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  1. I

    Is this the real issue between India and Pakistan?

    We are jerks cause we hate Endia? Yet you Endians can not stop yourself from coming here and commenting your sawadeshi BS on a Pakistani forum? :) How cute! :)
  2. I

    Pakistan will Join BRICS: China, Russia , South africa and Brazil are agree

    Ofcourse, the internet and democracy, freedom of expression and speech. Are you seriously going to put your money on this argument? That you Endians only barge in when Endia is demeaned somehow? Are you sure? What if I show you cases otherwise? Would you then accept that you are simply obsessed...
  3. I

    Is this the real issue between India and Pakistan?

    I have pondered, that perhaps this is not an obsession, perhaps its government sponsored. Whatever it is, either you are an obsessed *** or a hired net warrior... in both cases.. what a miserable life you have! :)
  4. I

    Pakistan will Join BRICS: China, Russia , South africa and Brazil are agree

    You endians really dont have anything better to do? This is a Pakistani forum, where an article by Pakistani media about Pakistan joining so and so group has been shared, and you cant help getting your knickers twisted. Thus my use of the term obsession. And hey, we may not even be a member of...
  5. I

    Pakistan will Join BRICS: China, Russia , South africa and Brazil are agree

    Your comment says a lot about the mentality of endians, who cant seem to stop coming over.. :) Jeez.. thanks for showing your concern of what we fit into! Your obsession is much appreciated.
  6. I

    Is this the real issue between India and Pakistan?

    Yeh I know, pussies have no guts to confront! :) as far as wait is concerned *Yawning*
  7. I

    As India conducts strikes in Myanmar, Pakistan cautions against cross-border 'adventurism'

    Atleast our economy is not based on selling our women through bollywood or otherwise! :)
  8. I

    As India conducts strikes in Myanmar, Pakistan cautions against cross-border 'adventurism'

    No, not really! LoC violations by shelling villages alone. Our army / media has pointed out that RAW is behind some of the troubles we have in our FATA and Baluchistan region. Crying is what Indian government and Media gets into whenever anything happens in India. Thats out point, you wanna...
  9. I

    As India conducts strikes in Myanmar, Pakistan cautions against cross-border 'adventurism'

    Lets take it this way, you dont like the standard of posts over here... why dont you take your shinning indian *** out!?! :) Your obsession with Pakistan is flattering you know. lol.. are you that naive? do you think Pakistan is worried about Indians coming in and finding something? We are...
  10. I

    Is this the real issue between India and Pakistan?

    Couldnt really understand what you were trying to say in the first part though.. Please is what? :D We are busy taking RAW cronies shopping these days, then we have bonfires in our schedule with your consulates near our border. After that, we will see, whether its Kashmiris or Sikhs who ask us...
  11. I

    As India conducts strikes in Myanmar, Pakistan cautions against cross-border 'adventurism'

    People who get scared of a pegion shouldnt be talking about others, now should they? Pak government and establishment is only trying to educate the 56 Inch chest Modi, what happens when 100 or so nukes go off! and been hearing about your love for adventures for more than a decade now. you can...
  12. I

    Is this the real issue between India and Pakistan?

    No it doesnt, there not a single international law / charter that makes it your matter. Endia could have easily stopped the refugees from entering. But anyways, the only point we are trying to make is stop whining like a bitch when Pak replies back in kind! :)
  13. I

    Is this the real issue between India and Pakistan?

    I have a better idea.. why dont u take your well-fed, progressive, shinning indian *** and get out of a poor terrorism run Pakistan's forum.
  14. I

    As India conducts strikes in Myanmar, Pakistan cautions against cross-border 'adventurism'

    Really? my statement conveys hatred? what about the statement where we (pakistanis) were labelled terrorists? :) Nice try though.. :) and as far as modi is concerned.. you can make him your King, for all we care.. just stay at that side of the border.. or winter is coming.. :agree: Cheerios
  15. I

    Is this the real issue between India and Pakistan?

    We never had a state policy of terrorism, however, Indians did, both in Bangladesh with Mukti Bahani (as your PM accepted to gracefully) and Sri Lanka by supporting LTTE. And yes, we are equating liberation of Kashmir, Khalistan, Nagaland and countless other states within India with liberation...
  16. I

    Is this the real issue between India and Pakistan?

    A remote village in the tribal built, sentenced by a Jirga of sort!... While Delhi is your CAPITAL! and Worlds Rape Capital.. feel free to compare Delhi with a remote tribal village! :) Blah Blah Blah.. so you agree you have used proxies against other countries? :) thank you. As far as our...
  17. I

    Is this the real issue between India and Pakistan?

    Yup real peacefully!.. Peaceful rapes enough that the capital is declared to the Rape Capital of the World! Peaceful forceful conversions.. 60% population living or shitting under the sky... dozens of freedom movements going at the same time. Orchestrator of Gujrat massacre sitting at the helm...
  18. I

    Is this the real issue between India and Pakistan?

    Nay Hindu sub-continent was never at peace, rajas fighting between themselves, and when they werent fighting amongst themselves, they were slaughtering shudars and when they werent slaughtering shudars they were burning widows... It was the muslim conquerors who actually brought peace to this...
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