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Pakistan will Join BRICS: China, Russia , South africa and Brazil are agree

BRICS are the emerging nation just behind developed nations. Pakistan does not qualify for that. But like china wants to be a part of SARC, Pakistan can aspire to be a member of BRICS though it does not fit into the criterion.

If thats the reason and India Considers herself "Just Behind" United states in development meters then Lanat ho BRICS pe.
Pakistan is growing economically so BRICS nations has decided to give pakistan it's membership: pakistan media

Hahaha India is getting more isolated. All the others agree on our BRICS partnership. Now if india disagrees which it will when we will formally apply then its image within BRICS will also fall.:cheesy:

Well played Pakistan.

You are living in fool's paradise.
With 3rd class foreign policy Pakistan can achieve nothing.
Pakistan did not decline that. Have u seen any official of ours commenting on that? Yr media isnt credible. Yr own ISRO official rubbished that assumption. And we did participated in meeting on 22 june on that. We offered assistance as we want things which can benefit us as well and help grow our own knowledge base. Thats why we want stake in the project or else i dont think acquiring gifts is our priority. If there is nothing in it then there is no reason for wasting time.

Regarding yr first paragraph, read post#33. I have explained it in detail. Remember that what u offer to the world is just temporary economic benefits by first guarding yr own domestic industry and market. But what we offer to these countries will last forever ie security, routes for trade, natural resources etc etc

Hence our importance in their eyes was always very high. Do u know in times of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Russia even build lots of infrastructure to have a better influence in our country. since Mr Bhutto was communist himself. In his tenure the relations with China also reached new high at the time. The reason for Russia was at that time were that it knew abt what Superpowers want from Pakistan and if there is only country which can neutralize USSR is us. Because of our influence within the Muslim World in Central Asia which was and still is Muslim area. Back then even Tajikistan was part of USSR, they were almost our neighbor. Hence they grabbed the opportunity with both hands.

India was never their priority from beginning it was because of our own attitude in the beginning that they had to improve their relations militarily with u in order to scare us or force us to proceed with them. And also the fact that at the time u had great statesmen in the shape of Abdul Kalam Azad, Nehru, Patel etc who could see b/w back and white and u grabbed the opportunity and respond to them.

Now fast forward things have changed again, And we have also learnt a few lessons as well from our history. BTW we Pakistanis r fast learners and we adapt quickly u might have observed that yrself in some point in yr life as well.

Hence now if i take things in prospective of what i wrote in post#33 and post#9......We had been building our relations within Asiatic and regional countries since past decade and while we were building we have found a few like minded countries within the domain of Asia which also share our vision of regional and Asia to Asia co-operation ie Russia-China and Iran. Hence why we had applied for SCO years ago. And if we do get into BRICS etc that vision of ours along with these few counties will just find more practical form then only being a vision as of now.

Contrary to yr indian propagandas and believes we do care abt our own country the most and we are no American stooge or any jelly state. We know how to play in IR.

CPEC was a long dreamt project of China to make influence in the region through Gwadhar but Pakistan was always hesitant to approve this beat through Civilian Government or Army backed government, Pakistan now has felt desperate need of the such project and investment as UTS shift of focus immediately after UBL assassination and IRAN nuclear project. You might have got friends now due to regional situation and their own ambitions but still except China no one is like minded. I am not going to touch those historic lines when US warned you not to use their weapons against INDIA during war in spite of treaty of 1959 between the both countries etc. As far as temporary business solution or market is concerned I guess we have more mobile phone users or perhaps equivalent to your population and a country who uses China stuff then any other country, the business is of $60 billion dollar annualy. Forget Greece, China is on a verge of crisis (Do spend reading about hat too). Whatever is invested in CPEC, a major chunk is earned from Indian market. We have been promising market or skilled labour supplier to the world, IT, BPO, LPO, Scenince, Physics.. you name it and we have offered it.

