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Ajmal Kasab's Indian trial

THE question i ask is .....we can train a man to go for out of area operations we can tell him what to do but we forget to fix his accents and forget the fact that he is carrying MADE IN PAKISTAN Pickles!!! and the best part is we tell someone to act hyderbadi and SPEAK IN HINDI.... i mean seriously...[/QUOTE]

Are all these part of chargesheet filed in court or u r just picking evidence from media which cannot be deemed credible ?
The 'supposed' terrorist that phoned the Bharti News Channel.

It reads like a Shakespearean Comedy.

1. He's a Bharti PUnjabi, as his accent while speaking Urdu/Hindi is suspiciously like someone from East PUnjab would speak Urdu/Hindi.

2. He's posing as a Pakistani, who is pretending to be a Deccani. This can be gathered by the way he tries to use Urdu words like "Dehshat gardi" "Huqooq", etc.

3. He's obviously NOT deccani, as he has no Urdu accent to speak of, and did not know who the CM of Andhra Pradesh was.

4. His reversion to words used in HIndi (mudh bidhh, prasaashan, shanti, and others) when he is speaking in haste, points towards a limited Urdu vocabulary, or indeed Pakistani punjabi vocabulary, which also uses Urduized words. BAsically, his Hindi starts where his Urdu finishes. Thus, he is not a Pakistani Urdu/PUnjabi speaker.

5. If he was really a Pakistani, posing as a deccani, he would not have had to use any Hindi vocabulary, as the Urdu vocabulary would have been just fine. Of course, a change in accent would have been required to sound convincing.

6. He doesn't even attempt a false Deccani accent, because he is trying his best to be a 'fake' deccani, so as to make people believe he's Pakistani.

My Question : Why would an Pakistani Urdu PUnjabi speaker, who is pretending to be a deccani Urdu speaker, instead use Hindi words, that are not used in Pakistani Punjabi/Urdu nor Deccani Urdu? Is he trying to get caught out?

All in all, a very feeble attempt at subterfuge.


Kasab's lawyer faces flak from Shias

MUMBAI: Terror accused Ajmal Amir Kasab's lawyer Abbas Kazmi is facing flak from a section of Shia Muslims for taking on the high-profile 26/11

Tahafuzz-e-Hussainiat, a city-based group that claims to safeguard the values upheld by Prophet Mohammed's grandson Imam Hussain — who died fighting the army of Ummayid king Yazid in Karbala (Iraq) in the 7th century — has condemned Kazmi for defending a terrorist.

"The Muslims of Mumbai sent a strong message to the Muslim terrorist outfits across the world when they didn’t allow the bodies of the nine terrorists killed during the 26/11 massacre to be buried at their kabrastan. It is shameful that now a Muslim and a Shia lawyer has agreed to defend an accused of the massacre," said Shia scholar Maulana Zaheer Abbas Rizvi, addressing the media on Monday.

The Shias believe that the perpetrators of violent crimes on the innocent are supporters of Yazid, and no Muslim should defend them. The Muslims mourn Imam Hussain's martyrdom during Muharram, while the Shias mark the occasion with pronounced public mourning.

The Shias have taken offence as Kazmi is a trustee of a Shia mosque in the crowded Bhendi Bazaar; they also pointed out that in an interview he had claimed to be a leader of the Shias.

Kazmi, who had represented some of the accused of 1993 bomb blasts, however, is unperturbed by the protests from his community members. "I am a professional. Who are these people to question what is purely my personal and professional choice?" he asked, adding that he would not buckle under any pressure.

The lawyer also defended his claims of being a leader of the Shias: "I am president of a Shia Ashari jamaat, a community group. In that context, I am a leader of the members of this group." Kazmi maintained that only those Shias who don’t want him to head the community group were opposed to him representing Kasab.
Cant say any thing about Phone comment as its Mr. Nikam quote and have no idea if he has proof for it or not. :undecided: hanging is way less punishment for him for the the crime he has done. :tsk:

he probably didnt even do it
he recently stated that the confession was extracted through him by torture
trust me in this case no one is getting justice:tsk:


You've obviously not read the thread properly, and jumped to write this ingenious reply.

I had earlier posted a you tube video of a 'terrorist' calling an INdian News Channel, which was broadcast live during the mumbai massacre.

