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  1. NaqsheYaar

    Survey on Caliphate in Pakistan

    What if you (Musalmans of this country) get a leader (a messiah if you will...) the like of which the world hasn't seen in recent history, would such a leader be able to steer Muslim Ummah to greatness?
  2. NaqsheYaar

    Survey on Caliphate in Pakistan

    It's not exactly related but here goes: If you can feel the pulse of time right now, it is very easy to see that CONSIDERABLE changes would take place in the whole world. You are basically going to see every new day as a landmark in progression towards this entirely new re-organisation/ makeover...
  3. NaqsheYaar

    Sufism returns to Afghanistan after years of repression

    Hahaha, sufis don't want to create any musc :coffee:
  4. NaqsheYaar

    Sufism returns to Afghanistan after years of repression

    On the difference b/w normal Islam and Sufism: The only difference is that mainstream Islam (mazhab or Shariah) is for the outside. External demeanour, way of life, rules of engagement... Sufism on the other hand is for the beautification of the inside (acquiring Akhlaaq-e-Hameeda as they say)...
  5. NaqsheYaar

    Sufism returns to Afghanistan after years of repression

    Jews were into a form of mysticism that you do not want to talk about here. Jewish mysticism is called Kabbalah...
  6. NaqsheYaar

    Godson eyes petaflops

    Well in my engg degree, we covered only a few courses on the computer hardware side [and that's not my interest anyways]. My interest is in Linux (Operating Systems), and from that aspect we (the whole world) are all very lucky that we have a world-class OS on our disposal, free of charge as its...
  7. NaqsheYaar

    Pakistan's intelligence ready to split with CIA

    The arrogance of the West in general and Amerikka in particular is incredible. Let's see where your arrogance takes you to in the next 1.5-2 years. Historical forces have been unleashed. Just try to behold what is going to unfold in the days to come... It won't be pretty I promise!! Edit-1...
  8. NaqsheYaar

    Godson eyes petaflops

    As I said people at the top of the pyramid (or those who have the complete picture at their disposal) know exactly how far they want to take it. They sort of deserve it as they have been planning for it for the last 200-300 years... You my dear friend should keep aside something when such a...
  9. NaqsheYaar

    Godson eyes petaflops

    Well we don't know how badly would the USA get hit by this coming economic crisis [only the Elites know how bad they want to make it... imagine all the OPEC countries becoming headless states...]. I at least can say that people of the USA won't sit idle, there would be chaos, street battles &...
  10. NaqsheYaar

    New Makhlooq (Dance)

    Very talented. hes part of the family I guess??
  11. NaqsheYaar

    Godson eyes petaflops

    Though my post doesn't relate to the technical aspect of the article, but I have to just comment about this NWO stuff... I observe that USA as we know it today, won't stay 'United' in next 1.5-2 years. When that happens, those fabrication houses would need a solid base of operations for their...
  12. NaqsheYaar

    Prof. Ahmad Rafique Akhtar About Future of Pakistan

    Yeah I can also see the state of affairs with us and the Islamic World in general. Nobody can deny any of it. But still I would like to say that though the things are too bleak, there is hope. For Pakistan to emerge out of this CRAP-hole, we need miracles. Only miracles can save us now... And...
  13. NaqsheYaar

    Prof. Ahmad Rafique Akhtar About Future of Pakistan

    Yes that sure will happen (Not a SuperPower in a unipolar world per se, but a major World Power, an Undisputed leader of the Islamic World). But Rememeber that we would have to go through HELL before any of that is possible...
  14. NaqsheYaar

    Protests Spread To Saudi Arabia

    No, as these laborers form the lowest stratum of their society. They probably don't even have the right to protest...
  15. NaqsheYaar

    Protests Spread To Saudi Arabia

    Well you would definitely see the unravelling of US by 2012-13. This is the plan that is being pursued right now as we speak. This is what elitists are planning. Please follow the discussions about the topic by Alex Jones, Lindsey Williams etc. Also there are indications by some of the leading...
  16. NaqsheYaar

    Governor Punjab, Salman Taseer, Killed.

    Well beyond any doubt, what has happened is really tragic!! But I don't like the attitude of the Mods here, may be I also am an indoctrinated Mullah!! We really do have many Enlightenedly Moderate Musharraf-ites in here :bunny:
  17. NaqsheYaar

    Snow Leopard of Pakistan - Beyond the Myth - Treasure on Earth

    I like your description of it. Very well-written Sir :yahoo:
  18. NaqsheYaar

    WS-10 latest pic

    That means it is out of taxy-ing phase :what:
  19. NaqsheYaar

    Advice to a younger you

    Well I have heard from my elders that we were part of Hamayun's court (one of my grandfathers was a royal adviser or something). Anyway, dont know much about mughal history, thanks for sharing those tidbits of history with us :cheers:
  20. NaqsheYaar

    Advice to a younger you

    I don't know, I think I belong in there :taz: I don't like the countless meaningless hassles of today's life. Life was much simpler then, those ppl lived it to their fullest.
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