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Anti-Ahmedi laws and the constitution

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Am I reading it right ??? Or my browser is giving problem???:woot:
No you are at the wrong side of PDF again ;)

no, i just want that scientist who has added the word (LAST) in the brackets and changed the translation of KALMA TAIBA........because as per my knowledge never in the history specially in first 700 years of Prophet PBUH was any translation like this... and even thoough we know it,s wrong translation, we still have made it as a pat of our religion......... what more bad luck can we(Muslims) have? :tsk:

Lol, Go and learn the difference difference between "Aqeedah" and "Kalima Taiyba" first. Then search for a "Scientist of the field" & then speak to him :P
Verse 40 of the Surah Al-Ahzab (33)


Two translations :

O people! Muhammad has no sons among ye men, but verily, he is the Apostle of God and the last in the line of Prophets. And God is Aware of everything.

Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but (he is) the Messenger of Allah, and the Seal of the Prophets: and Allah has full knowledge of all things. (The Holy Quran, Al-Ahzab 33:40)
believe me you cannot defeat me in logic if you don't get emotional........And here is the difference between us and rest of the muslims...... we don't agree with the interpretation that has been done of this word. i am ready to start a logical conversation if you agree as an administrator..... and here is the meaning of seal......i believe number 2..... is more suitable to the context and Counter check of overall life and Prophethood of Prophrt PBUH...
seal 1(sēl)
A die or signet having a raised or incised emblem used to stamp an impression on a receptive substance such as wax or lead.
b. The impression so made.
c. The design or emblem itself, belonging exclusively to the user: a monarch's seal.
d. A small disk or wafer of wax, lead, or paper bearing such an imprint and affixed to a document to prove authenticity or to secure it.
2. Something, such as a commercial hallmark, that authenticates, confirms, or attests.
A substance, especially an adhesive agent such as wax or putty, used to close or secure something or to prevent seepage of moisture or air.
4. A device that joins two systems or elements in such a way as to prevent leakage.
An airtight closure.
b. A closure, as on a package, used to prove that the contents have not been tampered with.
6. A small decorative paper sticker.
tr.v. sealed, seal·ing, seals
To affix a seal to in order to prove authenticity or attest to accuracy, legal weight, quality, or another standard.
To close with or as if with a seal.
b. To close hermetically.
c. To make fast or fill up, as with plaster or cement.
d. To apply a waterproof coating to: seal a blacktop driveway.
3. To grant, certify, or designate under seal or authority.
4. To establish or determine irrevocably: Our fate was sealed.
5. Mormon Church To make (a marriage, for example) binding for life; solemnize forever.
believe me you cannot defeat me in logic if you don't get emotional........And here is the difference between us and rest of the muslims...... we don't agree with the interpretation that has been done of this word. i am ready to start a logical conversation if you agree as an administrator..... and here is the meaning of seal......i believe number 2..... is more suitable to the context and Counter check of overall life and Prophethood of Prophrt PBUH...
seal 1(sēl)
A die or signet having a raised or incised emblem used to stamp an impression on a receptive substance such as wax or lead.
b. The impression so made.
c. The design or emblem itself, belonging exclusively to the user: a monarch's seal.
d. A small disk or wafer of wax, lead, or paper bearing such an imprint and affixed to a document to prove authenticity or to secure it.
2. Something, such as a commercial hallmark, that authenticates, confirms, or attests.
A substance, especially an adhesive agent such as wax or putty, used to close or secure something or to prevent seepage of moisture or air.
4. A device that joins two systems or elements in such a way as to prevent leakage.
An airtight closure.
b. A closure, as on a package, used to prove that the contents have not been tampered with.
6. A small decorative paper sticker.
tr.v. sealed, seal·ing, seals
To affix a seal to in order to prove authenticity or attest to accuracy, legal weight, quality, or another standard.
To close with or as if with a seal.
b. To close hermetically.
c. To make fast or fill up, as with plaster or cement.
d. To apply a waterproof coating to: seal a blacktop driveway.
3. To grant, certify, or designate under seal or authority.
4. To establish or determine irrevocably: Our fate was sealed.
5. Mormon Church To make (a marriage, for example) binding for life; solemnize forever.

