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Godson eyes petaflops

Though my post doesn't relate to the technical aspect of the article, but I have to just comment about this NWO stuff...
I observe that USA as we know it today, won't stay 'United' in next 1.5-2 years. When that happens, those fabrication houses would need a solid base of operations for their future businesses, and that would most probably be China or some other place. So that technology is coming to you Chinese friends, don't worry :)
If you're talking about the fall of the Petro Dollar and the resulting cascade effect it will have on the loss of the US Dollar as a world reserve currency, I don't think this will result in the USA not staying "United". However, I do see a mass financial panic that will quickly lead to an economic implosion. If the American market declines as precipitously as it probably will during such a financial/economic implosion, then expanding fabs into China will make no sense because there will be a massive and long-lasting global capacity glut. It's more likely that China will continue progressing and catch up to the established semiconductor powers as they stagnate during the upcoming economic hard times.

As of 2009, China produced 22% of world semiconductor patents, on track to have reached 30% in 2010, even though it is a laggard on the industrial side of this technology. I expect this to improve and for China to become a leader in semiconductors sometime near the end of the decade. By then, indications are that the Godson will have gone into the Chinese mainstream and will either be competing favorably against Intel and AMD or have a national monopoly with the Loongson/Godson CPUs due to American protectionism that may possibly become a reality during its economic implosion.
Well we don't know how badly would the USA get hit by this coming economic crisis [only the Elites know how bad they want to make it... imagine all the OPEC countries becoming headless states...]. I at least can say that people of the USA won't sit idle, there would be chaos, street battles & looting for food alone as I see it. In such a situation minorities would get hit pretty badly. but I digress.
I heard somewhere that upon the breakup of the USSR, many aerospace engineers came to China and other countries. Of course WSHTF as you say, I see a mass influx of talented engineers and scientists into China and other stable parts of the world.
Situation with our world looks grim alas!!

PS. Also in time of chaos, China would like to get its hands on very crucial technologies like fab processes, irrespective of the fact whether there is commercial demand for it in other parts of the wolrd or not...
Well we don't know how badly would the USA get hit by this coming economic crisis [only the Elites know how bad they want to make it... imagine all the OPEC countries becoming headless states...]. I at least can say that people of the USA won't sit idle, there would be chaos, street battles & looting for food alone as I see it. In such a situation minorities would get hit pretty badly. but I digress.
Most people as in greater than 95% are completely in the dark about what is going on. I'm pretty sure my continual harping on the "Anglo-Saxon world order" is probably read with dismissive curiosity because there is so much mainstream media to drown it out. I fear what will happen given the sheer power of the American military and the possible collapse of American food production. Unlike the conventional wisdom that the American's will default on their sovereign debt either via outright default or stealth default via printing money, I believe the perpetuation of the US Dollar as world reserve currency can be maintained for much longer than financial logic would assume.

If the OPEC countries start deciding to trade oil in say EUROs, the Americans have 2 aces up its sleeve. First, it has its gigantic military with hundreds of global military bases. Second, it is the world's biggest food exporter and the biggest oil producing OPEC countries are in arid food scarce Persian Gulf desert kingdoms and heavily dependent on American food exports. If the USA goes down, these Middle Eastern desert kingdoms will go down. I believe this leverage will be used when the time comes to enforce the Petro Dollar and preserve this oppressive monetary system. The problem with this picture is, this will not stop the inevitable collapse that will be internally triggered from within the United States itself rather than overseas because of the debt monetization (printing money) like there is no tomorrow. When that happens, the same doomsday scenario will still play out but I am now almost 100% sure this is being planned for and will result in either some sort of one-world currency....among ONLY the developed countries...or a simultaneous coordinated abrogation of public debts by ONLY the developed countries.

Whether this will result in chaos and riots, especially among minorities in the USA, I wouldn't be surprise considering the Los Angeles Riots of 1992. The good news is, this will be the end of the Anglo-Saxon world order and birth of the multi-polar world order.

I heard somewhere that upon the breakup of the USSR, many aerospace engineers came to China and other countries. Of course WSHTF as you say, I see a mass influx of talented engineers and scientists into China and other stable parts of the world.
Situation with our world looks grim alas!!

PS. Also in time of chaos, China would like to get its hands on very crucial technologies like fab processes, irrespective of the fact whether there is commercial demand for it in other parts of the wolrd or not...
I see your point now. I change my mind then, this is actually likely. I was thinking more along the likes of physical plant imports of technology such as from Taiwan, but if China receives a stream of thousands of American scientists/engineers from the likes of Applied Materials, Intel, etc, it won't matter.
As I said people at the top of the pyramid (or those who have the complete picture at their disposal) know exactly how far they want to take it. They sort of deserve it as they have been planning for it for the last 200-300 years... You my dear friend should keep aside something when such a scenario unfolds. May God help us all!!

