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Prof. Ahmad Rafique Akhtar About Future of Pakistan

Spare me the bullshit please.A average Pakistani is illiterate without common sense and you're telling me these people will break super power.Look at our youth - How much corrupted they are - I know it because i am part of it.I have witnessed so much corruption in Pakistan.Every Single Pakistanis is corrupted.There are only few rare cases.
@Patriot, this is said by Prof. Ahmad Rafique Akhtar sahib , not me....so you can argue with him...
Yes that sure will happen (Not a SuperPower in a unipolar world per se, but a major World Power, an Undisputed leader of the Islamic World).

But Rememeber that we would have to go through HELL before any of that is possible...
an Undisputed leader of the Islamic World

Big deal!

The "Islamic World" is a backword mudhole while the rest of the planet goes to the moon and beyond.

"In the kingdom of the blind, the one eyed man is king."
Yeah Pakistan will destroy US.It will overcome Chinese economic power.It will be the leader of the 'Great' Muslim World. . . .

"Self imagination is a good way to take out your frustration."

Just concentrate on Pakistan first.Our economy is already in sh*t hole.People are dying.People have no food to eat.No electricity.No gas in winters.People are kidnapping kids for money.No education for masses.Our human material is useless (What else it can be with good education).Religious intolerance is prevailing in the society.People are killing each other. DO I FCUKING NEED TO CONTINUE ! :angry:

But yeah Pakistan will destroy a 'super power'...!!

Get out of these fairy tales and WORK HARD for betterment of the society.
Yeah I can also see the state of affairs with us and the Islamic World in general. Nobody can deny any of it.
But still I would like to say that though the things are too bleak, there is hope. For Pakistan to emerge out of this CRAP-hole, we need miracles. Only miracles can save us now... And miracles are what you are going to see unfold... Just hold tight for a while :)

As Iqbal said:
Degargoon he jahan taaron ki manzil taiz he saaqi
Dil-e har zarra mein Ghoghaai rusta khaiz he saaqi
which means that the rate of change is too drastic in the times of today. Events unfold way too quickly...

Iqbal also said:
saamne taqdeer ke Ruswaayea Tadbeer dekh
which means that you are going to see the Destiny play a stronger role than what humans plan to accomplish...

There seems to be NO HOPE for the whole Humanity, let alone Pakistan or Muslims (only if you are wise enough to observe it, we are basically FUBAR... if you know what I mean).
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