To sum it up you initial comment which initiated this debate. I whole heartedly agree Pakistan is doing good and hope they do Good in future too. But correct your mis-conception about INDIA. If we are propagandist then your are too...
@Sunan Nawaz sharif trying to establish good relations with russia???? lol Russia-Pak relations got restored in Musharraf days around 2006 and it was Russia that reactivated them. Nawaz was sitting in Jeddah those days and completely out of the picture.. I dont claim to know everything but when sheer absurdity is flaunted around by nooras for pind-public consumption the rebuttal needs to come hard for an ultimate e-chihtrol.
So you should also remember the time when musharaf sell Pakistanis on 5000$.You also remember when musharaf went to India and declared Kashmiri freedom fighters a Terrorists and tells india to kill them if they enter in IOK.PM Nawaz sharif has a big role In establishing good relations with russia too,He started to talk to russia in 90s.If u don't know plz do some research.
You are living in fool's paradise.
With 3rd class foreign policy Pakistan can achieve nothing.
Its not 3rd class anymore.....I would rather classify it as 2nd class now. contrary to what u think, we did have learnt a few lessons.
CPEC was a long dreamt project of China to make influence in the region through Gwadhar but Pakistan was always hesitant to approve this beat through Civilian Government or Army backed government, Pakistan now has felt desperate need of the such project and investment as UTS shift of focus immediately after UBL assassination and IRAN nuclear project. You might have got friends now due to regional situation and their own ambitions but still except China no one is like minded. I am not going to touch those historic lines when US warned you not to use their weapons against INDIA during war in spite of treaty of 1959 between the both countries etc. As far as temporary business solution or market is concerned I guess we have more mobile phone users or perhaps equivalent to your population and a country who uses China stuff then any other country, the business is of $60 billion dollar annualy. Forget Greece, China is on a verge of crisis (Do spend reading about hat too). Whatever is invested in CPEC, a major chunk is earned from Indian market. We have been promising market or skilled labour supplier to the world, IT, BPO, LPO, Scenince, Physics.. you name it and we have offered it.

To sum it up you initial comment which initiated this debate. I whole heartedly agree Pakistan is doing good and hope they do Good in future too. But correct your mis-conception about INDIA. If we are propagandist then your are too...
there is no much thing as gwadhar its gwadar/gawadar.

US or whatever or any treaty of 1959 in cold war era is long gone son. Yr living in the past......It was one of the initial mistakes we did by siding with non regional powers, because we didnt had visionary leaders.

CPEC etc do u know whose idea was it? It was Mushy's idea and he was floating this with Chinese leadership since early 2000s. There is an interview of his with a local channel in which he talked abt detail of this project, how and what he told chinese leaders abt its benefits. He said building port of Gwardar and KKH was first step to eventually to this way in long run and even beyond. So there goes yr bolded part's assumptions. Mushy has always been a very ambitious person all this life thats how he is.

I always believe there are no friends or enemies in IR, what is there national interests. China, Russia, Iran has their national interests with us and so do we and also in regards to their national interests they share the same vision to Asia to Asia contacts and common growth as well as join security concerns and the ways to solve are also common. Hence they are our like minded nations in the goals they wish to achieve.

CPEC or no its not really big thing in more broader spectrum. However we have done good thing that we have made these countries as well a strong holder in this grand project. Now that IP gas will run through pakistan into China under this umbrella of CPEC not only that that gas pipeline will be build by Russia in Pakistan thats their stake. Also Russia has shown interest in being part of the actual CPEC they wish to use the Chinese transit ruotes to be able to reach gwadar and take their goods from there through Pakistan-China into Russian heart land. U will see some progress in this in a few years when this will be completed.

We are making everyone a sake holder in this project........This will neutralize yr actions against this project and in SCO or BRICS where these countries Russia and China r part of will effect yr image and sincerity in their eyes.:azn:

U guys it seems r still living in some RSS or Modi bravado and have little idea of how much yr regional being isolated.
It's a cultural thing sir, in India it is believed that when something or someone is very beautiful there are chances of "buri nazar". Now to prevent someone from buri nazar a black spot is made on his/her face. BRICS has become beautiful and needs it's black spot too. So India will support Pak entry. :p: Just kidding.

whowa, BRICS already has a black spot !!
so now we can join in and safe from bad Nazar

just kidding
BRICS meeting is in progress....sorry to say that I did not find Pakistan...too bad :(

Dil ke tukde tukde :hitwall:
there is no much thing as gwadhar its gwadar/gawadar.

