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Is this the real issue between India and Pakistan?

So now the terrorism in Pakistan is because of India...if you guys are conceding
1) Being Muslim does not bind West Pakistan anymore.
2) Pakistan is more homogeneous than India as a country still that is not good enough
....than Pakistan should not have been created on the first place.

Idea of Pakistan was a bad idea from the beginning and so it broke into two and will break into more parts if it does not reconcile to its place and what it has and BE HAPPY about it.

Another decade and Bangladesh will become many times better than you guys....it already is in many ways and have more intelligent leaders and its Army is where it belongs and does not run the country sucking its resources.

Just to remind you:-
1) Since independence, India has added more land masses ( Goa, Sikkim) even if it not large and Kashmir is still with India and InsahAllah whole Kashmir incuding Gilgit , Baltistan and Aksia Chin will be unified with India.
2) Arunachal Pradesh will continue to be part of India ..no matter what.
3) The problem in Kashmir is nothing ..absolutely nothing ..as compared to 1990's. Now US and other countries go by India lines on Kashmir. China will always be quiet on Kashmir...so do not have any dreams there..
You should check your own mental health. A tweet from an Indian is enough to unsettle the whole of Pakistan and go into war mode. I would say very unhealthy.

The biggest issue is the return of Azad Kashmir and GB back to India. Give us back...we won't even look at you.

You didn't say 'please'

And all this while your Establishment has been using its mercenary terrorists to wage a proxy war against India for the past three decades. Those 24 terror training camps in Azad Kashmir and an equal number of 'launch pads' for infiltrating them into India, stick out like a sore thumb that prevents any rapprochement with Pakistan.
Pakistan needs to stop playing the terror game. Blaming India for everything is what a loser would do.

India has been doing the same since longer! Modi's recent admission of your involvement in creation of Bangladesh is just an example. No, what really sticks out as a sore thumb is the 'Akhand Bharat' type dreams or the current, Indian supremacy / super power status type dreams which have kept Indians in a confronting state of mind since inception.
And frankly, we all know who is into the blame game, we have just started to name RAW, your media, your government, your people, have been putting every single mishap that happened, on ISI since decades, so tell me again, who is the loser?

Lastly, what I dont really get is, the **** you doing on a Pakistani forum?

So now the terrorism in Pakistan is because of India...if you guys are conceding
1) Being Muslim does not bind West Pakistan anymore.
2) Pakistan is more homogeneous than India as a country still that is not good enough
....than Pakistan should not have been created on the first place.

Idea of Pakistan was a bad idea from the beginning and so it broke into two and will break into more parts if it does not reconcile to its place and what it has and BE HAPPY about it.

Another decade and Bangladesh will become many times better than you guys....it already is in many ways and have more intelligent leaders and its Army is where it belongs and does not run the country sucking its resources.

Just to remind you:-
1) Since independence, India has added more land masses ( Goa, Sikkim) even if it not large and Kashmir is still with India and InsahAllah whole Kashmir incuding Gilgit , Baltistan and Aksia Chin will be unified with India.
2) Arunachal Pradesh will continue to be part of India ..no matter what.
3) The problem in Kashmir is nothing ..absolutely nothing ..as compared to 1990's. Now US and other countries go by India lines on Kashmir. China will always be quiet on Kashmir...so do not have any dreams there..

This is thick.. look let me put it in simple words, in case u get lost again.
Partition happened some 7 decades ago, we didn't want to live with your kind then, we still dont. Period.
Your certificate of approval of creation of Pakistan is hardly required over here. :)

Oh and we have reconciled to our place, that is separate from India, with Kashmir as our territory. Its you who are still dreaming about a place for your country which will never materialize.

Lastly, if your country is so progressive (hardly being the case) and you are so happy over there (shitting in open) what sort of twisted satisfaction you get from Pakistani forum that you cant stay away from it? :D
There was a Muslim controlled sub continent at one point and it was relatively peaceful and produced Taj Mahal.

But Modi along with a billion of Modi's little minions will make sure that will never happen again.

What would Ghandi have done if he was leading India now?

India was so peaceful as Muslim nation until Hindus invaded in 8th century. And now Hindu invaders have taken over the land and gone is the peace.
India was so peaceful as Muslim nation until Hindus invaded in 8th century. And now Hindu invaders have taken over the land and gone is the peace.
Nay Hindu sub-continent was never at peace, rajas fighting between themselves, and when they werent fighting amongst themselves, they were slaughtering shudars and when they werent slaughtering shudars they were burning widows... It was the muslim conquerors who actually brought peace to this land and some sanity in the barbaric hindu way of living! :)
Nay Hindu sub-continent was never at peace, rajas fighting between themselves, and when they werent fighting amongst themselves, they were slaughtering shudars and when they werent slaughtering shudars they were burning widows... It was the muslim conquerors who actually brought peace to this land and some sanity in the barbaric hindu way of living! :)

....It was the muslim conquerors who actually brought peace to this land and some sanity in the barbaric hindu way of living! :)
Brought peace by peacefully destroying temples and peacefully violating women. What is happening now? Karma strikes back....with interest. ;)
And yeah..the "barbaric" hindus are living peacefully whereas the peaceful people are...well....you know that.
- India has the largest number of poor people in the world

we have the second largest population in the world, its only natural that india hosts the most poor of the world..a decade ago it was your all weather friend that occupied this rank. while trying to prove your point you forgot abt the gdp growth that India is experiencing.. acc. to estimates every year 1% of the indian population is moving out of poverty in to neo-middle class group.. wait a decade you will see India reducing its poverty to a great extent.

