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Snow Leopard of Pakistan - Beyond the Myth - Treasure on Earth


Aug 25, 2009
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Wow...I never knew such beautiful animal existed in Pakistan. This leopard is truly a gift and treasure to Pakistan. We should must preserve the species.

Nisar Malik, a Pakistani journalist along with cameraman Mark Smith, spent 18 months following this most enigmatic of animals. Thus eventually gaining valuable insights into the day to day life of the snow leopards.

Set in the wilds of the Hindu Kush, this film profiles a much misunderstood part of the world, going beyond the myth to tell the snow leopard's real story.

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What? You never knew?

Even an ignorant creature like me knows it from ages. Come on man, you people gotta know what makes Pakistan special.

These leopards are even shown in some famous movies (with a mention of Pakistan). e.g. Vertical Limits.
One of the most amazingly beautiful animals on earth.
I hope we manage to keep a healthy population alive.
Here it is, although its not a bigger picture.I may upload that later.

Some more info, scroll down to snow leopard.

Wild Cats of Pakistan
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i think it is most beautifull cat on earth no one can come close to its beauty bangal tiger african lion are behind him and it is not in india if it has been we know how much these indians will shouted for them
i think it is most beautifull cat on earth no one can come close to its beauty bangal tiger african lion are behind him and it is not in india if it has been we know how much these indians will shouted for them

I concur. :tup:

IT's probably the toughest and bravest cat in the wild. Lives, grows up and plays on the toughest edges of Himalayas. Brave and fearless in the sense that it hunts running 100s of feet down the cliffs to catch her pray, unlike any other animal in the wild.

Mystical and spiritual in the sense that it lives in caves hundreds-thousands of feet above ground and spends much of her life in solitude. Comes out the cave when it requires food and aspires for no territorial domination-rather it dominates mountains without a fight. Its a curious traveler that aspires peace and adventure in life.
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Beautiful animal, and we must all take responsibility for the conservation of this magnificent animal, once you see it, your life is changed forever.:)
They are magnificent. Unfortunately, such creatures are severely endangered.

I think humanity should create an "ark" where DNA samples are stored in large quantities in liquid nitrogen. For example, if you obtained the DNA from 200 different snow leapords, the day may come when we have the technology to re-create them from their genetic material.

We already have such a facility for crop plants and seeds, a sort of "doomsday" setup, where mankind can access high-yielding crop seeds in case of catastrophe.

Link: Svalbard global seed vault
What you are saying that we can create homosapians as well in future by storing DNA.
many of world most beautiful places and exotic flora and fauna can be found in pakistan.......

being an indian....moreover a mumbai-kar....i wished i wud have a second home in one of nature's ultimate paradise......

alas for our differences.....

hope one day.....we drop our differences.......n i wish to live to see that moment.....
They are magnificent. Unfortunately, such creatures are severely endangered.

I think humanity should create an "ark" where DNA samples are stored in large quantities in liquid nitrogen. For example, if you obtained the DNA from 200 different snow leapords, the day may come when we have the technology to re-create them from their genetic material.

We already have such a facility for crop plants and seeds, a sort of "doomsday" setup, where mankind can access high-yielding crop seeds in case of catastrophe.

Link: Svalbard global seed vault

There are lots of problems with cloning. One of the most prominent problems is the shrinking of telomeres when ever the DNA is copied. The shrinking of telomeres is the reason for aging in all of us

So every time a new clone is created the shortened telomere affects the lifespan and development of the animal.

Apart from that cloning is associated with infertility and gender identical pairs.

So the only way to save these magnificent creatures is by protecting their habitat, putting curbs on poaching, international cooperation and laws to punish the culprit, and absolute ban on endangered animal products
I concur. :tup:

IT's probably the toughest and bravest cat in the wild. Lives, grows up and plays on the toughest edges of Himalayas. Brave and fearless in the sense that it hunts running 100s of feet down the cliffs to catch her pray, unlike any other animal in the wild.

Mystical and spiritual in the sense that it lives in caves hundreds-thousands of feet above ground and spends much of her life in solitude. Comes out the cave when it requires food and aspires for no territorial domination-rather it dominates mountains without a fight. Its a curious traveler that aspires peace and adventure in life.
I like your description of it. Very well-written Sir :yahoo:
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