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Is this the real issue between India and Pakistan?

Problem with Indians is they are always looking for weaknesses when they should be looking for mutual understanding and win-win scenarios.

Pakistan has made enough peace overtures and India has responded back by a campaign of absolutely obnoxious vitriol.

Keeping part of Kashmir has not been good for India's mental health. They would have been better off letting it go for the greater good of the region and their own sanity. Seeing Pakistani flags being waved in Indian territory every month surely is not good for their state of mind and herewith lies the root of the problem.

You mean like how you backstabbed us in Kargil when our Prime Minister visited Pakistan and initiated peace talks? Pure hypocrisy.
Quit living in the past.

it is 2015.
But the Establishment is still playing its terrorist games using it as state policy and will continue to do so in the future too, as retribution for the 1971 debacle! That's the truth! They're too pissed off to stop!! :lol: They need to 'bleed' India with a thousand cuts (Zia) but unfortunately it's just producing a minor itch! :azn:
But the Establishment is still playing its terrorist games using it as state policy and will continue to do so in the future too, as retribution for the 1971 debacle! That's the truth! They're too pissed off to stop!! :lol: They need to 'bleed' India with a thousand cuts (Zia) but unfortunately it's just producing a minor itch! :azn:

As I said, please quit living in the past.
You didn't say 'please'

Lastly, if your country is so progressive (hardly being the case) and you are so happy over there (shitting in open) what sort of twisted satisfaction you get from Pakistani forum that you cant stay away from it? :D

Please be clear that we are here and everywhere because out Country's Motto is " Satyamev Jayate" i.e. Truth will prevail. We are warriors of Truth spreading it across on all forums...

You guys have been born and been brainwashed by your military junta and so we are working hard to wake up you guys to reality.
Of course the biggest issue for Pakistan is Indian sponsored terrorism to keep Pakistan destablized and to fulfill this "Akhanad Baharat" wet dream. And this issue has been there for the past many decades.

And the Sun rises from the west! :)
Please be clear that we are here and everywhere because out Country's Motto is " Satyamev Jayate" i.e. Truth will prevail. We are warriors of Truth spreading it across on all forums...

You guys have been born and been brainwashed by your military junta and so we are working hard to wake up you guys to reality.

I have pondered, that perhaps this is not an obsession, perhaps its government sponsored. Whatever it is, either you are an obsessed *** or a hired net warrior... in both cases.. what a miserable life you have! :)
Problem with Indians is they are always looking for weaknesses when they should be looking for mutual understanding and win-win scenarios.

Pakistan has made enough peace overtures and India has responded back by a campaign of absolutely obnoxious vitriol.

Keeping part of Kashmir has not been good for India's mental health. They would have been better off letting it go for the greater good of the region and their own sanity. Seeing Pakistani flags being waved in Indian territory every month surely is not good for their state of mind and herewith lies the root of the problem.

I agree with you to some extent that off late Pakistan has made initial movement for restoration of bilateral relation...But the problem is that if restoration of bilateral relation means loosing Kashmir to Pakistan, then none of the Indian Gov can ever make any movement for peace with Pakistan..You have to understand....in this entire game, Pakistan is not loosing anything rather India will loose if India plays according to the game proposed by Pakistan....That is why as long as there is not any proposal from India or Pakistan where no one looses anything,then only forward movement is possible...Otherwise, stalemate will continue and it is not bad for India too...
Problem with Indians is they are always looking for weaknesses when they should be looking for mutual understanding and win-win scenarios.

The problem with Pakistan is that they think that they shall be able to practice their 1000 cut policy with India without realizing that there shall not always been the weak leadership like MM. What we can do with strong leadership can be seen from 1971 indo pak war.Their army can not stop mischief compelling India to respond. You did bombay and what happened subsequent to that is known to every one. It is basically ISI's and PA's miscalculation of india's response.
At its core, as defined in the present era, stripped of hype and hyperbole, denuded of posturing and silliness, what is it that ?

For India, it’s pretty straightforward: avoid another Mumbai. ,

This whole drivel is bunch of hyperbole.

Says "forget the loonies".

That means we have to "forget"the entire defense minded establishment of India including MOdi. hahahah.

