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India’s RAW Tries To Kill Hafiz Saeed, Bomb ISI Building ..........

there were two colonals
colonal amir got shahadat. yesterday Express news gave the coverage and beepers of his father and brother
Amirs brother two years back got shahdat in heli crash

Amirs elder brother said i have Sacrifised two brothers , am proud of it and if nation need i will sacrifice every thing even my life for my mother land
I find it strange that terrorists would go to so much trouble to kill a low profile target like Col. Amir Mirza. I have no doubt that he was a courageous and a brilliant officer but what benefit would anyone derive from his death. Is there any evidence about the arrested persons inside the ISI building or is this speculation also? The original article said that the vehicle had moved around the court area but could not get near enough. There might have been alternative targets or when the terrorists realized they could not carry out the attack on their primary target they went for the ISI building instead.
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This was joke of the day. Thanks for it.
Just because Pakistan's hand is proved in Mumbai's attack, it is not imperative that you blame everything on India. You can sometimes act sensible also.
whatever was that, it clearly shows that terrorists has a better network of intelll, & it needs to be find ?
This was joke of the day. Thanks for it.
Just because Pakistan's hand is proved in Mumbai's attack, it is not imperative that you blame everything on India. You can sometimes act sensible also.

Whether the target was Col. Amir Mirza or the arrested persons inside the ISI building or Hafiz Saeed may be questioned but we all know RAW did this of which we have no doubt. We are just speculating which of the possible people were the targets of the attack not the perpetrators which we know was a RAW sponsored outfit.
Any information regarding the captured suspects .. havent heard anything...
Whether the target was Col. Amir Mirza or the arrested persons inside the ISI building or Hafiz Saeed may be questioned but we all know RAW did this of which we have no doubt. We are just speculating which of the possible people were the targets of the attack not the perpetrators which we know was a RAW sponsored outfit.


The GOP says something, the perpetrators come on TV and not only admit but also mention their agenda in the days ahead and ppl sitting in far away lands who have not been able to decide what exactly happened in the BDR HQ & why seem to know ' everything'.
Whether the target was Col. Amir Mirza or the arrested persons inside the ISI building or Hafiz Saeed may be questioned but we all know RAW did this of which we have no doubt. We are just speculating which of the possible people were the targets of the attack not the perpetrators which we know was a RAW sponsored outfit.

We, I mean people not having access to the voices in your head DON"T KNOW this. Unsubstantiated BS.

Pakistan does not need more fooling by people with interest in conflict, in this case you.
India has the bigest intrest in destabalizing pakistan why
1. because of historically Pakistan never bowed in front of india

2. Pakistans gawader port will have eye on Strait of Hurmaz traffic and will provide Debth to Pak Navy and also link up Caspian oil reserves to Arabian sea. Indian oil comes from Mid east and india cannot tolerate any such port which can any time disturb indian supply
3. To reach central asia India is trying its best
1. to control kashmiri freedom Movement in IOK
2. to instegate Gilgiti and Kashmiri Population in Pakistan so that in future Bangladesh type action can take place . If india succeed in this Afghanistan, an indian ally will have no problem to give india permission to cross wakhan belt between Turkmanistan and Gilgit agency.

3. India also for same reason knows unless Pashtuns are brought against Pakistan can never prevail in Balochistan. That is why it is financeing TTP. BTW the Majority of out fits which US says are supporting Afghan Taliban never attacked Pakistani Intrests. The groups responsible for Terrorism are groups who dont prefer afghanistan but prefer to fight Pakistan.
Do you know mullah omer suspended Baitullah because he like do fight pakistan not Occupation forces in Afghanistan and is on role of Indians and Afghans ...same case with HeM and TNSM
India has the bigest intrest in destabalizing pakistan why
1. because of historically Pakistan never bowed in front of india

2. Pakistans gawader port will have eye on Strait of Hurmaz traffic and will provide Debth to Pak Navy and also link up Caspian oil reserves to Arabian sea. Indian oil comes from Mid east and india cannot tolerate any such port which can any time disturb indian supply
3. To reach central asia India is trying its best
1. to control kashmiri freedom Movement in IOK
2. to instegate Gilgiti and Kashmiri Population in Pakistan so that in future Bangladesh type action can take place . If india succeed in this Afghanistan, an indian ally will have no problem to give india permission to cross wakhan belt between Turkmanistan and Gilgit agency.

3. India also for same reason knows unless Pashtuns are brought against Pakistan can never prevail in Balochistan. That is why it is financeing TTP. BTW the Majority of out fits which US says are supporting Afghan Taliban never attacked Pakistani Intrests. The groups responsible for Terrorism are groups who dont prefer afghanistan but prefer to fight Pakistan.
Do you know mullah omer suspended Baitullah because he like do fight pakistan not Occupation forces in Afghanistan and is on role of Indians and Afghans ...same case with HeM and TNSM

Yeah right, and Indian financial assistance to TTP, BM and FM Mullah were prominently listed as the reasons why GoP and PA termed them as honest and patriotic Pakistanis not very long ago.

