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Pakistan will Join BRICS: China, Russia , South africa and Brazil are agree

I have said this on this forum before and I will say it again. This is the internet. Not your house. All your comments are here for public viewing. If you choose to badmouth India on this place, we are bound to respond. Just read comment# 3 on this thread. One of your compatriots is getting so excited over a hoax and dragging India into the discussion. We chimed in.

Ofcourse, the internet and democracy, freedom of expression and speech. Are you seriously going to put your money on this argument? That you Endians only barge in when Endia is demeaned somehow? Are you sure? What if I show you cases otherwise? Would you then accept that you are simply obsessed with Pakistan? Anyhow, you feel like chim(p)ing in, be our guest. But this obsession is really very flattering, you know.

However, having said that, what I most curious about, is whether this is some kind of outreach type program, controlled from some place or you people really don't have anything better to do? :)
Maybe in a decade, Pakistani media should not be so trigger happy and needs to fact check. News like this when proven false only serves to make a mockery out of Pakistan by our ever ready neighbors.
Ofcourse, the internet and democracy, freedom of expression and speech. Are you seriously going to put your money on this argument? That you Endians only barge in when Endia is demeaned somehow? Are you sure? What if I show you cases otherwise? Would you then accept that you are simply obsessed with Pakistan?
What if I show you you started it first? Maybe we will have to dig the entire archives of PDF to find out if it was an Indian or Pukistani who fired the first shot?

However, having said that, what I most curious about, is whether this is some kind of outreach type program, controlled from some place or you people really don't have anything better to do? :)

Ask that to the ones that run this site. They are your compatriots, aren't they?
That's good news, but I will be happy when Pakistan become full member of BRICS.
Looks like Pakistan has to wait for their BRICKS invitation, as the logistics team is facing a small glitch. :rofl:

So you should also remember the time when musharaf sell Pakistanis on 5000$.You also remember when musharaf went to India and declared Kashmiri freedom fighters a Terrorists and tells india to kill them if they enter in IOK.PM Nawaz sharif has a big role In establishing good relations with russia too,He started to talk to russia in 90s.If u don't know plz do some research.

lol .. nalaik league.. not sure how u conclud im a MuSH supporter because im not.. PM has a big role .. probably a cream role....the russia after boris yeltsin was an altogether different country with major changes in the power structure. It revisited its policy towards Pakistan and took the step.. Nawaz or Musharaf had no contribution in this whatsoever other than greeting them like obedient kids.
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That's good news, but I will be happy when Pakistan become full member of BRICS.

BRICS is an emerging power house, except South Africa(A representation from Africa) all other countries are major economic block and large landmass with great potential to become super powers in coming decade.Lot of countries are more eligible than pakistan like turkey,indonesia,south korea etc which are economically much more powerful than pakistan.
Indians have started crying like they always do.
Pakistan does not want to be part of BRICS because if it does become a member they will have to rename BRICS to PRICS and who wants to be a prick
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Hahaha India is getting more isolated. All the others agree on our BRICS partnership. Now if india disagrees which it will when we will formally apply then its image within BRICS will also fall.:cheesy:

Well played Pakistan.
You've screwed up SAARC. Now you guys want to do the same to BRICS too? You won't be allowed to do that! No way! :no: You need to stay out!

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