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Anti-Ahmedi laws and the constitution

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Feb 2, 2007
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Yasser Latif Hamdani

Under the 1973 constitution, the offices of president and prime minister were reserved for Muslim citizens of Pakistan. Therefore, the attempt was to exclude Ahmedis from the highest offices in the state

The elderly Dr Masood, who is an Ahmedi, has now been in jail in Lahore for over 60 days for the ‘crime’ of reading the holy Quran. Meanwhile, in Rawalpindi, a young Ahmedi was shot dead by terrorists when he tried to stop them from planting a bomb on Eid-e-Miladun Nabi. What we have done to this patriotic law abiding community is going to haunt us for a long time to come.
The legal persecution of Ahmedis in Pakistan started when Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto caved in to the pressure by a certain section of religious orthodoxy and threw the Ahmedi question to parliament. Here, some points must be restated. The section that wanted Ahmedis declared non-Muslims was without exception the same section — Jamaat-e-Islami, Majlis-e-Ahrar, etc — that opposed the creation of Pakistan. Having lost on their anti-Pakistan platform in the 1945-1946 elections, these groups initiated the anti-Ahmedi movement in Pakistan to exact revenge on Muslim League stalwarts like Zafrullah Khan as well as the Ahmedi leadership, which had set up camp in Rabwah. In 1953, the same groups banded together and demanded the ex-communication of Ahmedis but the then Prime Minister, Khawaja Nazimuddin, a far more religious man than Bhutto sahib, refused to give in to their demands.
The second amendment (1974) to the constitution of Pakistan, 1973, violated the basic spirit of the constitution, which did not vest parliamentarians with ecclesiastical authority. The Pakistani legislators assumed instead that they were like the British parliament, whose acts cannot be ultra vires (beyond powers), and not bound by the spirit of the constitution that they themselves had passed a year earlier. The second amendment stated: “Amendment of Article 106 of the Constitution: In the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, hereinafter referred to as the Constitution in Article 106, in clause (3) after the words “communities” the words and brackets “and persons of Quadiani group or the Lahori group (who call themselves ‘Ahmedis’) shall be inserted. Amendment of Article 260 of the Constitution: In the Constitution, in Article 260, after clause (2) the following new clause shall be added, namely — (3) A person who does not believe in the absolute and unqualified finality of The Prophethood of Muhammad (Peace be upon him), the last of the Prophets or claims to be a Prophet, in any sense of the word or of any description whatsoever, after Muhammad (Peace be upon him), or recognises such a claimant as a Prophet or religious reformer, is not a Muslim for the purposes of the Constitution or law.”
Note the phrase “purposes of the constitution or law”. What might be the purposes that the constitution or law may have? Well, under the 1973 constitution, the offices of president and prime minister were reserved for Muslim citizens of Pakistan. Therefore, the attempt was to exclude Ahmedis from the highest offices in the state. The purpose in the law may be to exempt them from application of Muslim personal law. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, speaking to the Assembly, declared that as a non-Muslim minority, Ahmedis’ fundamental rights including the right to freedom of religion would be protected.
In 1984, General Ziaul Haq changed that too. By promulgating Ordinance XX of 1984, he criminalised certain key parts of Ahmedi religious tenets like the azaan (call for prayer), the use of the kalma, minarets on mosques, etc. Simultaneously, he made the Objectives Resolution a substantive part of the constitution but omitted the word “freely”, which had qualified minorities’ rights to develop their cultures and religion, from it. Consequently, the constitutional challenge to Ordinance XX of 1984 failed in the Supreme Court (SC) when the SC declared in Zaheeruddin versus the State 1993, SCMR 1718, that essentially criminalising everything central to the Ahmedi faith was in no way a violation of Article 20 of the constitution (freedom to profess and propagate religion). Slowly but steadily, rabid mullahs have managed to use this judgment to bulldoze minarets, whitewash kalmas and attack Ahmedis for having Muslim names. The height of this absurdity was seen in Sargodha where an Ahmedi man was imprisoned for having his own name on his house. The constitutional situation however has shifted with the 18th amendment. The word “freely” was restored to the Objectives Resolution in an annexure to Article 2-A of the constitution. Yet there is no end in sight for the rabid and blatant persecution Ahmedis have to face.
A corollary of this persecution is the passport declaration. It would be one thing if Muslims were called to reaffirm their faith in the unqualified finality of the holy Prophet (PBUH) as per the second amendment but Muslims are asked above and beyond to also call the founder of the Ahmedi religion a “liar” and “impostor”.
Perhaps those who devised this form should have read section 295-A of the Pakistan Penal Code, which prohibits scurrilous abuse against any founder of a religion. The second amendment to the constitution of Pakistan recognises Ahmediyyat as a separate religion. Therefore, all the protections and safeguards guaranteed to Pakistanis of other faiths must surely be extended to Ahmedis. The irony is that when ‘ulema’ like Tahir Ashrafi and his brother Hassan Muawiya go around declaring that Ahmedis are acting unconstitutionally by just existing, they betray their own ignorance of the constitution as well as the inherent unfairness and dishonesty that is part and parcel of their own personal constitutions.
Stop persecuting the Ahmedis now for God’s sake. Must we always sully the name of this country and Islam because of our own petty little insecuritie

