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  1. ticktack79

    India - A Country Profile

    The progress of country is measured in terms of its Middle Income Group, which actually drives the major part of economy (By being materialistic and also by paying taxes). 25% of population of India lies in this group which is a big number as compared to 10% of Pakistan (If I see total number...
  2. ticktack79

    Do you think that the British decided to create a permanent mess in the subcontinent?

    I think it was more of Jinnah and Nehru which allowed it to happen. How can you blame outsiders if people of your country wanted it to happen ?
  3. ticktack79

    Karzai Tells Pakistan to Shut Extremist Schools, Arrest Operators

    Well every dog bites back if u start hitting it ...
  4. ticktack79

    India’s RAW Tries To Kill Hafiz Saeed, Bomb ISI Building ..........

    Yes, now this is the right approach. Make sure none of your enemies are able to even look into your eye. But please don't increase enmity by pointing fingers without knowing the truth. Since Mumbai attack India also learned its lessons. I see this as the only silver lining in that hideous past...
  5. ticktack79

    India’s RAW Tries To Kill Hafiz Saeed, Bomb ISI Building ..........

    I never said that. If I killed one guy that does not mean all the murders in and around that area are done by me. I could be the suspect though but it will not be more than us suspecting ISI in Manmohan Singh's admission to AIIMS.
  6. ticktack79

    India’s RAW Tries To Kill Hafiz Saeed, Bomb ISI Building ..........

    So as I suspected, Bharat Verma is self styled Defence Analyst like Zaid Hamid. These guys only spit venom and they do not represent their country's view. We are stuck again... proof ???
  7. ticktack79

    India’s RAW Tries To Kill Hafiz Saeed, Bomb ISI Building ..........

    Another joke. You believing on leaked news. PROOF, PROOF and PROOF ????
  8. ticktack79

    India’s RAW Tries To Kill Hafiz Saeed, Bomb ISI Building ..........

    His theory is based on this assumption and we are looking for proof of this itself. It does same as what you are doing. Again, motive is not equal to proof. Could you please also point to article in Indian Defence review he is talking about? I could not find it and I will not believe it just...
  9. ticktack79

    India’s RAW Tries To Kill Hafiz Saeed, Bomb ISI Building ..........

    I denied your argument. Motif is not proof.
  10. ticktack79

    India’s RAW Tries To Kill Hafiz Saeed, Bomb ISI Building ..........

    I think I can give the same number (infact more) number of reasons on why pakistan wants to destabilize and disintegrate India. But it does not mean I will start blaming Pakistan/ISI for Naxalites and Maoists. Have some senses. If Pakistan Govt had some proof they would not be showing it in just...
  11. ticktack79

    India’s RAW Tries To Kill Hafiz Saeed, Bomb ISI Building ..........

    This was joke of the day. Thanks for it. Just because Pakistan's hand is proved in Mumbai's attack, it is not imperative that you blame everything on India. You can sometimes act sensible also.
  12. ticktack79

    One and just one place you wish to see before you die!!!

    Ibiza is also on my to see list before i get kicked out of my job due to this recession :)
  13. ticktack79

    One and just one place you wish to see before you die!!!

    venice could be a big let down if it is ur dream destination.
  14. ticktack79

    Indian elections 2009

    the best thing is that now congress can form govt without Left Parties. :victory: now progress can really take place ... insha'allah
  15. ticktack79

    One and just one place you wish to see before you die!!!

    For me it would be antartica. I have been to all other continents ... and this one require some balls and lots of money :)
  16. ticktack79

    What do you smoke?

    marlboro or camel God i miss indian bidi ... 555 pataka bidi.... one bidi was enough to stink a hall :)
  17. ticktack79


    I am not sure but have u read blogs on fakeiplplayer.blogspot.com... he claims to be part of KKR bandwagon and has created a sensation ...
  18. ticktack79

    Tell Ur real names

    bilal... bilal kidwai ... mohammed bilal kidwai ... mohammed bilal shafeeq kidwai ... mohammed bilal shafeeq ahmed kidwai
  19. ticktack79

    The number zero was invented in Ancient Pakistan

    When I went to Egypt, they claimed that zero was invented there ... Anyways I could not read all the posts... any conclusion till now ???
  20. ticktack79

    Ajmal Kasab's Indian trial

    THE question i ask is .....we can train a man to go for out of area operations we can tell him what to do but we forget to fix his accents and forget the fact that he is carrying MADE IN PAKISTAN Pickles!!! and the best part is we tell someone to act hyderbadi and SPEAK IN HINDI.... i mean...
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