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India’s RAW Tries To Kill Hafiz Saeed, Bomb ISI Building ..........

cna you deny what i have written. The situation in past was not clear
now every thing is clear.

Contradict my points if you have proofs

What you have mentioned are reasons why
India should destablized Pakistan, I can list a few more than those, what does that account to? Pakistan has many more to destabilize India. What does that prove?

If I have a motive for Murder does that mean I committed the murder as well?

You are telling me because India wants increased influence in Central Asia, Dont you want that? Does not US want thesame? Is russia not looking for the same or for that matter even China wants that.

Pakistan has never bowed in front of India - Who has? So India has an agenda against every nation that has not bowed?

Gawdar Port issue is plain fiction. Pirates of Somalia post a bigger threat.

India wants to stabilize conditions in Kashmir - Do you have a problem with that?

Provoking population in Gilgit is pure fiction, The tactic of instigating Kashmiris and inflaming the conditions has been employed solely by Pakistan.

Now can you contradict any of my points?

1. BM was termed as Patriotic Pakistani by GoP
2. Peace agreement was saught with TTP
3. Afghan Taliban are supporting TTP.
4. almost all neutral observers have praised Indian role in Afghanistan
5. TTP is a domestic problem of Pakistan.
6. Drug money and funds from Arab countries is the primary source of finance for these terrorists
7. ZERO EVIDENCE has ever been produced by Pakistan against indian funding of TTP and gang.
8. None of the Govt. agencies / PA has acknowledged Indian hand in the incident.
9. Taliban has a much stronger motive than India
an article, published in the “Indian Defence Review,” Jan-Mar 2009 under the caption: Stable Pakistan not in India’s Interest, suggested the disintegration of Pakistan as it could better serve Indian interest in the region. In this respect, while opposing the two nation theory and creation of Pakistan, it elaborated: “The ugly separatist face of the agitation in the Valley (Kashmir) today is the consequence of the dereliction of the fundamental duty by the Indian Union.” In this connection, the article encouraged Hindu religious forces at the cost of secular character of India.

Indian Defence Review further pointed out: “With Pakistan on the brink of collapse, it is matter of time before it ceases to exist…multiple benefits will accrue to India…Balochistan will achieve independence. For New Delhi, this opens a window of opportunity to ensure that the Gwadar port does not fall into the hands of the Chinese. Afghanistan will gain fair amount of stability. India’s access to Central Asian energy routes will open up. Sindh and most of the non-Punjabi areas of Pakistan will be our new friends.”
It is a good sign that after eight hours exchange of fire on March 30, 2009, our security forces regained the control of Police Training Center the at Manawan, Lahore, capturing five terrorists alive, who prove useful in the investigation. In less than a month, after similar pattern of assault on Sri Lanka’s visiting cricket team, this major attack on the police academy which killed 11 persons and injured more than 90 individuals in the heart of Lahore, underscores the course of threat. It was well-organized and highly coordinated act, while terrorists used hand grenades and sophisticated weapons. On the same day, Mr Rehman Malik, the Interior Advisor pointed out Baitullah Mehsud, chief of the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) as the planner and executioner of the terrorist operation, also indicated reference to a “foreign hand to be on the safe side.”

On March 31, Mehsud claimed responsibility for the Manawan attack, and threatened to carry out similar operations in Lahore and other parts of Punjab including US homeland in future. Regarding Lahore mayhem, he told BBC Urdu over the telephone from an undisclosed location, “These attacks were in reaction to US drone strikes in the tribal areas.” However, among the captured fugitives, one was Afghan national, and police arrested around 50 suspected persons from various parts of Lahore on his disclosure. While a number of questions arise in the minds of every Pakistani in connection with Lahore debacle—who was involved, why it happened and what were the aims behind that terrorist event.

These queries need logical conclusion to sort out the real culprits. First of all, statement of Bailtullah Mehsud, leader of the TTP, itself, requires special attention. After spreading terrorism in Pakistan’s Frontier Province, he has repeatedly warned to target Lahore, other parts of Punjab and Karachi. He has started implementing his nefarious game. Unlike the Swat-based Taliban who signed a peace agreement with the provincial government in the recent past, Mehsud whose insurgents are most active in Waziristan and other related tribal agencies, flatly refused to initiate or conclude any such peace accord. As a matter of fact, Bailtullah Mehsud is direct agent of Indian intelligence agency, RAW and indirect agent of American CIA. Just like his patrons, while, playing a double game, his main purpose is to destablise Pakistan in order to fulfill the sinister designs of his paymasters. Mehsud whose insurgents get arms and ammunition from Afghanistan where Indian RAW and military troops are well-entrenched against Pakistan, is allowed to condemn US drones attacks and New Delhi’s anti-Pakistan policies so that his followers do not doubt his integrity.

