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As India conducts strikes in Myanmar, Pakistan cautions against cross-border 'adventurism'

If all terrorists are related to us somehow, so is modi then. No wonder your slave mentality of centuries old hasnt changed much. Putting him in charge of affairs!
all this statement of yours conveys is the impotent hatred that some of you seem to have built up inside. don't you realize the very fact people like you shiver at Modi becoming PM proves he is the right guy for that job!
Really? my statement conveys hatred? what about the statement where we (pakistanis) were labelled terrorists? :)
Nice try though.. :) and as far as modi is concerned.. you can make him your King, for all we care.. just stay at that side of the border.. or winter is coming.. :agree: Cheerios
Pakistan scared that India might enter Pakistan to kill terrorists who are not in Pakistan

Pakistani authorities are scared that India might enter their country to weed out wanted terrorists who are not in their country. Our correspondent reports from Islamabad.


In the past, Pakistan was also scared that USA might enter into Pakistan to kill Obama who was not there actually

Our correspondent met with a senior Pakistani government source, who expressed displeasure over the recent attacks on terrorists by Indian Armed forced in Myanmar. That source said, “Look! Just because your Army could penetrate into Myanmar border and kill fighters doesn’t mean you can do it here. Let me say that first. We are Pakistan. Nobody can defeat us except India. Even, we did not lose in any of the wars, we just came in second place. It was tougher competition that nobody came third.”

“India should not even dream of doing Myanmar-like attacks in Pakistan. They can do anything in Myanmar, but they can never do Miyaan Maar before our Roohani eyes. They cannot even cross a single mile into our holy land. Indian Army cannot take out a single fighter from Madina-e-sani. This is a challenge to India and its Army!” proclaimed the source.

When we asked him what he meant while mentioning ‘fighter’, he said, “India has been looking out for Dawood Ibrahim in Pakistan. I am confident that we will not allow Indian forces to even touch a hair strand of those guys wanted by India. Dare come to Pakistan to kill Dawood and you will face repercussions. You cannot go back alive once you enter Pakistan.”

When we read out Pakistan’s official denial about presence of Dawood Ibrahim and other such terrorists wanted by India, he said, “Of course, they are not in Pakistan. Who said they were here?” When we replayed him the audio recording of this interview to him, his face twitched for a second and then he shouted to our reporter, “Are you a RAW Agent?”

This has startled a few police officers stationed near that room and our reporter had to leave the country within few minutes to escape terrorism charges.

Pakistan scared that India might enter Pakistan to kill terrorists who are not in Pakistan | My Faking News
Pakistan scared that India might enter Pakistan to kill terrorists who are not in Pakistan

Pakistani authorities are scared that India might enter their country to weed out wanted terrorists who are not in their country. Our correspondent reports from Islamabad.

In the past, Pakistan was also scared that USA might enter into Pakistan to kill Obama who was not there actually

Our correspondent met with a senior Pakistani government source, who expressed displeasure over the recent attacks on terrorists by Indian Armed forced in Myanmar. That source said, “Look! Just because your Army could penetrate into Myanmar border and kill fighters doesn’t mean you can do it here. Let me say that first. We are Pakistan. Nobody can defeat us except India. Even, we did not lose in any of the wars, we just came in second place. It was tougher competition that nobody came third.”

“India should not even dream of doing Myanmar-like attacks in Pakistan. They can do anything in Myanmar, but they can never do Miyaan Maar before our Roohani eyes. They cannot even cross a single mile into our holy land. Indian Army cannot take out a single fighter from Madina-e-sani. This is a challenge to India and its Army!” proclaimed the source.

When we asked him what he meant while mentioning ‘fighter’, he said, “India has been looking out for Dawood Ibrahim in Pakistan. I am confident that we will not allow Indian forces to even touch a hair strand of those guys wanted by India. Dare come to Pakistan to kill Dawood and you will face repercussions. You cannot go back alive once you enter Pakistan.”

When we read out Pakistan’s official denial about presence of Dawood Ibrahim and other such terrorists wanted by India, he said, “Of course, they are not in Pakistan. Who said they were here?” When we replayed him the audio recording of this interview to him, his face twitched for a second and then he shouted to our reporter, “Are you a RAW Agent?”