- India has more fault lines than any other country in the world: Sikhs, Kashmiris, Maoists, Dalits, Muslims, Christians and so on and on

mere bhai, let me tell you, on theoritical terms India has to be already disintegrated by now, due to its vast differences among people diversified cultures, a hell lot of languages and the dialects among these languages... u people have no idea how diversified India is.. no matter how much u try u can never divide us.. this diversity has become the back bone of India... In 2004 when UPA won the elections India got a sikh PM, from a party that is headed by a catholic christian and he was sworn in by a muslim president.. while 80% of the nation was hindu.. and no one complained.. do u really think u can break this unity ?? if so, ATB

There are so many people with grievances against each other that it would only take 1/100th of the 500 million dollars (that India has dedicated for terrorism in Pakistan for fiscal year 2015/16) to spread chaos there.

Are you for real ?? do you even know how many zeroes does 500 million dollar contains ?? one of your politicians brought these numbers from his backwards and you people are going gaga over it.. a 1/100th part of that amount would be more than enough to cause havoc in your country and ride it to chaos..
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we have the second largest population in the world, its only natural that india hosts the most poor of the world..a decade ago it was your all weather friend that occupied this rank. while trying to prove your point you gorgot abt the gdp growth that India is experiencing.. acc. to estimates every year 1% of the indian population is moving out of poverty in to neo-middle class group.. wait a decade you will see India reducing its poverty to a great extent.

mere bhai, let me tell you, on theoritical terms India has to be already disintegrated by now, due to its vast differences among people diversified cultures, a hell lot of languages and the dialects among these languages... u people have no idea how diversified India is.. no matter how much u try u can never divide us.. this diversity has become the back bone of India... In 2004 when UPA won the elections India got a sikh PM, from a party that is headed by a catholic christian and he was sworn in by a muslim president.. while 80% of the nation was hindu.. and no one complained.. do u really think u can break this unity ?? if so, ATB

Are you for real ?? do you even know how many zeroes does 500 million dollar contains ?? one of your politicians brought these numbers from his backwards and you people are going gaga over it.. a 1/100th part of that amount would be more than enough to cause havoc in your country and ride it to chaos..

You think you can make them look through your lens? Even if they know you are right they will deny it straight on face. They are Pakistanis. We don't need to give them explanation of everything. Just enjoy their stupidity :)
Think about it.

Despite being the worst (Indian sponsored) terrorism hit country in the region or perhaps the world, Pakistan is still growing economically (GDP 4.5% this year?). And still a better country to live in than India if you think about sanitation alone.

didn't you guys receive massive amounts of aid from U.S and not to forget the Saudi investments that are made in your country.. a so called freindly country has given a hefty amount as GIFT and helped you from going bankrupt.. these investments helped your economy stay afloat ..

Sri Lanka has shown us how they defeated Indian terrorism and took off economically. Same will happen here as well, IA. We fight our fights till the very last Indian sponsored terrorist is sent to hell.

lol, the very reason SL eliminated LTTE is bcz we stopped supporting them, we even sent Indian forces to SL to fight against LTTE.. if we continued our support to LTTE, SL couldnt have done a zilch against LTTE militants and ealam flags would be flying high all over the island...

India helping herself internally and leave us alone will be a great help to Pakistan

why don't you ask your armed forces and ISI not to meddle in Indian affairs ?? Stop harbouring terrorists in your land and handover hafeez saeed and dawood ibrahim..

You think you can make them look through your lens? Even if they know you are right they will deny it straight on face. They are Pakistanis. We don't need to give them explanation of everything. Just enjoy their stupidity :)

I gave up on them long time back bro.. ab khali huin, time pass nahi hora.. isi liye I tried to give a detailed response..
we have the second largest population in the world, its only natural that india hosts the most poor of the world..a decade ago it was your all weather friend that occupied this rank. while trying to prove your point you gorgot abt the gdp growth that India is experiencing.. acc. to estimates every year 1% of the indian population is moving out of poverty in to neo-middle class group.. wait a decade you will see India reducing its poverty to a great extent.

mere bhai, let me tell you, on theoritical terms India has to be already disintegrated by now, due to its vast differences among people diversified cultures, a hell lot of languages and the dialects among these languages... u people have no idea how diversified India is.. no matter how much u try u can never divide us.. this diversity has become the back bone of India... In 2004 when UPA won the elections India got a sikh PM, from a party that is headed by a catholic christian and he was sworn in by a muslim president.. while 80% of the nation was hindu.. and no one complained.. do u really think u can break this unity ?? if so, ATB

