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  1. Commander T

    US F/A-18s intercept Iranian P-3F reconnaissance aircraft monitoring US carrier over Persian Gulf

    Suicide has different ways it,s not necessary to die a F18 HORNET DEATH :P
  2. Commander T

    Anti-Ahmedi laws and the constitution

    You are hugly mistaken, Comming of Imam Mehdi is a point on which every muslim agrees but where sunnis differ from us is ...... weather mirza sahab is Imam Mehdi or not.......... they say no, we say yes..... read my above posts where i have qouted some reference about imam mehdi being a prophet...
  3. Commander T

    Anti-Ahmedi laws and the constitution

    Well , if you see situation was same in Prophet PBUH,s era everybody thought that He PBUH has left his elders religion.. but actually He PBUH was the only one who was on the religion of HIS Elders----Hazrat IBRAHIM AS........... we have also been blamed of same .....but we too don't...
  4. Commander T

    Anti-Ahmedi laws and the constitution

    "The Promised Messiah will be a Prophet of God." (Muslim vol.2 pg. 515) got it here is the reference...... imam mehdi does has a different status i am sorry i misunderstood, it was a qoute by Hazrat Ayesha RA her is it..... but there are several qoutes of renowned old scholar including shah...
  5. Commander T

    Anti-Ahmedi laws and the constitution

    yes, indeed he is a reformer...... but a subordinate prophet too.... the problem lies here when we don't understand the true meaning of what has been said......... Ahmadis have 2 sect a lahori group(which says that Mirza sahab was a reformer and mehdi but not prophet), they also call themself...
  6. Commander T

    Anti-Ahmedi laws and the constitution

    YES, we do believe he is a prophet but not a law bearing prophet but a prophet in Umat Muhammadiya under Prophet Muhammad PBUH........... there is not even a single line of shariah in Islamic Shariah law that has been added by Mizra Ghulam Ahmad Sahab and nor it can be added till The JUDGEMENT...
  7. Commander T

    Anti-Ahmedi laws and the constitution

    But muslims should also read Quran themselves, and should compare texts of what has been said.... here is the Molana Ghamdi....he is not ahmadi..........what is says about Jesus Was raised to heaven bodily...
  8. Commander T

    Anti-Ahmedi laws and the constitution

    Can i call my self a muslim in pakistan........can i call the place i offer namaz a mosque..... can i even say ASALAM O ALIKUM to you......can i even explain what my AQIDA is.............. can i even denay what you are propogating about me.................the answer is big NOOOOOOOOOO...
  9. Commander T

    Anti-Ahmedi laws and the constitution

    yup, exactly ... kahatm is an arabic word and we need to understand it full fledge in true context and historical and Tafseeri use of hatam word in arabic language but i will not go in details of historic arabic language records but just to confirm you that what is our AQIDA regarding Hatam un...
  10. Commander T

    Anti-Ahmedi laws and the constitution

    Well, i am a pakistani by origin :cool: and a kashmiri/punjabi by ethenicity.....and yes, i am a ahmadi....... but does that make a difference to you bieng a pakistani....... There is not even a single alphabet that we do not believe, in Quran..........the difference starts in translation and...
  11. Commander T

    Anti-Ahmedi laws and the constitution

    believe me you cannot defeat me in logic if you don't get emotional........And here is the difference between us and rest of the muslims...... we don't agree with the interpretation that has been done of this word. i am ready to start a logical conversation if you agree as an administrator...
  12. Commander T

    Anti-Ahmedi laws and the constitution

    no, i just want that scientist who has added the word (LAST) in the brackets and changed the translation of KALMA TAIBA........because as per my knowledge never in the history specially in first 700 years of Prophet PBUH was any translation like this... and even thoough we know it,s wrong...
  13. Commander T

    Anti-Ahmedi laws and the constitution

    As long as Pakistani nation is fillowing Mullahs situation can never get better in pakistan............ and hatred has been sinked in the very existance of Pakistanis about ahmadis.........and today, a common man does not even know why he hates ahmadis.......and even if you want to talk...
  14. Commander T

    Anti-Ahmedi laws and the constitution

    Can you please give me the orignal arabic script of this translation........
  15. Commander T

    195 Pak army men to be tried by Dhaka for war crimes

    After 2nd world war..... soviets were inside germany, inside there homes....every enemy of germany was inside their home and they were tearing germany apart......they even changed his constituition, for decades they were dominated by foriegn companies and had foriegn army presence on their...
  16. Commander T

    Japan enters where China is barred – northeast India

    it will be very intresting and much like a horror movie if DRAGON got angry.... :lol:
  17. Commander T

    195 Pak army men to be tried by Dhaka for war crimes

    hahahahahahaha india is not there to support you but to make you her 29th state.... and won't even know before they will complete there task... and believe me HASINA MAN JAE GI :lol:
  18. Commander T

    195 Pak army men to be tried by Dhaka for war crimes

    Bro, Even if it was USA and he demanded handing over of Ex Pak army men, he would have recieved a hard kick on his nuts as an answer ...... chapter is closed just stop this before hasina makes you another indian state and indian army is there to Stop your RESISTANCE as she is doing in kashmir...
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