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As India conducts strikes in Myanmar, Pakistan cautions against cross-border 'adventurism'

No, not really! LoC violations by shelling villages alone. Our army / media has pointed out that RAW is behind some of the troubles we have in our FATA and Baluchistan region

Here is something for you to verify if you can from your PA sources if you have any. Check what happened to a post of yours opposite sector Uri in Oct 2013. Then get back on the 'shelling of villages' thing. Am just giving one example if you can verify at your end. You will not be able to get any information on open sources. As for 'some troubles' in FATA and Baluchistan am glad to see you have the magnanimity to consider it as an insiginificant instance .. considering the fact that you have been burdened with more than a million plus figure for IDPs.

Crying is what Indian government and Media gets into whenever anything happens in India.

Crying is precisely what has allowed India to get away with lot of things today. We violate the ceasefire and nobody believes it, we are busy in your western sectors, nobody believes you either ... as you fight an insurgency which may prove to be the final nail in your coffin .... just a few facts for you to objectively assess.

Thats out point, you wanna keep playing proxies.. knock yourself crazy with it as we wont be able to point the finger directly at you and things will not escalate much. However, if you try surgical strikes, well.. winter is coming! :)

Oh and being on the topic, since you kinda agree that Indians are involved in FATA and Baluchistan region, do not cry like a bitch when Pakistan replies in kind in Kashmir, Khalistan, Nagaland etc. :) Cheerios

Winter is coming .. lol .... George RR Martin sounds awesome to quote but seriously how is winter coming? Please do elucidate!

And it seems you have a propensity for using the bitch word a bit too much. Maybe try some civility and you can be taken seriously. Just a suggestion.
Lets take it this way, you dont like the standard of posts over here... why dont you take your shinning indian *** out:)
OK keyboard warrior you shooed me away:omghaha:
World wide Web tete baap ki nahi hai :yes2: now there's a hidden figure there for you, see if you are man enough to spot it.:yay:
Atleast our economy is not based on selling our women through bollywood or otherwise! :)

You seriously are going on that route? Really? What a rejoinder ....!!! Sorry to have wasted your time ... your level of intellectual discourse is something that I shall dig to reach ,,, my apologies to have quoted you inadvertently. Regards.
Atleast our economy is not based on selling our women through bollywood or otherwise! :)

the same logic also applies to pakistani actresses flocking to bollywood coz their industry cant provide them a single penny :P
Lets take it this way, you dont like the standard of posts over here... why dont you take your shinning indian *** out!?! :)
Your obsession with Pakistan is flattering you know.

lol.. are you that naive? do you think Pakistan is worried about Indians coming in and finding something? We are only reminding Endians that you don't have any right to WALK IN... let alone jaywalking around. :)
Who is trying to walk in? We are only trying to keep you guys out.....and calm down!
Really? my statement conveys hatred? what about the statement where we (pakistanis) were labelled terrorists? :)
Nice try though.. :) and as far as modi is concerned.. you can make him your King, for all we care.. just stay at that side of the border.. or winter is coming.. :agree: Cheerios

'winter is coming'? and you don't want to be labelled?

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