intelligence. There are always ways and means to remain hidden till the strike. Terrorists have slipped through western intelligence net multiple times and wrecked havoc. Certainly our capability is lesser. Terrorists can and will adapt. We need to stay a step ahead. No need to kid ourselves with feel good assumptions.
Your name suits your comment...

some just committed suicide.

Is this the official ISI logo?
Nothing is official my dear...
'56 is so worried that he looks under the bed everynight and has is security look in his closet, he believes all compromised.
Even his tea is compromised.
Which one do you want me to comment? On the PAK Intelligence Front or On the Removing the Battery bits?

First of all, Pakistani Intelligence could not pull out something on the scale of what the NSA did in America (aka the "PRISM") While they can of course track people location and tap into landlines and cellphones, problem is how do you process those data?

There are 200 millions people in Pakistan, and while not everyone have a cell phone or use a cell phone and or land line all the time, you are still talking about hundred of thousand of hours of phone call, e-mail log, location to be processed everyday (That represent a 0.1% of all Pakistani talk on the phone for 1 hour a day). And on an average scale, it will take 6 hours for a team of 50 to sip thru 300 hours of phone call and then you have to also put in

What NSA do is that they will use a keystroke log and keyword search, which means all these phone call, e-mail, video message will be pass thru to a supercomputer and filter thru the system and then generate an automatic response. For which the supercomputer would have to perform Keyword Search, Voice Search and Facial Recognition on all the raw data and turn them into information, and then you pass it on to a team of dedicated intelligence officer and determine the value of the information.

For that to work, you will need a budget in the billions and advance equipment to do that, which not many country in the world can actually pull this off.

About phones, you can still track any phone for a limit period of time even after you remove the battery or the battery is dead. The same reason why your phone did not lose anything store in your RAM is because they have a small mercury battery powering the Phone CPU after you remove your battery or your battery is dead.

Another method not related to the battery is called "Passive Triangulation" which basically act as a locator of your signal even after your phone not transmitting any, but rather by nearby device try to actively ping your phone (like Wifi, Bluetooth or Infrared Port). Even if your phone is not responding people can still know your location if you carry a dead phone around simply by hacking into nearby active device.
Obviously an insane amount of data has to be processed through supercomputers and humans can only look at the pieces flagged by it. We don't expect anything different from our intelligence agencies. You say that billions are required for this arrangement but I personally think it can be done on a much smaller budget than what the US spent. The reason being that cost of intelligent labor like Software Engineers etc in US is so much more than countries like China and Pakistan. Cost of building supercomputers would be a little less as well.

And considering the dire need of a capability like this Pakistan, I don't think spending $500-600 million or even a few billions is too much to ask for. We already spend tens of billions on defense every year. This wouldn't matter much.

And just for the record, the world fastest supercomputer, Tianhe-2 , cost around $390 million to build. Obviously no one in Pakistan would be looking to surpass that amount or speed.
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are we talking about Pakistan ?????

and can i still chat to my gf ?? i mean they we are used to ? :D

The bad thing about the surveillance is that they know our **** history.

In the event I ever get questioned by ISI officers, they won't be able to keep a straight face.
We do have our own supercomputers, does the job quite well, we also have our friends to thank for that. :)

Using advanced algorithms, programs can go through thousands of camera's using facial regonition software to track suspects, same with telelphone calls, the system can find an individual caller going through hundreds of thousands of calls.

The beauty of the system is, it does most of the job for the analysts.
We do have our own supercomputers, does the job quite well, we also have our friends to thank for that. :)

Using advanced algorithms, programs can go through thousands of camera's using facial regonition software to track suspects, same with telelphone calls, the system can find an individual caller going through hundreds of thousands of calls.

The beauty of the system is, it does most of the job for the analysts.
I hope we're running supercomputers of speeds in PFLOPS.:enjoy:
BTW - Anyone have Idea which areas of Lahore and Islamabad are covered with motion sensors?

Is this the official ISI logo?

