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Army should not pull back again even IF GOP orders.


Sep 8, 2008
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Kill these rats.The is the only moment Army has.Don't listen to Media and other stuff.Just make sure Talibans are annihiliated.There are so many taliban supporters in Pakistan and they want peace! it makes me sick.Army should just kill Talibans and their supporters.Army should act like Israeli Army.Just get the job done at all costs.

while i fully support the army in this operation against the fundos; we should not be giving them free hand to act like israel's army. theres a fine line to be observed and it makes a difference whether the people regard you as liberators or opressors.

army zindabad.
Dont worry bro,when we are on the verge of defeating the terrorist there will be another "peace treaty".

while i fully support the army in this operation against the fundos; we should not be giving them free hand to act like israel's army. theres a fine line to be observed and it makes a difference whether the people regard you as liberators or opressors.

army zindabad.

Actually I think you should assume he is a little emotive at present.
Chill a tad..
Dont worry bro,when we are on the verge of defeating the terrorist there will be another "peace treaty".

For all concerned I hope you are very wrong.

Such an act of peace deals would be an insult to those soldiers who have given their lives for this. :agree:
Hmm...actually I'm hoping against hope that the army does the job without going against the government. Like Imran says, if the army goes against the government then that could lead to other problems!

For all concerned I hope you are very wrong.

Such an act of peace deals would be an insult to those soldiers who have given their lives for this. :agree:

yeah i know emotions are running high; i too want to see the taliban defeated; but as always there is the issue of civilian casualties; which fundos use to degrade the army whenever they can; so the army has to be careful... :pakistan:
Hmm...actually I'm hoping against hope that the army does the job without going against the government. Like Imran says, if the army goes against the government then that could lead to other problems!


ya even i wouldnt lik army to disobey gov while gov should also keep in mind that our soldiers are giving their lives for a reason
For all concerned I hope you are very wrong.

Such an act of peace deals would be an insult to those soldiers who have given their lives for this. :agree:

If the past deals where not a insult why should the next one be a insult?
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