I would also like to say, that not all of the plans of the Elites would materilize, as God is the best of planners (as we have heard in our Holy Book, Quran), and which is the fact I personally believe in. Sorry for bringing this religion thing up, but I was trying to give you my perspective on things.

I am a Computer Engrr by trade, so I didn't get all of the economic terms that you used or are being used in the alternate media. I do try to follow the interviews of Marc Faber, Peter Schiff etc.
Thanks for always taking out time for writing such usefull posts. God bless!!
As I said people at the top of the pyramid (or those who have the complete picture at their disposal) know exactly how far they want to take it. They sort of deserve it as they have been planning for it for the last 200-300 years... You my dear friend should keep aside something when such a scenario unfolds. May God help us all!!

I would also like to say, that not all of the plans of the Elites would materilize, as God is the best of planners (as we have heard in our Holy Book, Quran), and which is the fact I personally believe in. Sorry for bringing this religion thing up, but I was trying to give you my perspective on things.

I am a Computer Engrr by trade, so I didn't get all of the economic terms that you used or are being used in the alternate media. I do try to follow the interviews of Marc Faber, Peter Schiff etc.
Thanks for always taking out time for writing such usefull posts. God bless!!

since you are a computer engineer can you talk about what you think the directions for the IC industry will be?
since you are a computer engineer can you talk about what you think the directions for the IC industry will be?

Well in my engg degree, we covered only a few courses on the computer hardware side [and that's not my interest anyways]. My interest is in Linux (Operating Systems), and from that aspect we (the whole world) are all very lucky that we have a world-class OS on our disposal, free of charge as its promised by its license. Where free doesn't mean it is inferior.
Linux is like the default operating system of choice for computer system engineering. It is very stable.
Godson: China shuns US silicon with faux x86 superchip

ISSCC If the Chinese government is scaring the world with its hybrid CPU-GPU clusters, what do you think the reaction will be when Chinese supercomputers shun American-made x64 processors and GPU co-processors and start using their own energy-efficient, MIPS-derived, x86-emulating Godson line of 64-bit processors?

Apoplexy? Disbelief? A polite bow of respect? A bunch of orders for Godson chips is more likely, once you see what China is up to.

One of the more interesting presentations at this week's International Solid-State Circuits Conference, hosted by the IEEE in San Francisco, was by Weiwu Hu, the lead designer of the Godson family of processors being created by Institute of Computing Technology at the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

China started developing its own processor since 2002, explained Hu, and the Godson family of chips, which is based on the MIPS architecture created by Silicon Graphics, is part of a holistic technology investment program. The Godson chip effort is one of 16 different projects, in fact, that are each funded with between $5bn and $10bn.

The massive projects focus on specific technology areas that China reckons are key for its technological independence and economic future, including processors and operating systems, chip process technology, 4G wireless networks, nuclear fission power plants, water pollution control and treatment, aircraft design and construction, high-resolution satellite imaging, and manned spaceflight and lunar exploration.

As El Reg reported a year ago when China's ICT was bragging about its plans to build a petaflops-scale supercomputer with server maker Dawning, ICT originally got access to MIPS technology through its partnership with wafer-baker STMicroelectronics. But in June 2009, as it got serious about its Godson chips (also known by the name Loongson) it licensed the MIPS32 and MIPS64 architectures straight from MIPS Technologies, the chip-designing division of Silicon Graphics that was spun out in an initial public offering in 1998.

The initial Godson-1 processors were 32-bit chips running at a mere 266 MHz, and the Godson-2 moved to 64-bits and was revved up to 1.2 GHz. With the Godson-2F chip in 2007 and 2008, ICT came out with a design that has a four-issue core running at 800 MHz, rated at 3.2 gigaflops. The Godson-3A chip was delayed nearly a year and was aimed solely at servers. ICT shifted a four-core design and also did something else very clever: it added x64 instruction emulation right into the hardware. Hu only alluded to this emulation capability, but as El Reg explained a year ago, the Godson-3 chips have instructions added to help the QEMU hypervisor (the one that's at the heart of Red Hat's KVM hypervisor) to translate instructions from x86 to MIPS format. According to early benchmarks, the emulation penalty is about 30 per cent.


The Godson-3A chip was implemented in a 65 nanometer process and ran at 1 GHz to deliver 16 gigaflops of floating point oomph. The chip has 425 million transistors, an area of 174.5 square millimeters, and burned only 10 watts under load. The chip included two 16-bit HyperTransport ports (licensed from Advanced Micro Devices), 4 MB of L2 cache, and two on-chip memory controllers that support either DDR2 or DDR3 main memory.

Oh Godson!