This pathetic writer has built the whole thing like house of cards.

you pull one out and the whole thing crashes in no time.

then this stupid writer has an audacity to say "For India it is pretty straightforward"

What the fork. India in this is as straightforward as the sweet dish called "Julaibi".

Oh bhai logo, it is India that doesn't want Pakistan to be a strong country that could challenge the world view of Indian-nationalist-Hindus (INHus) .

What India has always wanted is to see Muslim majority regions in the region to be chopped up like "Katta Kutt" dish so popular in Lahore.

This katta Kutt was done at every stage thanks to powerful Indian-nationalist-Hindu (INHu) lobby all the way from 1910 AD

Indian Hindus planned the chopped up Muslim majority enclaves and poor ghettos on the East and Western borders of central India.

Since then that Kattoo Peetoo, Katta Kutt is going on and on and on.

E. Pakistan, Siachin, Balochistan, KPK and Sindh are all on the next chopping block of Indian-nationalist-Hindus (INHus).

Forget the yoga gurus, and raam raam pundits.

It doesn't matter. What matters is Indian-nationalist-Hindus (INHus) and their pogroms about the region.

As long as we have strong army, we may survive, otherwise Pakistan is a gonner in no time.

I don't say this, it is the history of our region where a big raja has always destroyed small raja.

So with such pessimistic analysis, what's left to say?

Just this

"Peace unto you".
OK my Shupa Powa friend, no problem. Keep spreading the terrorism and day dreaming that Pakistan can submit to your wishes.

The day we decide to support the terrorist group as you claimed, Pakistan simply will become uncontrollable for you.
This whole drivel is bunch of hyperbole.

Says "forget the loonies".

That means we have to "forget"the entire defense minded establishment of India including MOdi. hahahah.

This pathetic writer has built the whole thing like house of cards.

you pull one out and the whole thing crashes in no time.

then this stupid writer has an audacity to say "For India it is pretty straightforward"

What the fork. India in this is as straightforward as the sweet dish called "Julaibi".

Oh bhai logo, it is India that doesn't want Pakistan to be a strong country that could challenge the world view of Indian-nationalist-Hindus (INHus) .

What India has always wanted is to see Muslim majority regions in the region to be chopped up like "Katta Kutt" dish so popular in Lahore.

This katta Kutt was done at every stage thanks to powerful Indian-nationalist-Hindu (INHu) lobby all the way from 1910 AD

Indian Hindus planned the chopped up Muslim majority enclaves and poor ghettos on the East and Western borders of central India.

Since then that Kattoo Peetoo, Katta Kutt is going on and on and on.

E. Pakistan, Siachin, Balochistan, KPK and Sindh are all on the next chopping block of Indian-nationalist-Hindus (INHus).

Forget the yoga gurus, and raam raam pundits.

It doesn't matter. What matters is Indian-nationalist-Hindus (INHus) and their pogroms about the region.

As long as we have strong army, we may survive, otherwise Pakistan is a gonner in no time.

I don't say this, it is the history of our region where a big raja has always destroyed small raja.

So with such pessimistic analysis, what's left to say?

Just this

"Peace unto you".
Correct me if i am wrong. Looking at your post i feel all your problems stem from hindu nationalist but then you fail to realise that modi govt has been in power for just over a year.
we had our manmohan singh govt for a decade had he tried doing all that pappi jhappi with pakistan but all he got in return was ridicule
If this is your state in one year of modi govt , i cant imagine what will happen to you if hes in power for 10-15 yrs.
we had our manmohan singh govt for a decade had he tried doing all that pappi jhappi with pakistan .

This is the problem in 2015, with good educated bharati intellectuals like yourself.

you feel "pappi jhappi" is a good to balance out the Kutta Kutt (chopping chopping) schemes of INHus (Indian-nationalist-Hindus).

Oh bhai jaan

do not be blind towards Kutta Kutt plans since 1910.

Most of the good educated bharati intellectuals read their paper or watch talk show and think they fully understand Pakistan.

Far from it.

Do not treat policy making and history lightly. These fields are as difficult as doing PhD in Engineering or doing advance fellowship in medicine.

Without such detailed study, you will never understand historical reasons and rely on puppi juppi.

Please remember, puppi juppi may be good for one night stand, but it never leads to long term healthy relationship.

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