My comment was regarding that alleged terrorist, not Kasab...who I don't know from Adam, as I don't know you either.
Tumhari problem kya hay...

Seems like the judge has already made up his mind about Ajma'ls guilt, considering the rude and forthright way he spoke to him...
Tumhari problem kya hay...

Seems like the judge has already made up his mind about Ajma'ls guilt, considering the rude and forthright way he spoke to him...

And you think He was innocently Strolling at CST station using AK47 as walking stick since he has reached a ripe old age of 21.

It is clearly mentioned in the article that he was showing signs of discomfort and detachment from the proceedings and this prompted judge to raise the question.

It was sensitive enough from the judge to ask else he could have proceeded on with the proceedings without paying attention to his antics.
You've obviously not read the thread properly, and jumped to write this ingenious reply.

I had earlier posted a you tube video of a 'terrorist' calling an INdian News Channel, which was broadcast live during the mumbai massacre.

My comment was regarding that alleged terrorist, not Kasab...who I don't know from Adam, as I don't know you either.

I think the discussion is about Kasab's Trial and confession and that conversatoin does not form a part of evidence from either defence or procecution. It is entirely irrelevent.
Stop pampering Kasab, end trial in a month: Bal Thackeray

Shiv Sena chief Bal Thackeray on Tuesday criticised the "special treatment" accorded to Mohammed Ajmal Amir Kasab, the lone Pakistani terrorist captured during the Mumbai attacks, and demanded that his trial be wrapped up within a month.

In a scathing editorial in Saamna, the party mouthpiece, Thackeray said a huge amount of tax-payers' money has been wasted in providing security to "Kasab Saheb" (Kasab Sir).

"So much security is not even provided to the country's prime minister. All this because we want to prove to the world that we are such a strong democracy and that we will give an opportunity of defence to even those who attack us and destroy our country," the editorial noted.

Thackeray alleged that with the Indian government taking care of all his needs, Kasab - who appeared in court wearing jeans, T-shirt and perfume - must have started loving life in an Indian prison as compared to impoverished Pakistan.

Hence, "Kasab Saheb" has suddenly remembered that he is below 18 years of age, and that the motive was to capture Jammu and Kashmir after the government appointed lawyer S.G. Abbas Kazmi to defend him.

"At this rate, the trial will go from lower courts to higher courts and then for a presidential pardon, as in the case of Afzal Guru," the signed piece pointed out.

It urged that the trial be completed within a fortnight to a month; Kasab should be given punishment against which he cannot appeal in any higher court and the matter be disposed of.

Stop pampering Kasab, end trial in a month: Bal Thackeray- Hindustan Times
i was trying to avoid this stupid thread, but Mr Thackeray's worth words compled me top rejoin.
Stop pampering Kasab, end trial in a month: Bal Thackeray

Shiv Sena chief Bal Thackeray on Tuesday criticised the "special treatment" accorded to Mohammed Ajmal Amir Kasab, the lone Pakistani terrorist captured during the Mumbai attacks, and demanded that his trial be wrapped up within a month.

In a scathing editorial in Saamna, the party mouthpiece, Thackeray said a huge amount of tax-payers' money has been wasted in providing security to "Kasab Saheb" (Kasab Sir).

"So much security is not even provided to the country's prime minister. All this because we want to prove to the world that we are such a strong democracy and that we will give an opportunity of defence to even those who attack us and destroy our country," the editorial noted.
^^ Does he thinks that the indian govt is doing some kinda charity to him?
Hell, you are supposed to provide him security Mr Thackeray!

This what all civilized races do. Or does he wants to go back to stone age kinda theology-:sniper:-justice served on spot.

You better do it or else your global claim of being such a 'lovely' democracy would be blown out.

BTW, by only announcing his annoyance over the security and the so called 'privileges' he already had dented upon the indian democratical claim.

Thackeray alleged that with the Indian government taking care of all his needs, Kasab - who appeared in court wearing jeans, T-shirt and perfume - must have started loving life in an Indian prison as compared to impoverished Pakistan.
Now this show that Thackeray is really pissed off!
Well, who is to be blamed, keep on burning Thackeray.