This has startled a few police officers stationed near that room and our reporter had to leave the country within few minutes to escape terrorism charges.

Pakistan scared that India might enter Pakistan to kill terrorists who are not in Pakistan | My Faking News

fakingnews lol
talk about obsession! :)
Pakistan’s civilian and military leadership on Wednesday warned against any “adventurism” by India in the aftermath of a rare cross-border strike by Indian troops inside Myanmar, saying Islamabad is prepared to mount a “befitting response”.

:laughcry: :omghaha: Empty vessels make the most sound!! Seems as though the Pak Establishment is rattled and has started getting nightmares!

And we love adventure........... on the other side! :D
:laughcry: :omghaha: Empty vessels make the most sound!! Seems as though the Pak Establishment is rattled and has started getting nightmares!

And we love adventure........... on the other side! :D

People who get scared of a pegion shouldnt be talking about others, now should they? Pak government and establishment is only trying to educate the 56 Inch chest Modi, what happens when 100 or so nukes go off!

and been hearing about your love for adventures for more than a decade now. you can only find adventure in a theme park I guess. :)
:laughcry: :omghaha: Empty vessels make the most sound!! Seems as though the Pak Establishment is rattled and has started getting nightmares!

And we love adventure........... on the other side! :D
You hit the nerve there and the new clown has resorted to name calling. Standard of posting nowadays is all time low, hopefully he'll be at elite status soon.
Pakistan scared that India might enter Pakistan to kill terrorists who are not in Pakistan

Pakistani authorities are scared that India might enter their country to weed out wanted terrorists who are not in their country. Our correspondent reports from Islamabad.


In the past, Pakistan was also scared that USA might enter into Pakistan to kill Obama who was not there actually

Our correspondent met with a senior Pakistani government source, who expressed displeasure over the recent attacks on terrorists by Indian Armed forced in Myanmar. That source said, “Look! Just because your Army could penetrate into Myanmar border and kill fighters doesn’t mean you can do it here. Let me say that first. We are Pakistan. Nobody can defeat us except India. Even, we did not lose in any of the wars, we just came in second place. It was tougher competition that nobody came third.”

“India should not even dream of doing Myanmar-like attacks in Pakistan. They can do anything in Myanmar, but they can never do Miyaan Maar before our Roohani eyes. They cannot even cross a single mile into our holy land. Indian Army cannot take out a single fighter from Madina-e-sani. This is a challenge to India and its Army!” proclaimed the source.

When we asked him what he meant while mentioning ‘fighter’, he said, “India has been looking out for Dawood Ibrahim in Pakistan. I am confident that we will not allow Indian forces to even touch a hair strand of those guys wanted by India. Dare come to Pakistan to kill Dawood and you will face repercussions. You cannot go back alive once you enter Pakistan.”

When we read out Pakistan’s official denial about presence of Dawood Ibrahim and other such terrorists wanted by India, he said, “Of course, they are not in Pakistan. Who said they were here?” When we replayed him the audio recording of this interview to him, his face twitched for a second and then he shouted to our reporter, “Are you a RAW Agent?”

This has startled a few police officers stationed near that room and our reporter had to leave the country within few minutes to escape terrorism charges.

Pakistan scared that India might enter Pakistan to kill terrorists who are not in Pakistan | My Faking News
Good one, Sometimes humor is the best way :)

Why is Pakistan in such a flap about whether India will cross into Pakistan? After all Pak has no terrorist training camps, just a few charity organizations doing good works among the needy' especially those in need of guns.
Pak has no intentions of doing another Mumbai attack, which was anyway only a false flag operation, so why be scared? Even if india crosses into Pak there is nothing to find, other than peaceful farmers sitting on their toilets, not raping, not blowing each other up etc.
Myanmar officials say the Indian army operated in their own territory. Myanmar sovereign policy doesn't allow any country's army to perform any activity inside their boundaries. Face Palm for India lol..

Are you really this naïve? Seriously?

Lolzz Well Pathans are known to have different taste... Dont call me a racist please...But dont dont bother sending the cute ones, ones from Bollywood movies...

