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Is this the real issue between India and Pakistan?

Yup real peacefully!.. Peaceful rapes enough that the capital is declared to the Rape Capital of the World! Peaceful forceful conversions.. 60% population living or shitting under the sky... dozens of freedom movements going at the same time. Orchestrator of Gujrat massacre sitting at the helm of affairs.. Army personnel found involved in bombing trains.. Yup.. real peaceful!..
You believe in the dream your leaders / media and bollywood has created to blind the rest.. we dont.. :)
Any day better than the land of pure...where the victim will be punished.

In Pakistan, Rape Victims Are the 'Criminals' - NYTimes.com
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thats the main reson for sudden pakistanies love for ghandi specially after modi coming to power as he (NaMo) is a self confessed "nationalist" who is also a"hindu" unlike those ex indian PMs (congressies) who would have gone any lenth to appease pakistan so to get support of minority vote bank which they eventualli failed as indian muslim is much more nationalist and smarter than most pakistanies could ever imagine (sure with a few nut jobs)

sir, these congis bastards would sell the nation, jst to stay in power.. pakistanis were complacent with congi rulers as they never posed any existential threat to pak.. its not the same with modi.. a simple twitter msg by an Indian minister has sent shivers across pak establishment.. though it might jst be a rhetoric, I'm enjoying this.. :D

Great!, in one line you thump your chest of how your supported LTTE couldnt be defeated and in the next lecture us to stop harboring (alleged) terrorists.. talk about being confused...
Oh and dont worry, once these western folk have evacuated from Afghanistan, the first of the order is to have some bonfire with the RAW cronies sitting in those consulates along our border! Next is to give you a detailed lesson of how karma actually works.. remember 90s.. they are coming back! :)

comprehension problems ?? the only time we supported proxies was with LTTE, as SL helped pak during 1965 war, we thought teaching them a lesson and supported ealam.. we changed our stance midway and sent our soldeirs to eliminate them... In the end India payed a hefty price for supporting a proxy when our P.M rajiv gandhi was assasinated.. that was end of Indian romance with proxies..

coming to your threat of returning back to 90's : we will be waiting.. :);)
An intolerable threat for the Indian side and an unsustainable proposition for the Pakistani side is a riddle no one appears to have the answer to.

Final analysis of the writer assumes that issues faced have no solutions.
To find an answer one has to look at the problem in a cause-effect manner. Writer has clearly narrated the cause of India's worry, and it's true that sponsoring terrorism is more or less is the prime reason. Some so called good terrorists like Lakhvi might manifest themselves into worse than TTP in near future is also the part of same cause. How secure are Pakistan's nuclear assets especially the small tactical ones is anybody's guess.
To solve this problem India would like to see a strong Pakistan with zero tolerance towards terrorism just like China and U.S. which seems like a distant dreams.
Therefore a thorough and sincere article on
How to make a Strong Pakistan with Zero Tolerance towards Terrorism?

could lead us towards the solution of the real issue.
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Anybody who fuks indian azz is our national hero, be it a terrorist, a soldier, or even a pigeon :D
sir, these congis bastards would sell the nation, jst to stay in power.. pakistanis were complacent with congi rulers as they never posed any existential threat to pak.. its not the same with modi.. a simple twitter msg by an Indian minister has sent shivers across pak establishment.. though it might jst be a rhetoric, I'm enjoying this.. :D

comprehension problems ?? the only time we supported proxies was with LTTE, as SL helped pak during 1965 war, we thought teaching them a lesson and supported ealam.. we changed our stance midway and sent our soldeirs to eliminate them... In the end India payed a hefty price for supporting a proxy when our P.M rajiv gandhi was assasinated.. that was end of Indian romance with proxies..

coming to your threat of returning back to 90's : we will be waiting.. :);)
pakistanies dont realise it but more they abuse RAW , modi ,ajit doval and indian army more there respect in india grows as 90% of indians see pakistan just as a neusence who is always creating trouble (sorry MODS)

pakistanies on there part will keep hating indians and specially hindus as there so called (two nation theory) was/is nothing but a romantik way of saying that mulims cant/should live peacefully in non muslim majority nation and that muslims are too good to be treted as equals by the children of there former slaves/hinuds whome they ruled for a 1000 years which infact wasbased on paranoia of feudal muslim elite of loosing there spial social and economik privilages and status which they have become too accoustoumed to and to entice the muslim awam to go against hindus and masscrre them mulim feudal and religous elite promissed them to give looted hindu/sikh lands , properties , wealth and women among looters as there maal e ghanimat

Anybody who fuks indian azz is our national hero, be it a terrorist, a soldier, or even a pigeon :D
so according to you a person who fights illitracy , injustice and corruption is not your hero but a person who torments , teases or haresses indians / hindus is and thats the main reson you fed and protected snakes like dawood , masood azhar and hafees / lakhwi...... no wonder your nation finds itself in such a hopeless situation and even after 68 years of independence ask questions like pakistan ka matlab kya ?:haha:
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India has been doing the same since longer! Modi's recent admission of your involvement in creation of Bangladesh is just an example.
So you are equating your state policy of terrorism with the war of liberation by the Bangladeshis? Do you even know WTF you're talking about? These are two completely separate issues.