Which one do you want me to comment? On the PAK Intelligence Front or On the Removing the Battery bits?

First of all, Pakistani Intelligence could not pull out something on the scale of what the NSA did in America (aka the "PRISM") While they can of course track people location and tap into landlines and cellphones, problem is how do you process those data?

There are 200 millions people in Pakistan, and while not everyone have a cell phone or use a cell phone and or land line all the time, you are still talking about hundred of thousand of hours of phone call, e-mail log, location to be processed everyday (That represent a 0.1% of all Pakistani talk on the phone for 1 hour a day). And on an average scale, it will take 6 hours for a team of 50 to sip thru 300 hours of phone call and then you have to also put in

What NSA do is that they will use a keystroke log and keyword search, which means all these phone call, e-mail, video message will be pass thru to a supercomputer and filter thru the system and then generate an automatic response. For which the supercomputer would have to perform Keyword Search, Voice Search and Facial Recognition on all the raw data and turn them into information, and then you pass it on to a team of dedicated intelligence officer and determine the value of the information.

For that to work, you will need a budget in the billions and advance equipment to do that, which not many country in the world can actually pull this off.

About phones, you can still track any phone for a limit period of time even after you remove the battery or the battery is dead. The same reason why your phone did not lose anything store in your RAM is because they have a small mercury battery powering the Phone CPU after you remove your battery or your battery is dead.

Another method not related to the battery is called "Passive Triangulation" which basically act as a locator of your signal even after your phone not transmitting any, but rather by nearby device try to actively ping your phone (like Wifi, Bluetooth or Infrared Port). Even if your phone is not responding people can still know your location if you carry a dead phone around simply by hacking into nearby active device.
i dont think pakistan has a supercomputer or a system powerfull enough to filter through millions of users data. or has algorythms complex enough to recognise to look out for keywords. tech is there but its restricted and expensive.
i dont think pakistan has a supercomputer or a system powerfull enough to filter through millions of users data. or has algorythms complex enough to recognise to look out for keywords. tech is there but its restricted and expensive.
I think you're underestimating us mate. You might have noticed over the years that we're pretty resources full when it comes to matters of defense. If we can build strategic nukes, tactical nukes, cruise missiles etc, with or without outside help, then what are a few algorithms and supercomputers?Again, with or without outside help, whatever you prefer. :enjoy:

That would be classified. :)
Chuck ke rakho ustaad. :enjoy:
i dont think pakistan has a supercomputer or a system powerfull enough to filter through millions of users data. or has algorythms complex enough to recognise to look out for keywords. tech is there but its restricted and expensive.
Considering Pakistan is full of computer geniuses, world's first computer virus was created in Pakistan, plus abundant and cheap software engineer and mathematicians workforce in Pakistan, creating complex algorithms is no problem for Pakistan. As far as getting the hardware is concerned, I don't think Pakistan have any restriction on importing the hardware, putting them together could be a challenge, where Chinese expertise can come in handy.
China's Tianhe-2 Supercomputer is the World's Most Powerful - Fortune
I think you're underestimating us mate. You might have noticed over the years that we're pretty resources full when it comes to matters of defense. If we can build strategic nukes, tactical nukes, cruise missiles etc, with or without outside help, then what are a few algorithms and supercomputers?Again, with or without outside help, whatever you prefer.

Considering Pakistan is full of computer geniuses, world's first computer virus was created in Pakistan, plus abundant and cheap software engineer and mathematicians workforce in Pakistan, creating complex algorithms is no problem for Pakistan. As far as getting the hardware is concerned, I don't think Pakistan have any restriction on importing the hardware, putting them together could be a challenge, where Chinese expertise can come in handy.
China's Tianhe-2 Supercomputer is the World's Most Powerful - Fortune
i am aware pakistan does have weapons system that are good . pakistan does havea very youg population which would suggest that quiet alot of them are tech savy. but still china may have huge super computer but they huge amounts of power maintainance and not to mention they will be expensive. pakistan will source what they can from the usa and europe then go to china for what they cant get/find.
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