I agree on the Pathan's tastes. Somehow they have started to relish a different taste lately in NWFP, North Waziristan. Additionally, even the Baluchis are now developing a different taste.

Well you will find it out wouldn't you? Just dare to visit us...

What do you think happens across LC? We do visit you frequently ... or have you stopped believing your army which also cries about Indian violation of LC and also Indian hand in FATA and Baluchistan? I am certainly not naïve enough to believe that we are not involved in fomenting trouble there ....

You see, we really do not need any surgical or even orthopedic strike on you, why risk reaction of a crazy nation when we can really achieve our targets with minimal investments by just using your own irregulars on you?
You hit the nerve there and the new clown has resorted to name calling. Standard of posting nowadays is all time low, hopefully he'll be at elite status soon.

Lets take it this way, you dont like the standard of posts over here... why dont you take your shinning indian *** out!?! :)
Your obsession with Pakistan is flattering you know.

Good one, Sometimes humor is the best way :)

Why is Pakistan in such a flap about whether India will cross into Pakistan? After all Pak has no terrorist training camps, just a few charity organizations doing good works among the needy' especially those in need of guns.
Pak has no intentions of doing another Mumbai attack, which was anyway only a false flag operation, so why be scared? Even if india crosses into Pak there is nothing to find, other than peaceful farmers sitting on their toilets, not raping, not blowing each other up etc.

lol.. are you that naive? do you think Pakistan is worried about Indians coming in and finding something? We are only reminding Endians that you don't have any right to WALK IN... let alone jaywalking around. :)
Yep! Cheap Mercenaries..hmm What goes around, comes around mate...

We in Pakistan are hearing the slogans like, Kashmir bene ga Pakistan and Raj kare ga Khalsa, standing on this side of the Border we are seeing quiet a few Pakistani flags in Occupied Kashmir, have you heard or seen anything like this recently?

If you have then you have been warned, if you havn't then open your ears and eyes...things are gonna get messy that side of the border.

We really want the things to get messy in Kashmir. You see, what happened in 87-89 period was an anti-Hindu genocide. If the things are escalated by pro-Pakistan groups in Kashmir, then the only thing that will happen is that what happened in 90s will again happen now, a whole generation of Kashmiris raising their heads against India will be wiped out. Simple. And the only difference this time is, that Article 370 will go and Kashmiri Pandits will be settled en-masse. You see, we have the world opinion on our side, we have proven ourselves to be inclusive despite so many sectarian incidents, we have not degraded like you guys have. And, here is a reminder, nobody likes the Muslims anyways .... source of so many problems ... so a couple of thousands less will be welcomed ......... by West also ... There was a record 72% voter turnout in valley, it may be that it was to ensure BJP does not sweep in the Kashmir valley, but what it achieved was that the world sees it as a testament to the fact that democracy is there, howsoever it may be maligned. We achieved what we wanted.

You really think, Pakistan Army Chief went to China, Afghanistan and now Sri Lanka to sell Pan cakes?

No .. to ask for donation of the same for their bankrupt economy ....
What do you think happens across LC? We do visit you frequently ... or have you stopped believing your army which also cries about Indian violation of LC and also Indian hand in FATA and Baluchistan? I am certainly not naïve enough to believe that we are not involved in fomenting trouble there ....

You see, we really do not need any surgical or even orthopedic strike on you, why risk reaction of a crazy nation when we can really achieve our targets with minimal investments by just using your own irregulars on you?

No, not really! LoC violations by shelling villages alone. Our army / media has pointed out that RAW is behind some of the troubles we have in our FATA and Baluchistan region. Crying is what Indian government and Media gets into whenever anything happens in India.

Thats out point, you wanna keep playing proxies.. knock yourself crazy with it as we wont be able to point the finger directly at you and things will not escalate much. However, if you try surgical strikes, well.. winter is coming! :)

Oh and being on the topic, since you kinda agree that Indians are involved in FATA and Baluchistan region, do not cry like a bitch when Pakistan replies in kind in Kashmir, Khalistan, Nagaland etc. :) Cheerios
Hand over Modi to Pakistan, soldiers will show him who is the gay.

The U.S State documents have shown India was financially supporting Osama.

Quit the pot ... not good for your health .......

India supporting Osama??? LOL
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