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Should this forum have its own fund?


Mar 4, 2008
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United Kingdom
i think this forum should have its own fund to which we could contribute. that money can then be used to help ppl back home. could be anything big or small. doesnt matter.
its time lik these when we want to help but cant really do much. eg: if we want to help FC ppl living in islamabad who dont even get a free cup of tea, no NGO is gonna do that for us. there are many other small things which NGOs wont do but we can.

Come On guys lets stand up and start bringin some change. Enough of talking.
Its time to act Gentlemen:pakistan:
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how will it work??

1.we can have an elected board of 10 member (elections every 3-6 months)
2.Board will then select a chief amongst themselves. this chief will have an authority to take a final decision but in consultation with the board members.
3.Mods can manage the account and each member should be able to see the transactions.

Problem: the only issue is who will be the ppl on ground (in pakistan) and how will they get access to the money? Also how will we know they are not just buyin ice creams with that money during summer?
You can always join the Pakistan Youth Revolution but alot of members on the forum remain Anonymous which is their right and I also feel that we should go about it the Islamic way of Neighbours and Family first.
i dont think there is a need for this. if anyone really wants to donate then they should go and donate to edhi or the citizen foundation which i have seen doing great things all around pakistan.
i recommend edhi foundation, they are doing a great job in pakistan, and world wide.
Individual funds and support is the right way to help our brothers and sisters in need.

For example, during the earthquake crisis, the entire country was up on its feet working and collecting funds, ration and basic living items in EVERY city of the country for the effected people. It was a rare sight of unity that wasn't seen in our country before. Where's that spirit now when hundreds and thousands of our own people are being force to migrate at the hands of the Taliban?

I'd be more than happy if that same spirit is somehow revived again because that's the only way we're going to be able to help our people. Sadly, that spirit is nowhere to be seen. The NGO's and people are simply sleeping and not realizing that the country is going through a full scale war. I wonder if they'll ever realize that fact.
i dont think there is a need for this. if anyone really wants to donate then they should go and donate to edhi or the citizen foundation which i have seen doing great things all around pakistan.

thats the whole point. NGOs dont do everything. there are many small things which can be taken care of by us. we discuss everything on this forum. if we come across something and we know no NGO will take care of such a small issue, in that case we can step in and contribute.
Hmmm....nice idea but that would be hard to put into action, wouldn't it?
Hmmm....nice idea but that would be hard to put into action, wouldn't it?

well the hard part is finding volunters in pakistan who could be trusted. decision will be taken on this forum after which money would have to be transferred to the person on ground.
well the hard part is finding volunters in pakistan who could be trusted. decision will be taken on this forum after which money would have to be transferred to the person on ground.

Maybe some bank or already existing NGO can do the "ground" work, if they were asked to? I don't know whether that can be practically implemented. Just something I thought of.
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