These articles are written to impress their western masters. Just so you did not know, Muslims are not allowed to be Leaders of western nations.
These articles are written to impress their western masters. Just so you did not know, Muslims are not allowed to be Leaders of western nations.

Which Western nation??? Give examples.


Ahmadis are as Muslim as Shia are,, as Brailvi are,, as Wahabi are,, so on.
In fact, I found them better at practicing Islam than any other sect overall.
None of these sects is non-Muslim as long as they believe in oneness of God & Muhammad as messenger of God. i.e.

لَا إِلٰهَ إِلَّا الله مُحَمَّدٌ رَسُولُ الله

They believe in a false-prophet!! so do ALL sects have many false beliefs. Some more than the others.

Shia believe 12 of their imams, not just one person but 12, receive(d) divine-revelation...
What do you call him who receives divine-revelation??? Say it louder please???

Many if not all Brailvis & Shia both,, believe that saints in graves can intercede for them with God. This is exactly what Catholics believe too. And this is exactly what Hindus believe about their many gods that they are their intercessors with Opar-Walaa.

So would you declare Shia non-Muslim for attributing divine-revelation with Imams???
Would you declare Brailvi non-Muslim for interceding through those in graves???

As soon as a person believes in Oneness of God & in Muhammad as messenger of God, he is a Muslim. That's the definition of a Muslim given by Prophet himself & Gabriel Angel... Who the heck was Zulfikar Bhutto to change the definition given by Prophet himself.!!

Sahih Bukhari:Volumn 6, Book 60, Hadith Number 300.
Narated By Abu Huraira : One day while Allah's Apostle was sitting with the people, a man(Gabriel in form of a man) came to him walking and said, "O Allah's Prophet. What is Belief(Eman)?" The Prophet said, "Belief is to believe in Allah, His Angels, His Books, His Apostles, and the meeting with Him, and to believe in the Resurrection." The man asked, " O Allah's Apostle What is Islam?" The Prophet replied, "Islam is to worship Allah and not worship anything besides Him, to offer prayers perfectly, to pay the (compulsory) charity i.e. Zakat and to fast the month of Ramadan." The man again asked, "O Allah's Apostle What is Ihsan (i.e. perfection or Benevolence)?" The Prophet said, "Ihsan is to worship Allah as if you see Him, and if you do not achieve this state of devotion, then (take it for granted that) Allah sees you." The man further asked, "O Allah's Apostle When will the Hour be established?"...
Bukhari:Volumn:1, Book 2, Hadith Number 47
Narated By Abu Huraira : One day while the Prophet was sitting in the company of some people, (The angel) Gabriel came and asked, "What is faith?" Allah's Apostle replied, 'Faith is to believe in Allah, His angels, (the) meeting with Him, His Apostles, and to believe in Resurrection." Then he further asked, "What is Islam?" Allah's Messenger replied, "To worship Allah Alone and none else, to offer prayers perfectly to pay the compulsory charity (Zakat) and to observe fasts during the month of Ramadan." Then he further asked, "What is Ihsan (perfection)?" Allah's Apostle replied, "To worship Allah as if you see Him, and if you cannot achieve this state of devotion then you must consider that He is looking at you." Then he further asked, "When will the Hour be established?" Allah's Apostle replied, "The answerer has no better knowledge than the questioner. But I will inform you about its portents.