1. So you are a qadyani

2. You asked for presenting proof of finality of prophet hood of Muhammad(PBUH) from Quran and i posted the verse from Quran .

If you do not agree with Quran why you even want us to accept qadyani lies.
1. So you are a qadyani
2. You asked for presenting proof of finality of prophet hood of Muhammad(PBUH) from Quran and i posted the verse from Quran .

If you do not agree with Quran why you even want us to accept qadyani lies.
Deviji - you have written 'you are a qadyani' as students write - 'Hence Proved'. :P
No offense intended to anyone.

Is it even technically possible for literature to have only ONE interpretation?
Only logical statements can be validated as True/False.
For example 0+1 = 1
But language and literature by itself is by very definition bound to have multiple meanings. In fact, more complex the text, more complicated will be the interpretations.
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believe me you cannot defeat me in logic if you don't get emotional........And here is the difference between us and rest of the muslims...... we don't agree with the interpretation that has been done of this word. i am ready to start a logical conversation if you agree as an administrator..... and here is the meaning of seal......i believe number 2..... is more suitable to the context and Counter check of overall life and Prophethood of Prophrt PBUH...
seal 1(sēl)
A die or signet having a raised or incised emblem used to stamp an impression on a receptive substance such as wax or lead.
b. The impression so made.
c. The design or emblem itself, belonging exclusively to the user: a monarch's seal.
d. A small disk or wafer of wax, lead, or paper bearing such an imprint and affixed to a document to prove authenticity or to secure it.
2. Something, such as a commercial hallmark, that authenticates, confirms, or attests.
A substance, especially an adhesive agent such as wax or putty, used to close or secure something or to prevent seepage of moisture or air.
4. A device that joins two systems or elements in such a way as to prevent leakage.
An airtight closure.
b. A closure, as on a package, used to prove that the contents have not been tampered with.
6. A small decorative paper sticker.
tr.v. sealed, seal·ing, seals
To affix a seal to in order to prove authenticity or attest to accuracy, legal weight, quality, or another standard.
To close with or as if with a seal.
b. To close hermetically.
c. To make fast or fill up, as with plaster or cement.
d. To apply a waterproof coating to: seal a blacktop driveway.
3. To grant, certify, or designate under seal or authority.
4. To establish or determine irrevocably: Our fate was sealed.
5. Mormon Church To make (a marriage, for example) binding for life; solemnize forever.

Your immediate approach is flawed. You are trying to define deal instead of the Arabic Khatim-un- Nabiyeen.. how is the english word's definition applicable to the arabic words meaning? Bad logic.

The word Khatim in Arabic means seal and ultimate.. and that is that. The english word has JACK to do with it.
The end/seal meaning is older and more established...
Deviji - you have written 'you are a qadyani' as students write - 'Hence Proved'. :P
No offense intended to anyone.

No offense taken at all . :) well he claimed by using a collective phrase "we do not believe in the interpretation" obviously NO Muslim who believes in Quran will say that
1. So you are a qadyani

2. You asked for presenting proof of finality of prophet hood of Muhammad(PBUH) from Quran and i posted the verse from Quran .

If you do not agree with Quran why you even want us to accept qadyani lies.
Well, i am a pakistani by origin :cool: and a kashmiri/punjabi by ethenicity.....and yes, i am a ahmadi....... but does that make a difference to you bieng a pakistani....... There is not even a single alphabet that we do not believe, in Quran..........the difference starts in translation and Tafseer..... and we talk with absolute logic.....while movlis talk and preach what they have heard from their elders ............ and here is the difference between Sunni and us.....
There are basically three beliefs held by Ahmadi Muslims which separate them from the mainstream of Sunni Islam. These three beliefs concern:

o The finality of Muhammad's prophethood.

o Jesus Christ's ascension to heaven, and

o the identity of the Promised Messiah

And BTW ..... let me tell you, that yes,,, it makes a difference to you......this is why today i have a Deutschland flag in my profile .....
Why don't Pakistan accept Ahemdism as a seperate religion like Hinduism or Christianity and allow them to exist as minority?
Well, i am a pakistani by origin :cool: and a kashmiri/punjabi by ethenicity.....and yes, i am a ahmadi....... but does that make a difference to you bieng a pakistani...