There is similarity in anti-Pakistan designs, being acted upon by our enemies, if we witness the ongoing phenomenon of sabotage in our country in wake of various developments. In this context, an article, published in the “Indian Defence Review,” Jan-Mar 2009 under the caption: Stable Pakistan not in India’s Interest, suggested the disintegration of Pakistan as it could better serve Indian interest in the region. In this respect, while opposing the two nation theory and creation of Pakistan, it elaborated: “The ugly separatist face of the agitation in the Valley (Kashmir) today is the consequence of the dereliction of the fundamental duty by the Indian Union.” In this connection, the article encouraged Hindu religious forces at the cost of secular character of India.

Indian Defence Review further pointed out: “With Pakistan on the brink of collapse, it is matter of time before it ceases to exist…multiple benefits will accrue to India…Balochistan will achieve independence. For New Delhi, this opens a window of opportunity to ensure that the Gwadar port does not fall into the hands of the Chinese. Afghanistan will gain fair amount of stability. India’s access to Central Asian energy routes will open up. Sindh and most of the non-Punjabi areas of Pakistan will be our new friends.”

Indian anti-Pakistan plan has also been endorsed by a 72-page white paper handed over to its Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in the aftermath of Mumbai carnage. The paper, titled, War on Terror: The Agenda for Action, advised New Delhi to “exploit the divisions within Pakistan and expose its weaknesses in Balochistan, FATA and Azad Kashmir,” including building of pressure on Islamabad especially by the US. Notably, on March 22, 2009, David Kilcullen, a top adviser to the US Gen. David H. Petraeus disclosed during his interview to the Washington Post, “The Pakistani state could collapse within six months.” Intermittently, some US high officials and thinktants have also predicted instability or lawlessness in Pakistan in one or the other way. Nevertheless, US, India and Israel are in collusion to destabilise or disintegrate our country through their secret agencies owing to a number of common strategic goals such as depriving Pakistan of nuclear assets, occupying Gwader port which links Central and South Asia, thwarting the interests of China and Iran in the region and making India a superpower of Asia.

Due to its strategic location, Pakistan has become direct target of unrest, created by the external secret agencies through a perennial wave of suicide attacks and assaults on security forces, which began from tribal areas and Balochistan have now reached Lahore. Apart from other nefarious purposes against Islamabad, New Delhi’s plot against Pakistan is based upon century’s old animosity of Hindus against Muslims as partition of the Indian Sub-continental remains fresh in their minds.

Pakistan shares a common border with India and Afghanistan, so it becomes easy for Indian RAW to send its trained agents in Pakistan with the clandestine help of Mossad and CIA. In Wakhan, a religious Madrassa of the Indian Muslim clerics is functioning under the patronage of RAW. Very young boys including Afghans, recruits are mostly from Central Asia, bordering Afghanistan. Thus more than 20,000 ideologically motivated terrorists are continuously being infiltrated into troubled spots of Pakistan. Posing as volunteers, they join the Taliban militants to fight against our security forces and to conduct multiple subversive acts. At some places of our country, RAW’s Afghan agents are also actively involved in fuelling sectarian violence and killing of religious leaders.

In fact, by taking advantage of War On Terror, with the help of Indian-home grown terrorists and some of Pakistani militants, Indian RAW has become pro-active to arrange any terrorist event in Pakistan as recently noted in Lahore or in Indian Mumbai on November 26 last year and then to manipulate the same against Islamabad. This exploitation also entails every such militant attack which is being conducted by the freedom fighters who are struggling for the liberation of their lands from the alien rule either in Afghanistan or Kashmir. As already mentioned, the interior adviser, Rehman Malik, has held Baitullah Mehsud responsible for the terrorist carnage in Lahore, while referring to a foreign hand in that regard. He did not name any country because at present, Pakistan is facing multi-faceted crises which have compelled it to depend upon the US-led international community. And Islamabad had to accept the undue demands of Washington as recently it accepted some false demands in relation to Mumbai mayhem, thought that episode was actually prepared by the Indian RAW not only to distort the image of Pakistan, but also to isolate it diplomatically. The events like attacks on Sri Lanka’s cricket team and police facility at Manawa in Lahore were also part of this conspiracy. Although Rehman Malik could not disclose facts, yet his assertions endorse many ground realities.

