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  1. S

    Should this forum have its own fund?

    Maybe some bank or already existing NGO can do the "ground" work, if they were asked to? I don't know whether that can be practically implemented. Just something I thought of.
  2. S

    Pig Fat in Pakistani Chips

    Hmmmmmm...that depends on whether or not you trust Pepsi.
  3. S

    Pig Fat in Pakistani Chips

    E Numbers Not Suitable for a Halal Diet - Explore E Numbers (UK) The topic has been addressed quite nicely in that link. Wikipedia is a collection of publicly edited articles and therefore not reliable for information regarding anything controversial. Despite mass protest, Wikipedia still...
  4. S

    Photoshops and CGIs

    Great work here....good job people!
  5. S

    SMS Thread!!

    Man walking home from wife's funeral, suddenly a storm starts with thunder and lightning and the man is drenched. Man: "Lagta hai pohanch gae!"
  6. S

    Life :(

    Ah, calculus. I read a comic once that said, "Doc, I have this nightmare where I'm in a class where calculus is the easy part!" :what: That's....*speechless*
  7. S

    Travel pieces...

    Has anyone been to Naran/Kaghan+Saif-ul-Malook? It's a wonderful journey. When I went, there was a glacier at the lake which had been turned into a tourist attraction: pay for the chance to slide down on a a plastic sheet! I always wanted to see Swat, but....well, you know.
  8. S

    Pakistan Inflation Tracker

    The ups and downs of recession are everywhere but it's still interesting to see it put into facts and figures like this.
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    Should this forum have its own fund?

    Hmmm....nice idea but that would be hard to put into action, wouldn't it?
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    As you are, so were we As we are, so shall you be ..Sign outside graveyard (Forward message, don't know who said/wrote it)
  11. S

    Hilarious!!! pls don't fall off your seats after reading this!

    I didn't find the original thing funny but the following conversation is hilarious....the best one was "they will put a made in India sticker there" :enjoy: Interesting thing to say...I never thought of it that way!
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    Playing Kingdom Hearts 2 nowadays. Cartoony on the outside, but very nice gameplay (so nice that I have overcome my dislike of Donald and Goofy to enjoy this game). Anyone here play RPGs?
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    I love that song too :) We made mother's day pizza :D
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    Last Movie You Watched

    I went to see "Monsters vs. aliens" at the cinema yesterday. It was fun. It's a nice, funny, cute movie.
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    Inside News From SWAT!

    Wow...I hope the bit about the army being successful is true. Thanks for sharing. About the predictions for the future, many people say that Zardari won't be around for long now...whatever happens, I hope it happens for the better.
  16. S

    My People

    I have a friend from Malakand who is not actually "internally displaced" (may Allah protect her from that) but I would still like to share something about her. She and her fellow students were "internally displaced" from their school. It was an all girls' school in Swat. The Taliban made all the...
  17. S

    Army should not pull back again even IF GOP orders.

    Hmm...actually I'm hoping against hope that the army does the job without going against the government. Like Imran says, if the army goes against the government then that could lead to other problems! Agreed!
  18. S

    Operation Rah-e-Rast (Swat)

    Wow that is great news...I hope it is successful! Ameen!
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