US or whatever or any treaty of 1959 in cold war era is long gone son. Yr living in the past......It was one of the initial mistakes we did by siding with non regional powers, because we didnt had visionary leaders.

CPEC etc do u know whose idea was it? It was Mushy's idea and he was floating this with Chinese leadership since early 2000s. There is an interview of his with a local channel in which he talked abt detail of this project, how and what he told chinese leaders abt its benefits. He said building port of Gwardar and KKH was first step to eventually to this way in long run and even beyond. So there goes yr bolded part's assumptions. Mushy has always been a very ambitious person all this life thats how he is.

I always believe there are no friends or enemies in IR, what is there national interests. China, Russia, Iran has their national interests with us and so do we and also in regards to their national interests they share the same vision to Asia to Asia contacts and common growth as well as join security concerns and the ways to solve are also common. Hence they are our like minded nations in the goals they wish to achieve.

CPEC or no its not really big thing in more broader spectrum. However we have done good thing that we have made these countries as well a strong holder in this grand project. Now that IP gas will run through pakistan into China under this umbrella of CPEC not only that that gas pipeline will be build by Russia in Pakistan thats their stake. Also Russia has shown interest in being part of the actual CPEC they wish to use the Chinese transit ruotes to be able to reach gwadar and take their goods from there through Pakistan-China into Russian heart land. U will see some progress in this in a few years when this will be completed.

We are making everyone a sake holder in this project........This will neutralize yr actions against this project and in SCO or BRICS where these countries Russia and China r part of will effect yr image and sincerity in their eyes.:azn:

U guys it seems r still living in some RSS or Modi bravado and have little idea of how much yr regional being isolated.
If I sum everything us there were 3 As prior or until 2000 and I am sure you are very well versed with that and it does not leave me with any doubt that you must be one of the one who will boast all night long after begging a deal from US like you are boasting about your prominent role after years and years of mistake and sudden enlightment. No matter who did dream about CPEC but AID (let this word eco in your ear) stopped you from making any so called like minded friends. I again reply, you are making progress no doubt about it. As far as BRICS is concerned you are an immediate need for Russia or China (if I were to go by your word) but again but son you still haven't got the credibility.. Though you have embarked on to attain it .. Which is commendable.
If I sum everything us there were 3 As prior or until 2000 and I am sure you are very well versed with that and it does not leave me with any doubt that you must be one of the one who will boast all night long after begging a deal from US like you are boasting about your prominent role after years and years of mistake and sudden enlightment. No matter who did dream about CPEC but AID (let this word eco in your ear) stopped you from making any so called like minded friends. I again reply, you are making progress no doubt about it. As far as BRICS is concerned you are an immediate need for Russia or China (if I were to go by your word) but again but son you still haven't got the credibility.. Though you have embarked on to attain it .. Which is commendable.

LOL look whose talking........Yr a American Stooge for years to come and u had always been in the past against China for them. Whether u like it or not kid, Pakistan has been and is more important for global powers then yr country. Yr years of hard work to isolate us has got u yrself isolated. And as time progresses it will increase.......We r one of the very few rare countries which still receive AIDE of American dollars and are going to be part of SCO or maybe BRICS.
our forces exercise in a single year with China, Russia and US of A ie in year 2015. Have u ever heard of any country doing that son?

This all shows the importance. Now those Americans after years of nakhra r going to sell us weapons, and those weapons which we needed from them ie AH-1Z and hell fire ATGMs.......Now the chances r that we may refuse their AH-1Z offer since we have already decided for Z10s and Mi35s........

And u claim that ''you must be one of the ones who will boast all night long after begging a deal from US like you are boasting about your prominent role after years and years of mistake and sudden enlightment.'':rofl:

Kid its now the other way around. Pakistan kicked out America from our strategic and security para-dime. It is they who r desperate now to keep some hold over us!!!
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