With the Godson-3B, which is what Hu was there to talk about in San Francisco, ICT is sticking with the same 65 nanometer CMOS process and running the chip at the same 1 GHz. But the chip is bumped up to eight cores from four and has two 256-bit vector co-processors per core. The chip has two HyperTransport ports and two DDR3 memory controllers, and weighs in at 583 million transistors in a 300 square millimeter area. Running at 1 GHz, peak performance on those vector units is 128 gigaflops, with the chip only emitting 40 watts. According to early tests, the cores burn about 28.9 watts, while the uncore parts of the chip (HT, memory controllers, and crossbar switches for linking chips together) consume 11.1 watts.

According to Hu, the vector extension unit in the Godson-3B and Godson-2H processors have 128-entry, 256-bit register files and have more than 300 SIMD instructions that have been added to the MIPS architecture.

Here's what the Godson-3B chip looks like:


The Godson-3B processor will be used in the Dawning 6000 petaflops supercomputer, which China will be tweaking in 2012. Here's an early version of the blade equipped for the Godson-3B chips:


Dawning's two-socket Godson-3A and Godson-3B blade server

And this is what the blade server chassis looks like for the Dawning 6000:


The Dawning 6000 supercomputer blade server chassis

The Dawning 6000 blade design is used by the National Supercomputing Center in Shenzhen for its hybrid Xeon 5650-Nvidia M2050 system, which ranked number three on the Top 500 list from November 2010. That machine had an aggregate 1.27 petaflops of sustained performance running the Linpack Fortran benchmark test.

Another Dawning 6000 blade cluster with 3,000 of the Godson-3B chips, and rated at around 300 sustained teraflops, is expected to be up and running this summer, Hu said. (That would be about 384 peak theoretical teraflops just counting the vector units, not the cores.)

Those Dawning 6000 blades are by no means the highest density that ICT can come up with. Check out this system board for a 1U rack server that Hu showed off at ISSCC this week:


ICT's 1U2T Godson-3B system board (click to enlarge)

This IU2T system board packs 16 of the eight-core Godson-3B processors onto a single board, rated at 2 teraflops. So a rack of these puppies would yield 42 teraflops. So instead of hundreds of cabinets to reach 1 petaflops of raw number-crunching performance, as it can take with big x64-based machines, ICT could, in theory, do it with 24 racks.

ICT is not going to stop here. The Godson-3C design will shift to a 28 nanometer process and will come in eight-core variants like the Godson-3B as well as a 16-core variant. The Godson-3C will have faster clock speeds, too, running at between 1.5 GHz and 2 GHz. The roadmap says the chip is also capable of expanding up to 16 cores, too. ICT says the Godson-3C will deliver 512 gigaflops of raw performance on math work, and the way the math works, that is twice as much math moving from 1 GHz to 2 GHz and then a doubling again as the core count goes from 8 to 16. This chip is expected sometime around late 2012 or early 2013.

Wouldn't it be funny if Silicon Graphics started building systems with these Godson-3 chips? They could dust off Irix and take it out for a spin on some new iron and allow it to run x64-based Linux applications in emulation mode. ®

Wow, take a look at ICT's 16 processor Godson 3B blade server reference design! 42 teraflops per rack, is that a misprint? :woot: That would qualify as a supercomputer the size of a fridge, with costs commensurately smaller as a result. This is huge. American plans for 10+ petaflop supercomputers look to not retain any lead for long if what we are all suspecting is possible with the Godson 3B, let alone the 3C.

Godson: China shuns US silicon with faux x86 superchip

Oh Godson!
Those Dawning 6000 blades are by no means the highest density that ICT can come up with. Check out this system board for a 1U rack server that Hu showed off at ISSCC this week:


ICT's 1U2T Godson-3B system board (click to enlarge)

This IU2T system board packs 16 of the eight-core Godson-3B processors onto a single board, rated at 2 teraflops. So a rack of these puppies would yield 42 teraflops. So instead of hundreds of cabinets to reach 1 petaflops of raw number-crunching performance, as it can take with big x64-based machines, ICT could, in theory, do it with 24 racks.

ICT is not going to stop here. The Godson-3C design will shift to a 28 nanometer process and will come in eight-core variants like the Godson-3B as well as a 16-core variant. The Godson-3C will have faster clock speeds, too, running at between 1.5 GHz and 2 GHz. The roadmap says the chip is also capable of expanding up to 16 cores, too. ICT says the Godson-3C will deliver 512 gigaflops of raw performance on math work, and the way the math works, that is twice as much math moving from 1 GHz to 2 GHz and then a doubling again as the core count goes from 8 to 16. This chip is expected sometime around late 2012 or early 2013.
This is huge. American plans for 10+ petaflop supercomputers look to not retain any lead for long if what we are all suspecting is possible with the Godson 3B, let alone the 3C.

The Path to Petascale Computing in China - PC Cluster Consortium
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