While trying to reach a peace deal with TTP, they actually were surrendering to Indian Govt. oops but that goes against the very first point you made.

Come on, we have issues which need to be sorted out, but resorting to terrorism and supporting BM and troupe can only be against India. The very good Taliban (As per some Pakistani members ) are reportedly helping BM and his band of goons. All you have is India on mind. Keep looking in the wrong direction, you won't even know what struck you. Yesterday it was Lahore, today NWFP tomorrow someplace else. They are your own citizens and they have gone astray.

TTP, TNSM they are all Pakistani products and you are dealing with them. PA stepped on its tail and they are retaliating now. How does India fit into the picture. it seems more a case of "Chor ki Daadhi main Tinka". Since Pakistan supported Taliban and other Jihadi outfits to achieve political gains, you are accusing same for India.

Of all the International media, only report found to point fingers towards India is this one - A Personal Blog. I have a blog as well, if I start posting the same, will to accept it as gospel of truth?
Yeah right, and Indian financial assistance to TTP, BM and FM Mullah were prominently listed as the reasons why GoP and PA termed them as honest and patriotic Pakistanis not very long ago.

While trying to reach a peace deal with TTP, they actually were surrendering to Indian Govt. oops but that goes against the very first point you made.

Come on, we have issues which need to be sorted out, but resorting to terrorism and supporting BM and troupe can only be against India. The very good Taliban (As per some Pakistani members ) are reportedly helping BM and his band of goons. All you have is India on mind. Keep looking in the wrong direction, you won't even know what struck you. Yesterday it was Lahore, today NWFP tomorrow someplace else. They are your own citizens and they have gone astray.

TTP, TNSM they are all Pakistani products and you are dealing with them. PA stepped on its tail and they are retaliating now. How does India fit into the picture. it seems more a case of "Chor ki Daadhi main Tinka". Since Pakistan supported Taliban and other Jihadi outfits to achieve political gains, you are accusing same for India.

Of all the International media, only report found to point fingers towards India is this one - A Personal Blog. I have a blog as well, if I start posting the same, will to accept it as gospel of truth?

cna you deny what i have written. The situation in past was not clear
now every thing is clear.

Contradict my points if you have proofs
India has the bigest intrest in destabalizing pakistan why
1. because of historically Pakistan never bowed in front of india

2. Pakistans gawader port will have eye on Strait of Hurmaz traffic and will provide Debth to Pak Navy and also link up Caspian oil reserves to Arabian sea. Indian oil comes from Mid east and india cannot tolerate any such port which can any time disturb indian supply
3. To reach central asia India is trying its best
1. to control kashmiri freedom Movement in IOK
2. to instegate Gilgiti and Kashmiri Population in Pakistan so that in future Bangladesh type action can take place . If india succeed in this Afghanistan, an indian ally will have no problem to give india permission to cross wakhan belt between Turkmanistan and Gilgit agency.

3. India also for same reason knows unless Pashtuns are brought against Pakistan can never prevail in Balochistan. That is why it is financeing TTP. BTW the Majority of out fits which US says are supporting Afghan Taliban never attacked Pakistani Intrests. The groups responsible for Terrorism are groups who dont prefer afghanistan but prefer to fight Pakistan.
Do you know mullah omer suspended Baitullah because he like do fight pakistan not Occupation forces in Afghanistan and is on role of Indians and Afghans ...same case with HeM and TNSM

I think I can give the same number (infact more) number of reasons on why pakistan wants to destabilize and disintegrate India. But it does not mean I will start blaming Pakistan/ISI for Naxalites and Maoists. Have some senses. If Pakistan Govt had some proof they would not be showing it in just close door meetings. After what India did to Pakistan after Mumbai attacks, Pakistan would be raring to show proofs to International Media to counter attack. But the point is they don't have any. It is all BS to keep you guys from their trail and I can see they are successful. This is what BUSH did in US and your government is doing the same. US realized it after 8 years and I don't think you can afford 8 years.
I think I can give the same number (infact more) number of reasons on why pakistan wants to destabilize and disintegrate India. But it does not mean I will start blaming Pakistan/ISI for Naxalites and Maoists. Have some senses. If Pakistan Govt had some proof they would not be showing it in just close door meetings. After what India did to Pakistan after Mumbai attacks, Pakistan would be raring to show proofs to International Media to counter attack. But the point is they don't have any. It is all BS to keep you guys from their trail and I can see they are successful. This is what BUSH did in US and your government is doing the same. US realized it after 8 years and I don't think you can afford 8 years.

boy we are talking about indian hand
if you cannot deny my argument then keep quite.:pop:
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