Who started this war is clearly brought out by your own government's HAMOOD UR REHMAN COMMISSION REPORT. Read it if you haven't already. This will put to rest your rants about Indian 'terrorism' against Pakistan.
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Anybody who fuks indian azz is our national hero, be it a terrorist, a soldier, or even a pigeon :D
Not all, but yeah deep down most of you perhaps share this feeling. When the outer surface of civility is scratched, someone like you come out. :) I have nothing against it. That was one of the reasons for Pakistan existing in the first place.
So you are equating your state policy of terrorism with the war of liberation by the Bangladeshis? Do you even know WTF you're talking about? These are two completely separate issues.

Who started this war is clearly brought out by your own government's HAMOOD UR REHMAN COMMISSION REPORT. Read it if you haven't already. This would put to rest your rants about Indian 'terrorism'.
Yes, Pakistan Army raped and killed not millions but billions of bengalis. But still it was our internal matter. And u will face the consequences and continue to face forever, just wait for coming Mumbais, parliaments, Kashmir insurgencies
Yes, Pakistan Army raped and killed not millions but billions of bengalis. But still it was our internal matter. And u will face the consequences and continue to face forever, just wait for coming Mumbais, parliaments, Kashmir insurgencies
Don't talk like a douche bag. Grow up.
Nothing much change till Modi sarkar in charge, we fighting now the monster we created aka extremism, Modi busy now other side promoting extremism and hate like a drunk giant elephant scaring around, we doing our part to fight against terrorism, Nawaz went to India with good gesture on Taj poshi of Modi, we call for dialogues regarding Kashmir and other issues but India took it as our weakness, it's time for India to fight against it's terrorist state leaders aka Modi and Group.

Nothing will change ever, Pakistanis dont trust India for their back stabbing nature.
Yes, Pakistan Army raped and killed not millions but billions of bengalis. But still it was our internal matter. And u will face the consequences and continue to face forever, just wait for coming Mumbais, parliaments, Kashmir insurgencies
it becomes owr matter when millions of refugees come into owr territorry as for future insurgencies try it and do whats the best you can we are ready and this time we wont take any prisonerrs :butcher:
Any day better than the land of pure...where the victim will be punished.
A remote village in the tribal built, sentenced by a Jirga of sort!... While Delhi is your CAPITAL! and Worlds Rape Capital.. feel free to compare Delhi with a remote tribal village! :)

sir, these congis bastards would sell the nation, jst to stay in power.. pakistanis were complacent with congi rulers as they never posed any existential threat to pak.. its not the same with modi.. a simple twitter msg by an Indian minister has sent shivers across pak establishment.. though it might jst be a rhetoric, I'm enjoying this.. :D

comprehension problems ?? the only time we supported proxies was with LTTE, as SL helped pak during 1965 war, we thought teaching them a lesson and supported ealam.. we changed our stance midway and sent our soldeirs to eliminate them... In the end India payed a hefty price for supporting a proxy when our P.M rajiv gandhi was assasinated.. that was end of Indian romance with proxies..

coming to your threat of returning back to 90's : we will be waiting.. :);)

Blah Blah Blah.. so you agree you have used proxies against other countries? :) thank you.
As far as our threats are concerned.. we atleast give a time frame.. thats after having a thorough bonfire with RAW cronies sitting in the consulates near our border.. Your threats on the other hand have been coming for more than a decade.. we are still waiting.. :)
Anybody who fuks indian azz is our national hero, be it a terrorist, a soldier, or even a pigeon :D

Kudos for saying out loud what most of you guys believe. This is effectively what your early leaders told the Americans.

By the way, this is why your country is regularly used and discarded by larger powers; why you end up with bad terrorists and why all this will continue to happen.

We are fine with such thinking, we have come to expect it. Do carry on.
So you are equating your state policy of terrorism with the war of liberation by the Bangladeshis? Do you even know WTF you're talking about? These are two completely separate issues.

Who started this war is clearly brought out by your own government's HAMOOD UR REHMAN COMMISSION REPORT. Read it if you haven't already. This will put to rest your rants about Indian 'terrorism' against Pakistan.

We never had a state policy of terrorism, however, Indians did, both in Bangladesh with Mukti Bahani (as your PM accepted to gracefully) and Sri Lanka by supporting LTTE.

And yes, we are equating liberation of Kashmir, Khalistan, Nagaland and countless other states within India with liberation of bangladesh... :)
We never had a state policy of terrorism, however, Indians did, both in Bangladesh with Mukti Bahani (as your PM accepted to gracefully) and Sri Lanka by supporting LTTE.

And yes, we are equating liberation of Kashmir, Khalistan, Nagaland and countless other states within India with liberation of bangladesh... :)
thats a nice idea and settles the debate (mods now please close this thread its of no use now) please keep doing it and we will keep doing what we are good at :)
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