He talks as if the indian prisons are comparable to the Western lockups, funny indeed.
take a look:

Jerusalem - Bal Teshuva Who Escaped Indian Prison Recalls The Holy Work Of The Mumbai Kedoshim Gabi And Rivkah Holtzberg Hy?d -- VosIzNeias
........Hell Was Better

Over 3,500 prisoners are housed in the Arthur Road prison, built in the 1920s to accommodate 800 inmates. The prisoners live in subhuman conditions of crowding, disease, infection, and hunger.

“There were no beds, tables, or chairs in the prison, only walls and the floor. The prison is divided into wings, each of which consists of one large room with 400 prisoners, all of whom sleep on the floor, lined up one next to the other, literally like “There were no beds, tables, or chairs in the prison, only walls and the floor. Each wing consists of one large room with 400 prisoners, all of whom sleep on the floor, lined up one next to the other, like sardines in a can” prisoner can only sleep on his side; he would take up too much space lying on his back. The floor is ****** and unsanitary because the entire huge room had only four holes that serve as bathrooms for 400 prisoners. The stench and ***** were unbearable.” ......

It urged that the trial be completed within a fortnight to a month; Kasab should be given punishment against which he cannot appeal in any higher court and the matter be disposed of.
Now this is what i call absolute justice!

Why dont you just kill the sucker right on the street, rather hang him at some central place, why to bother for a trial and waste tax-payers money!!

P.S. BTW, i agree with all his the concerns as they come from such an angle (Thackeray)
Ya let's finish this one quickly but the Babri masjid case and GOLDEN TEMPLE riots should take their time until all the accused die of natural causes!!!!! YEH HAI SECULAR INDIA!!!!!!
Mumbai attacks trial adjourned after lawyer's plea

MUMBAI (AFP) — An Indian judge Wednesday adjourned the trial of the man charged over last year's Mumbai attacks, to allow his new defence lawyers time to prepare their case.

Sitting at a special prison court in Mumbai, judge M.L. Tahiliyani granted Abbas Kazmi and his junior counsel until May 2 to build their defence for Mohammed Ajmal Kasab. Kazmi had applied for a four-week adjournment.

"Eight days from tomorrow (Thursday) will be sufficient for Mr Kazmi to reply to the address of special public prosecutor Mr (Ujjwal) Nikam in his opening remarks," the judge said.

He also rejected an application for the 11,000-page charge sheet prepared by the prosecution to be translated from English and Hindi into Kasab's mother tongue, Urdu.

"No prejudice at all of any nature will be cause to him (Kasab) if Urdu translations of documents are not supplied" as Kazmi speaks Urdu and only a limited number of witnesses would be examined, he added.

Kazmi was appointed as Kasab's lawyer only last Thursday.

The defendant -- who is Pakistani and does not have an interpreter -- has said he cannot understand proceedings, which are conducted mainly in English with some Hindi phrases.

Kasab, 21, faces a number of charges, including "waging war" on India, murder and attempted murder in relation with the November 26-29 Islamist militant attacks that left more than 160 people dead and over 300 injured.
Defence lawyers trying to delay trial: prosecution

Mumbai The prosecution on Tuesday alleged that the defence lawyers of Ajmal Kasab and his co-accused Fahim Ansari and Sabahuddin Ahmed were trying to delay the 26/11 trial.

Special Public Prosecutor Ujjwal Nikam made the allegations while opposing the four-week adjournment plea of Kasab’s lawyer Abbas Kazmi who wanted time to reply to the draft charges proposed by the prosecution.

Kazmi had also told the court that he had not gone through the voluminous chargesheet.

“If Mr Kazmi would have told me he needed time to address the court, then I wouldn’t have opened my case. Seeking time at this stage is nothing but a tactic to delay the trial,” Nikam alleged. He added that Kasab’s “bogie” is being “pulled by two engines” (Defence lawyer Kazmi and lawyer K P Pawar who is assisting him). “But only I pull the prosecution train. If I can open the case, then why is the defence stopping it,” Nikam said.

Judge M L Tahailyani then stated that ample time would be given to Kazmi as he was appointed only on April 16 and as the chargesheet was given to him late.

He further added, “Kazmi has appeared before me in another sensational case (music baron Gulshan Kumar murder case). I know him since many years and he wouldn’t indulge in such tactics to delay the trial but still, I will decide on his plea tomorrow.”