No it does not make any difference to me since i believe in rights of every Pakistani doesnt matter if you are from any religion.

.... There is not even a single alphabet that we do not believe, in Quran..........the difference starts in translation and Tafseer..... and we talk with absolute logic.....while movlis talk and preach what they have heard from their elders ............ and here is the difference between Sunni and us.....
There are basically three beliefs held by Ahmadi Muslims which separate them from the mainstream of Sunni Islam. These three beliefs concern:

o The finality of Muhammad's prophethood.

o Jesus Christ's ascension to heaven, and

o the identity of the Promised Messiah

And BTW ..... let me tell you, that yes,,, it makes a difference to you......this is why today i have a Deutschland flag in my profile .....

1. I am not talking about tafseer either BUT clearly the word Khatim Un Nabyeen in Quran for Last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to prove his finality of prophethood. We dont need any tafseer.

2. Quran clearly mentioned Jesus Christ as Prophet of Islam and other details which qadyanis refute (once again in direct clash with Quran).
3. qadyanis also reject Jesus (PBUH) miracles and yeh i know what is your views about promised messiah. All are against Quran

Why don't Pakistan accept Ahemdism as a seperate religion like Hinduism or Christianity and allow them to exist as minority?

That should be the way BUT again the qadyanis are NOT ready for that and they are hell bent on claiming to be Muslims which is not
Ahmedis don't believe Mirza Gulam is a law bearing prophet. They say he is the restorer of Prophet's original message. I am not a very religious person. Occasionally offer Namaz but keep fast all 30 days ! but I think we should open window to every believe system. I am Muslim , so I believe Muhammad (Pbuh) is God's last messenger but a Christian will not believe that. So, would you not recognize Christianity as a religion? Quran is 75% Bible. Bible says Jesus died for human sin but will come once again to kill anti-Christ. Quran says Jesus was directly raised to heaven by Allah and he will come once again to kill anti-Christ. Ahmedis say Jesus never died on cross but was NOT raised by Allah to heaven in reality since it would be a miracle to see a man disappear suddenly. They interpret the verse as Jesus was not killed on cross but Allah saved Jesus from Romans and Jews soomehow and he then spent a life for some years then died in Kashmir. Allah then raised him to heaven and he will once again come to kill anti-Christ.

There are several different interpretation of Quran among Sunnis-Shias. Should you declare every single man Kafir who don't agree with your interpretation?
Ahmedis don't believe Mirza Gulam is a law bearing prophet. They say he is the restorer of Prophet's original message. I am not a very religious person.

:lol: please dont make yourself a laughing stuff here then

Occasionally offer Namaz but keep fast all 30 days ! but I think we should open window to every believe system. I am Muslim , so I believe Muhammad (Pbuh) is God's last messenger but a Christian will not believe that. So, would you not recognize Christianity as a religion? Quran is 75% Bible. Bible says Jesus died for human sin but will come once again to kill anti-Christ. Quran says Jesus was directly raised to heaven by Allah and he will come once again to kill anti-Christ. Ahmedis say Jesus never died on cross but was NOT raised by Allah to heaven in reality since it would be a miracle to see a man disappear suddenly. They interpret the verse as Jesus was not killed on cross but Allah saved Jesus from Romans and Jews soomehow and he then spent a life for some years then died in Kashmir. Allah then raised him to heaven and he will once some to kill anti-Christ.

:))))))))))))))))) see the issue is that any NON-Muslim including Christians/Jews/Hindus etc etc are free to NOT believe in Quran . BUT Ahmedis aka qadyanis claim they are Muslims so either they should believe in Quran completely or declare themself NON-Muslims.