Besides, Even Marzais accept finality of prophet-hood, did you know that? They just interpret it differently, just like 10 scholars will interpret a verse of Quran in 10 different ways. Mirzais claim that finality of prophet-hood meant there won't be any more Shariatt / scripture revealed. We sunnis believe finality applies to both prophet-hood & messenger-hood.

They differ from us in the definition of "Nabi" and "Rusool".

They say "Nabi" is the bearer of a new shariah. "Rusool" comes just to revive previous shariah, doesn't bring any new shariah.

We say the opposite. We say "Rusool" is bearer of new shariah, and "Nabi" is the one who comes to revive previous shariah.

So, they say, when Quran says "Khatum-un-Nabi" it means no new bearer of shariah will come. But one could come to revive previous shariah, to remove dirt & rust from face of aging shariah. So they claim that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was a reviver of the same Shariah sent through Prophet Muhammad...
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These articles are written to impress their western masters. Just so you did not know, Muslims are not allowed to be Leaders of western nations.

If a Muslim have the capability he can become leader in any western nation. Nations give him that right. But in Islamic countries, other communities cannot even dream to become a leader due to their religion.
Problem with this topic, these non-muslims don't understand a simple fact, "Abusing the Religion" is also part of fueling the terrorism. And they never stop doing it.

Facts are;

Islam requires "Accepting Ones of Allah, and Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) Last prophet" And there are no Buts in it. It's basic necessity to be call yourself Muslim. If you have any doubt in these two then, choose some other religion name. Islam, Masjid, Muslim, Quran etc are already copyrighted by Muslims.

Full Stop..
Problem with this topic, these non-muslims don't understand a simple fact, "Abusing the Religion" is also part of fueling the terrorism. And they never stop doing it.

Facts are;

Islam requires "Accepting Ones of Allah, and Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) Last prophet" And there are no Buts in it. It's basic necessity to be call yourself Muslim. If you have any doubt in these two then, choose some other religion name. Islam, Masjid, Muslim, Quran etc are already copyrighted by Muslims.

Full Stop..

Your Quaid said he has no right to declare Ahmedis as Kafirs. Why did you declare it in constitution if you respect Quaid?

Ahmedis are Muslims. Nobody has any right to say they are non Muslims if they say they are Muslims.

There are like hundreds of sects, sub-sects in Islam. Keep on declaring every other sect Kafir sect. Mirza Gulam Ahmed may had a wrong interpretation of Quran but the present day Ahmedis offer Salah, keep fast, give Zakat, perform Hajj. Why do you call a Muslim who offer Salah a Kafir? Don't you think its huge sin?
Your Quaid said he has no right to declare Ahmedis as Kafirs. Why did you declare it in constitution if you respect Quaid?

Ahmedis are Muslims. Nobody has any right to say they are non Muslims if they say they are Muslims.

There are like hundreds of sects, sub-sects in Islam. Keep on declaring every other sect Kafir sect. Mirza Gulam Ahmed may had a wrong interpretation of Quran but the present day Ahmedis offer Salah, keep fast, give Zakat, perform Hajj. Why do you call a Muslim who offer Salah a Kafir? Don't you think its huge sin?

Quite a huge sin. In a way thought it also falls on the Qadiayani community to come out and distance itself once and for all from Mirza Ghulam Ahmed's "misinterpretations". After all, the issue lies with his declaration of prophethood which the first Caliph too waged a war against. If today the leaders of the Qadiayani sect declare once and for all that Mirza Ghulam Qadiyani was not a prophet but rather a reformer(and his initial ideas are actually quite pertinent).. there will be no popular religious line left for them to be targeted with.
Your Quaid said he has no right to declare Ahmedis as Kafirs. Why did you declare it in constitution if you respect Quaid?

