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Inside News From SWAT!


Apr 30, 2009
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United Kingdom
by Anonymous Reporter

I did not wish to share this info on the blog but I do wish to get it out so that people are aware of some of the happenings.

As usual I request that my identity be kept of the record. Here it goes-

I spoke with my contacts tonite and here is what I was able to find out . This info is from the ARMY and that is all I am permitted to say.

1. The Army had warned the politicians about the IDPs 3 weeks before the start of the SWAT operation and had recommended that tent cities be established prior to the start of the military operation . The politicians in center and in the NWFP said they could not do that since they had NO MONEY!

2. The Army (Frontier Constabulary) has been very effective in their operation and a large number of the Talibs have been killed though this has been kept out of the news media on purpose. This has been done specifically to prevent a Post Lal-Masjid type of reaction from the Public and especially amongst the Pushtoons.

3. The degree of hostility amongst the people of SWAT against the Talibs is quite severe as a lot of the men are riding in the helicopters with the army to point out and show them as which house they are in and so the army can target effectively. It appears that on the political front at least the Talibs have failed.

4. There are grave concerns in the Army High command about the dilly dally atitude of the Politicians Esp the Zardari Gang who are unwilling to provide political back up for the operation. However- this time the army is going to persue this matter till the very end at least in Swat, Buner etc.

5. The army does not see the return of civil authority in Malakand Division for some time to come - instead it will remain as a Military distt. from a Law and order administrative stand point.

6. The days of the Zardari administration are numbered- and there are two scenarios being contemplated-

a. CJ Iftikhar will agree and allow the supreme court to hear the NRO petition and as a result the NRO will be declared null and void. Result Zardari OUT.

b. A less palatable solution is the creation of a National Govt where Zardari will be de fanged, left as a figurehead and a powerful parliament with a very powerful prime Minister - Possible candidates Ch. Nisar Ali Khan or Shahbaz Shareef
i want to believe most of the above said but y shoudl i???
Stealth, do u know this anonymus reporter?? dont tell me this anonymus reporter is u??
Wow...I hope the bit about the army being successful is true. Thanks for sharing. About the predictions for the future, many people say that Zardari won't be around for long now...whatever happens, I hope it happens for the better.
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