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  1. Brickwall

    World Sikh Parliament urges Sikh soldiers in Indian army - - - - - !

    That is your opinion ,wait till it all are claimed after all we are forming great khalistan:pop: Please explain that your friends who are propagating this idea of khalistan. I dont know what kind Sikh is in Pakistan, Indian Sikh are pride of nation they are intelligent and one of the most...
  2. Brickwall

    World Sikh Parliament urges Sikh soldiers in Indian army - - - - - !

    Let me understand this you want to create Khalistan only from Indian Punjab , Keep dreaming. Be ready to loose the Punjab for your khalistan dream. Question is not if , till when , once khalistan gets created I have better idea , why not separate baluchistan and wazristan , Afghanistan and...
  3. Brickwall

    World Sikh Parliament urges Sikh soldiers in Indian army - - - - - !

    You must be aware Khalistan will also include Pakistan Punjab province :cheers:
  4. Brickwall

    Zakir Naik - Victim of PM Modi

    He is more of quack than any scholar, i heard some of his debates he quotes some text and extract some other meaning.
  5. Brickwall

    'Bilateral trade between Pakistan, Afghanistan has dropped by $2b'

    Isn't it is opposite, think of this, if you pushing again people to danger, you are making one more permanent enemy.
  6. Brickwall

    Pakistan Army chief General Bajwa backs talks, even as India hangs tough

    If its true, I'm afraid it came late, Next year is election time. No Government would go into dialogue with Pakistan and risk public outcry if there is another Terrorist incident. Unfortunately this will be new normal for some time of sporadic LOC ceasefire violation and trading insults on...
  7. Brickwall

    In Indian Comedy video, an Indian buying Bangladesh and Bangladeshis are trolling Indians for this

    Im not sure whats happening , First this Joke was not funny , almost nobody would have heard had its been just ignored, but now you have opened thread and created audience for it.:enjoy:
  8. Brickwall

    Indian Army deserted their post after Pakistan retaliated on LOC

    Read again...find out why NLI was incorporated within Infantry corps , Hint it has nothing to do with LOC.. As for rest of your noise :rofl::rofl: some day you will convince others also of your dream
  9. Brickwall

    Indian Army deserted their post after Pakistan retaliated on LOC

    Do you happen to know NLI..Read about them. And for your Information, there was world wide support or India due to its stand, it wont cross LOC. And regarding bodies, it is utterly disrespectful and cowardly act
  10. Brickwall

    indians accepting/ assault ambush on post

    People who are praising here Pakistan killing Indian Soldiers, they don't even know how many Pakistan soldiers have laid down their lives. Apparently its so secret their Senate also cant be told.
  11. Brickwall

    Indian Army deserted their post after Pakistan retaliated on LOC

    Some Military Victory, when you don't even accept dead bodies of your soldiers, even denying its hand when it was happening
  12. Brickwall

    In case of a US-India military alliance, Pakistan will have to intensify ties with China

    Let me get this China and Pakistan doesn't want India to have alliance with US, while they will have any kind of alliance. I think India will decide based upon its self interest not on anybody else opinion.
  13. Brickwall

    can Russia & China resolve Kashmir issue to succeed OBOR project?

    We trust Russia, But Russia and India both don't interfere in there bilateral issues. And as far as China is concerned , you will find even less takers for it to act as mediator. Only way peace can be made, both nation are so interdependent on each other that question of hostilities is out of...
  14. Brickwall

    Taking the recent photo controversy seriously

    I suppose he was sitting due to his ill health , there was news article at start of month there his doctors has advise him not to travel due to his health pranab-mukherjee-to-skip-yugaantar-due-to-ill-health
  15. Brickwall

    Revive India Pakistan Cricket at India or Pakistan

    There is two sides of coin, although I would strongly agree that playing cricket and other sports will increase diplomacy chances but also more youngster will be drawn to Sports to watch and compete in quality contest . But sadly this also put us into quandary, it would bring much needed...
  16. Brickwall

    India can not deprive Kashmiris of right to self-determination: Shehbaz

    Even we have same opinion, only difference is places which requires self determination lies in neighboring country :partay:
  17. Brickwall

    Are the ancient Hindu myths of a land bridge connecting India and Sri Lanka true? Scientific analysi

    I suppose myth are based on some information, although by manipulating original information. Information available is giving us hypothesis Bridge or something to that effect must have been in distant past. Myth or no myth the structure is quite hold and make interesting study , so need to be...
  18. Brickwall

    Russia poised to sign $10b gas pipeline deals this week

    If this pipeline is succeeded than next pipeline will be from Iran
  19. Brickwall

    Padmavati was not a real human she was a fictional character created by a Muslim Poet

    Don't believe in everything you read, all the part of same mill, they take people for ride for few votes and money
  20. Brickwall

    Pakistan doesn’t recognize Armenia as a state: Senate’s deputy chairman

    If your in forum, keep the fight between us,if u loose the argument then, DON'T EVER BRING FAMILY IN BETWEEN. I can go for so cheap comments, but my family taught me better.Goodbye

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