There are several different interpretation of Quran among Sunnis-Shias. Should you declare every single man Kafir who don't agree with your interpretation?

Sunni-Shias both believe in Finality of Muhammad's (PBUH) Prophethood. Their interpretation on other small issues can be accommodated.
Your immediate approach is flawed. You are trying to define deal instead of the Arabic Khatim-un- Nabiyeen.. how is the english word's definition applicable to the arabic words meaning? Bad logic.

The word Khatim in Arabic means seal and ultimate.. and that is that. The english word has JACK to do with it.
The end/seal meaning is older and more established...
yup, exactly ... kahatm is an arabic word and we need to understand it full fledge in true context and historical and Tafseeri use of hatam word in arabic language but i will not go in details of historic arabic language records but just to confirm you that what is our AQIDA regarding Hatam un Nabiyeen really is i have posted this video below.......and if you know that then Its a hadis that Ali is Hatam ul Auliya and Masjid e Nabvi is Hatam ul Masajid........why this difference....... this video is logical not about translation and tafseer so that a common man can know what propoganda has been done against Jamaat e Ahmaddiya... please watch this atleast once
Who gives a shit, they're as much Pakistanis as are we the "true" Muslims.
No it does not make any difference to me since i believe in rights of every Pakistani doesnt matter if you are from any religion.

1. I am not talking about tafseer either BUT clearly the word Khatim Un Nabyeen in Quran for Last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to prove his finality of prophethood. We dont need any tafseer.

2. Quran clearly mentioned Jesus Christ as Prophet of Islam and other details which qadyanis refute (once again in direct clash with Quran).
3. qadyanis also reject Jesus (PBUH) miracles and yeh i know what is your views about promised messiah. All are against Quran

That should be the way BUT again the qadyanis are NOT ready for that and they are hell bent on claiming to be Muslims which is not
Can i call my self a muslim in pakistan........can i call the place i offer namaz a mosque..... can i even say ASALAM O ALIKUM to you......can i even explain what my AQIDA is.............. can i even denay what you are propogating about me.................the answer is big NOOOOOOOOOO ............. and if i do so ..... my career and my life will be in jail...........and my life will be dead........:angry:...... these are not emotions, this is what constituation of pakistan says about ahmadis......

answer to your other alegations....... atleast watch this video once.......atleat once.......there is no translation or tafseer thing in it.... but 4th Head of worldwide Ahmadiyya muslim jmaat is answering to other muslims that what our Aqida is .............. no translation or tafseer...... just logical answer to all your allegations.......and It has been clearly mentioned in Quran that Jesus christ PBUH was a prophet towards BANI ISRAIEL............although i have posted above but i am posting it again....
yup, exactly ... kahatm is an arabic word and we need to understand it full fledge in true context and historical and Tafseeri use of hatam word in arabic language but i will not go in details of historic arabic language records but just to confirm you that what is our AQIDA regarding Hatam un Nabiyeen really is i have posted this video below.......and if you know that then Its a hadis that Ali is Hatam ul Auliya and Masjid e Nabvi is Hatam ul Masajid........why this difference....... this video is logical not about translation and tafseer so that a common man can know what propoganda has been done against Jamaat e Ahmaddiya... please watch this atleast once

Apart from the fact that youtube does not open properly.. . the word Khatim is use for seal.. end.. in all all arabic translations.. and in the poetry of the arabic times as well. Hence, it means the end. As long as that context is clarified by the Qadiyani followers.. then there will be no disputes. Plain and simple.

In all context, all Muslims should have no qualms in praying alongside each other.. be it Qadiyai, Ahle-Tashi, Deobandi, Bareilvi.. and so on. This concept of seperating mosques..congregations is an evil. However, in each of these sects there much be the understanding that Muhammad(S.A.W) is the final messenger of Allah.. and there is NO one going to be after him and will ever be so.

Reformers have come after him.. and will continue to do so.. but he is the last messenger and with that there is should be no argument.
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