Are you for real ?? do you even know how many zeroes does 500 million dollar contains ?? one of your politicians brought these numbers from his backwards and you people are going gaga over it.. a 1/100th part of that amount would be more than enough to cause havoc in your country and ride it to chaos..
great post mademy day thanks bro

You think you can make them look through your lens? Even if they know you are right they will deny it straight on face. They are Pakistanis. We don't need to give them explanation of everything. Just enjoy their stupidity :)
There was a Muslim controlled sub continent at one point and it was relatively peaceful and produced Taj Mahal.

lol taj mahal :lol::lol: why no reference to the destruction of nalanda and taxilla ?? a million temples were destroyed and a million hindus and sikh gurus were slaughtered for the muslim rule to be in power..

But Modi along with a billion of Modi's little minions will make sure that will never happen again.

What would Ghandi have done if he was leading India now?

India is the land of dharma, we will ensure that it remains same for time eternal..

gandhi was stupid.. he offered jinnah to be the P.M of united India with all the ministries heading by muslims.... he thought that his naivety would change the sub-continent for good and he was proven worng..
Brought peace by peacefully destroying temples and peacefully violating women. What is happening now? Karma strikes back....with interest. ;)
And yeah..the "barbaric" hindus are living peacefully whereas the peaceful people are...well....you know that.
Yup real peacefully!.. Peaceful rapes enough that the capital is declared to the Rape Capital of the World! Peaceful forceful conversions.. 60% population living or shitting under the sky... dozens of freedom movements going at the same time. Orchestrator of Gujrat massacre sitting at the helm of affairs.. Army personnel found involved in bombing trains.. Yup.. real peaceful!..
You believe in the dream your leaders / media and bollywood has created to blind the rest.. we dont.. :)

lol, the very reason SL eliminated LTTE is bcz we stopped supporting them, we even sent Indian forces to SL to fight against LTTE.. if we continued our support to LTTE, SL couldnt have done a zilch against LTTE militants and ealam flags would be flying high all over the island...

why don't you ask your armed forces and ISI not to meddle in Indian affairs ?? Stop harbouring terrorists in your land and handover hafeez saeed and dawood ibrahim..

I gave up on them long time back bro.. ab khali huin, time pass nahi hora.. isi liye I tried to give a detailed response..

Great!, in one line you thump your chest of how your supported LTTE couldnt be defeated and in the next lecture us to stop harboring (alleged) terrorists.. talk about being confused...
Oh and dont worry, once these western folk have evacuated from Afghanistan, the first of the order is to have some bonfire with the RAW cronies sitting in those consulates along our border! Next is to give you a detailed lesson of how karma actually works.. remember 90s.. they are coming back! :)

You don't say 'please', when you take back what is yours.

Well we aint giving it back untill you say please the right way! :disagree:
gandhi was stupid.. he offered jinnah to be the P.M of united India with all the ministries heading by muslims.... he thought that his naivety would change the sub-continent for good and he was proven worng..
thats the main reson for sudden pakistanies love for ghandi specially after modi coming to power as he (NaMo) is a self confessed "nationalist" who is also a"hindu" unlike those ex indian PMs (congressies) who would have gone any lenth to appease pakistan so to get support of minority vote bank which they eventualli failed as indian muslim is much more nationalist and smarter than most pakistanies could ever imagine (sure with a few nut jobs)
Peaceful? While Taj Mahal was being constructed, Mughal armies were rampaging in Golconda, Deccan and Gujarat while fighting rebellion in Punjab and KP. The sub continent was not Muslim controlled anyway. South of Deccan were Hindu kingdoms, as were in Assam, NE, Nepal, and Dharmic ones in Myanmar, Ceylon(Sri Lanka) etc.

And yes, we won't let a repeat of Islamic rule in what remains of India anymore. Lessons have been learnt. Perhaps if your dearest mosques were torn down one by one and temples/gurdwaras created in their place you would know. I can leave other atrocities aside. But never mind. The past is past, but lessons are learnt.

Gandhi would have killed himself. He did call Muslims as bullies and Hindus as cowards(his words not mine) but even he would have been heartbroken to see that more Muslims kill Muslims today.

Arre sir, it was peaceful for the Muslims, who cares about the rest?

They just want to blame everything on Hindus and Modi when the biggest defeat they faced - '71, Modi was nowhere. He*k, he wasn't even a CM when Kargil happened.

Nay Hindu sub-continent was never at peace, rajas fighting between themselves, and when they werent fighting amongst themselves, they were slaughtering shudars and when they werent slaughtering shudars they were burning widows... It was the muslim conquerors who actually brought peace to this land and some sanity in the barbaric hindu way of living! :)

Ahh.. don't worry Pak will have 'peace' too, whether as one or many, time will tell. :pakistan:
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