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Is this the real issue between India and Pakistan?

This is the problem in 2015, with good educated bharati intellectuals like yourself.

you feel "pappi jhappi" is a good to balance out the Kutta Kutt (chopping chopping) schemes of INHus (Indian-nationalist-Hindus).

Oh bhai jaan

do not be blind towards Kutta Kutt plans since 1910.

Most of the good educated bharati intellectuals read their paper or watch talk show and think they fully understand Pakistan.

Far from it.

Do not treat policy making and history lightly. These fields are as difficult as doing PhD in Engineering or doing advance fellowship in medicine.

Without such detailed study, you will never understand historical reasons and rely on puppi juppi.

Please remember, puppi juppi may be good for one night stand, but it never leads to long term healthy relationship.

I am here to learn and ready to listen to you.
So pls go ahead and educate me on indias policy but pls dont talk in riddles
I am here to learn and ready to listen to you.
So pls go ahead and educate me on indias policy but pls dont talk in riddles

2+2=4 is never a riddle. Far from it.

Look around, and read!

Ask yourself how INHus have used their power in the region to chop of provinces, states etc.

Off course the knee jerk reaction to such facts is simple. But that was in our benefit.

Just imagine. Siachin could have easiily beeen solved.

But what did INHus do?

is that a riddle too?
2+2=4 is never a riddle. Far from it.

Look around, and read!

Ask yourself how INHus have used their power in the region to chop of provinces, states etc.

Off course the knee jerk reaction to such facts is simple. But that was in our benefit.

Just imagine. Siachin could have easiily beeen solved.

But what did INHus do?

is that a riddle too?
When you say INHus , do you mean all our govts right from 1947 till present one or some govts like the BJP govt that we have right now ?

Now coming to siachen..
Let us assume what if PA had reached few days earlier than IA on siachen ( they were late by just 3-4 days)
what different things you would have done to solve it?
When you say INHus , do you mean all our govts right from 1947 till present one or some govts like the BJP govt that we have right now ?

Now coming to siachen..
Let us assume what if PA had reached few days earlier than IA on siachen ( they were late by just 3-4 days)
what different things you would have done to solve it?

You are wasting your time talking to a jerk. These people are filled with hatred for Hindus and think India Pakistan conflicts are just because of India and its policies. And every wrong happening in Pakistan is conspired by Hindus. And that Indian government only consist of Hindus only.
You are wasting your time talking to a jerk. These people are filled with hatred for Hindus and think India Pakistan conflicts are just because of India and its policies. And every wrong happening in Pakistan is conspired by Hindus. And that Indian government only consist of Hindus only.

We are jerks cause we hate Endia? Yet you Endians can not stop yourself from coming here and commenting your sawadeshi BS on a Pakistani forum? :) How cute! :)
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