As regard Bailtullah Mehsud, reports suggest that the US military commanders had been provided with his exact location on many occasions in the past, but the CIA-operated predators did not hunt him as he is Pakistan’s real enemy who masterminded almost every suicide operation in the country. He plays a key role in instigating the peace-loving Taliban against Islamabad. The US military has launched missile strikes to a precise location at very short notice, and killed high-profile leaders of Al Qaeda in Pakistan’s tribal regions, but Mehsud is free to move in Waziristan or other places of FATA, sometimes addressing press conferences and sometimes meeting journalists. With the direct help of RAW and indirect backing of CIA, he collects information on Pakistani troop movements from an unidentified foreign source. On the other hand, US military and high officials accuse Pakistan’s army and ISI of close links with Mehsud. Nonetheless, Mehsud like other secret agents is part of US and Indian double game in weakening the federation of Pakistan.

Returning to our earlier discussion, like other terrorist incidents, attack at Manawan police training centre in Lahore was sponsored by Indian intelligence agency RAW. And Bailtullah Mehsud along with RAW-paid local agents of our country played his sinister role in accordance with the Indian agenda. Every Pakistani patriot must remain vigilant as the wave of Indian-sponsored terrorism which started from FATA and Balochistan has, now, reached Lahore. No doubt, India which finances and trains insurgents to commit terrorist operations, wants total break down of institutions in Pakistan.
Pakistan Observer - Newspaper online edition - Article
an article, published in the “Indian Defence Review,” Jan-Mar 2009 under the caption: Stable Pakistan not in India’s Interest, suggested the disintegration of Pakistan as it could better serve Indian interest in the region. In this respect, while opposing the two nation theory and creation of Pakistan, it elaborated: “The ugly separatist face of the agitation in the Valley (Kashmir) today is the consequence of the dereliction of the fundamental duty by the Indian Union.” In this connection, the article encouraged Hindu religious forces at the cost of secular character of India.

Indian Defence Review further pointed out: “With Pakistan on the brink of collapse, it is matter of time before it ceases to exist…multiple benefits will accrue to India…Balochistan will achieve independence. For New Delhi, this opens a window of opportunity to ensure that the Gwadar port does not fall into the hands of the Chinese. Afghanistan will gain fair amount of stability. India’s access to Central Asian energy routes will open up. Sindh and most of the non-Punjabi areas of Pakistan will be our new friends.”

When you copy paste from other's articles, you should give them credit by posting links. You claim to be a journalist, you should know that.

If you do not wish to get caught, make it your own by murdering the english in the copied text.
When you copy paste from other's articles, you should give them credit by posting links. You claim to be a journalist, you should know that.

If you do not wish to get caught, make it your own by murdering the english in the copied text.

boy if you read next post you will find the full artical with link:hitwall:
Bailtullah Mehsud is direct agent of Indian intelligence agency, RAW and indirect agent of American CIA.

His theory is based on this assumption and we are looking for proof of this itself. It does same as what you are doing. Again, motive is not equal to proof.

Could you please also point to article in Indian Defence review he is talking about? I could not find it and I will not believe it just because he said so.

The GOP says something, the perpetrators come on TV and not only admit but also mention their agenda in the days ahead and ppl sitting in far away lands who have not been able to decide what exactly happened in the BDR HQ & why seem to know ' everything'.

Didn't you hear? The army report implicated India in the BDR mutiny. The government has kept it under close wraps but things are getting leaked to the public.
Didn't you hear? The army report implicated India in the BDR mutiny. The government has kept it under close wraps but things are getting leaked to the public.

Another joke. You believing on leaked news.
India is as innocent as Paviter Ganga

btw thats what an american acedemic has to say
Policy of regional imperialism has always been a driving force in formulation of Indian foreign policy since its independence.......
The most enigmatic training was given to insurgents in Dera Dun along with Bengali, Pakistani and Tibetan rebels(Thomas A. Marks, Maoist insurgency since Vietnam, Frank Cass and company limited London.1996, P.220)
The pakistan govt should make Hafiz Saeed a minister or at least award the guy a medal or something.:pakistan:
The pakistan govt should make Hafiz Saeed a minister or at least award the guy a medal or something.:pakistan:

we have suffered due to past blunders and are sacrifiseing more than any body to correct the wrongs

but at same time we cannot allow enemy states to finance the same terrorists which we are trying to distroy
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