The court next pulled up the lawyers the two co-accused using very strong words after Sabahuddin Ahmed’s lawyer Ejaz Naqvi sought his client’s discharge from the case for lack of evidence. Naqvi also sought time for arguing the case. He also moved an application seeking a probe into alleged torture by crime branch officials when Sabahuddin was in their custody. Naqvi kept on repeating that until his application was decided, he won’t start his arguments, to which the court said, “Any application not relevant to the case will not come in the way of the trial. The court will not allow the case be delayed or suspended due to these reasons. Defence lawyers should understand this and assist the court in speedy disposal (of the case).”

The court then pulled up Naqvi’s junior lawyer G L Thonge, saying “You have been regularly attending the case, if Mr Naqvi is not ready, you open the case and he would assist you.” On Thonge not agreeing to this, the judge said, “Is your name Thonge or Dhongi (imposter), you just put your identity card and come here for no reason.”

After much hesitation Naqvi finally opened his arguments stating his client was being framed. According to Naqvi, the statement of the two witnesses who had said they had seen Sabahuddin meeting Fahim Ansari and getting the maps in Nepal were fictitious and did not hold much ground. He argued that when printed maps and Google maps were easily available, why would someone rely on hand-made maps?

It was next the turn of Fahim Ansari who has been not accepting a lawyer from the state legal aid panel and not appointing a private lawyer. Lawyer Saba Qureshi represented him on Tuesday, and she sought time to open her arguments, as she had not yet got a copy of the chargesheet. However, Ansari’s wife Yasmin told the court that her brother-in-law Abu Bakr had given it to Qureshi’s senior lawyer Shahid Azmi. The court directed, “You both (Yasmin/Qureshi) sort this out. It is not acceptable that valuable time of the court is wasted like this in solving minor issues.”

Meanwhile, Qureshi sought permission to meet Ansari, to which the judge said, “You have not gone through the evidence of the case. So what will you do by meeting the accused. It will be a futile exercise.”

Notes from The courtroom

'Escape goat' Sabahuddin?
An error in legal documents provided some much-needed comic relief on Tuesday. Ejaz Naqvi, in his plea for his client Sabahuddin Ahmed's discharge, had written: "He seems to have been made an 'escape goat' by the Mumbai crime branch..." That typographical blunder didn't escape any eyes in the press box.

Curious law professor
A professor with the government law college, Dr Vijay Wagule, was among the unexpected visitors in court on Tuesday. He told the court that he was a good friend of Special Public Prosecutor Ujjwal Nikam and was visiting the court out of curiosity to follow the court proceedings.

Haircut for Kasab
Kasab, who had a haircut and a shave on Monday evening, entered the courtroom and smiled at his lawyers while sitting in the dock on Tuesday.
This is the Kasab's second haircut during his three months in prison. The haircut was given to him by a guard, jail sources said.
Court rejects Kasab’s plea for Urdu translation of chargesheet

A special court on Wednesday rejected the plea of prime accused in Mumbai terror attack case, Mohammed Ajmal Amir Kasab, for allotting the Urdu translation of the 11,000-page chargesheet, noting that it was “immaterial”.

However, Judge M L Tahilyani, granted time to Kasab’s lawyer S G Abbas Kazmi, till May 2, to submit arguments on the charges proposed by the prosecution against the accused.

The court did not agree with the defence lawyer that Kasab needs to understand chargesheet to prepare his defence. “Not all instructions of an accused are based on the chargesheet. This document (chargesheet) is mainly for the understanding of advocates. Hence the prayer to supply copy of chargesheet in Urdu is rejected,” the judge noted.

The court has to take into consideration whether any prejudice would be caused to the accused if Urdu translation was not provided, the judge observed. Referring to a supreme court judgement, he observed that supply of copies of chargesheet is “basically issue of prejudice and not merely a technical point”.

“Here the question is not of technical nature but that of prejudice. I have examined the prayer of accused from that point of view and feel that no prejudice would be caused to him if Urdu translation is not given,” the judge noted.

As regards the plea of defence lawyer for one month time to advance arguments on proposed charges, the court felt that this is “too long a period” but gave him time till May 2 to prepare himself for submissions.
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