Ahmedis are Muslims. Nobody has any right to say they are non Muslims if they say they are Muslims.

There are like hundreds of sects, sub-sects in Islam. Keep on declaring every other sect Kafir sect. Mirza Gulam Ahmed may had a wrong interpretation of Quran but the present day Ahmedis offer Salah, keep fast, give Zakat, perform Hajj. Why do you call a Muslim who offer Salah a Kafir? Don't you think its huge sin?

You think Engineer can suggests you a prescription for your Hypetitus C? This is why Quaid don't have right to declare anyone Kafir. Neither to do I. It's duty of the religious scholars to address this thing, and there is already material available for establish fact.

Sun is blue, sky is purple, moon is made of cheese and no body has right to say it's not. Who the hell am me or you do declare anything like this?

Without Aqeedah you are a Kafir, what ever you do. And with aqeedah without practice you are still a muslim may be a sinner but a muslim. Not a single sect's scholar have declared anyother sect non-muslim. They only say, who ever does so n can't be a muslim. So all sects are just fine, it's aqeedah which is if corrupt then you are non-muslim. But in case of Ahmedi whole sect follow same thing.
Islam requires "Accepting Ones of Allah, and Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) Last prophet"

Full Stop..
Can you please give me the orignal arabic script of this translation........
Can you please give me the orignal arabic script of this translation........
Lol @ Original

I know from where you are coming up, Nabi, Rasul Staff.. But by changing the definition can't start telling We believe in Sun, but it's actually moon which keep everything alive at the planet. Sun burning theory is corrupt. And also believe me I am a scientist not a fool around ..
Quite a huge sin. In a way thought it also falls on the Qadiayani community to come out and distance itself once and for all from Mirza Ghulam Ahmed's "misinterpretations". After all, the issue lies with his declaration of prophethood which the first Caliph too waged a war against. If today the leaders of the Qadiayani sect declare once and for all that Mirza Ghulam Qadiyani was not a prophet but rather a reformer(and his initial ideas are actually quite pertinent).. there will be no popular religious line left for them to be targeted with.
As long as Pakistani nation is fillowing Mullahs situation can never get better in pakistan............ and hatred has been sinked in the very existance of Pakistanis about ahmadis.........and today, a common man does not even know why he hates ahmadis.......and even if you want to talk logically either you will have hundreds of ********************** or you will simply be declared Kafir...... you know what, i have heard that zadari wanted to delay the swat operation because they wanted people of swat to know and bear the people they knew as their reformers....and then when swat will cry for help and know the realities of taliban and sufi Muhamad then army should launch the operation...........same is happening with pakistan ..........Allah SWT has given a free hand to these molvis so that people of pakistan can suffer and suffer hard for what they supported.......and after pakistanis will cry and beg hard to Allah SWT to save their lives and the life after death then i Firmly believe that ALLAH SWT will send help........InshaAllah
Lol @ Original

but it's actually moon which keep everything alive at the planet. Sun burning theory is corrupt. And also believe me I am a scientist not a fool around ..

Am I reading it right ??? Or my browser is giving problem???:woot:
Lol @ Original

I know from where you are coming up, Nabi, Rasul Staff.. But by changing the definition can't start telling We believe in Sun, but it's actually moon which keep everything alive at the planet. Sun burning theory is corrupt. And also believe me I am a scientist not a fool around ..
no, i just want that scientist who has added the word (LAST) in the brackets and changed the translation of KALMA TAIBA........because as per my knowledge never in the history specially in first 700 years of Prophet PBUH was any translation like this... and even thoough we know it,s wrong translation, we still have made it as a pat of our religion......... what more bad luck can we(Muslims) have? :tsk:
Can you please give me the orignal arabic script of this translation........

Verse 40 of the Surah Al-Ahzab (33)


Two translations :

O people! Muhammad has no sons among ye men, but verily, he is the Apostle of God and the last in the line of Prophets. And God is Aware of everything.

Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but (he is) the Messenger of Allah, and the Seal of the Prophets: and Allah has full knowledge of all things. (The Holy Quran, Al-Ahzab 33:40)
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