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Anti-Ahmedi laws and the constitution

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My question is, is will decide that who is muslim and who is not...?

The gentleman worked with the Hashoo group..

That decision is up to god. However, there are clear guidelines on how to meet that criteria in a book that is unaltered since its presence on earth. That book has been the source of conflict as well, but there are certain clear modalities that 95% of Muslims agree on and they agree on it in good theological foundation. Hence, while the last decision may be left to god.. one stance must be taken rather then focusing on ambiguity for the sake of ambiguity.
What was the need of Prophet after Prophet (P.B.U.H) where Muhmmad (PBUH) only declared only Mujadid (Reformers) would come after me, once a century? Or you could point me to a proper authentic reference where Prophet (PBUH) said prophet would come after me?
You are hugly mistaken, Comming of Imam Mehdi is a point on which every muslim agrees but where sunnis differ from us is ...... weather mirza sahab is Imam Mehdi or not.......... they say no, we say yes..... read my above posts where i have qouted some reference about imam mehdi being a prophet and Wrong interpretation understood by today,s Ulema..

The gentleman worked with the Hashoo group..

That decision is up to god. However, there are clear guidelines on how to meet that criteria in a book that is unaltered since its presence on earth. That book has been the source of conflict as well, but there are certain clear modalities that 95% of Muslims agree on and they agree on it in good theological foundation. Hence, while the last decision may be left to god.. one stance must be taken rather then focusing on ambiguity for the sake of ambiguity.
Indeed , the last decision is of God.......... and can you please qoute me his name, i am not doubting you, butthe man who has told you that he is great grandson of Mirza sahab......... because i really doubt that any of the grandsons of mirza sahab will work in a corporation like this for 2 reasons......
1: all the family members are too busy in Jamaat matters ...
2: all of them are rich(property+ business) enough that they don't need to work like this, except they are powerful instituations like UN or world bank.
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Guys, my position is clear. Just give people freedom to choose his religion and we should respect all religions. Are we sure that Sunnism is the right path of Islam? We don't know. We just believe it. If I go to even more further do we really know that which religion is true? We don't know. Our parents brought us in an atmosphere and social setting which make us believe the way we live is right path. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) sent letters to kings and leaders of other countries to accept him as Prophet. Those who believed in him accepted Islam and those who didn't believe they didn't accept him. Now those who believed his prophet hood fought with each other after Prophet's death. Sunni-Shia-Ahmedis etc etc were formed. Now if we start believing only we are correct sect and others are wrong then forget about sects the religion will be in vulnerable situation. Just let everyone practice what they want to believe. Allah will decide who is Muslim and who is non Muslim. We just need to stay in peace with each other. Don't provoke others to do violence in name of Islam by putting a controversial clause in constitution. Let people practice their religions. If he claims to be Muslim just let him to be a Muslim. We have no right to dictate others on religion. Religion is very sensitive. Don't promote intolerance from highest authority.
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i am sorry i misunderstood, it was a qoute by Hazrat Ayesha RA her is it..... but there are several qoutes of renowned old scholar including shah walliullah and several others about hatam meaning ...first here is the Hazrat Ayesha RA qoute
“From Hazrat Aisha (Allah be pleased with her): The Prophet(SAW) said I am the last Prophet and my mosque is the last mosque among the mosques of all the prophets”.
(Kanzul Ummal, Vol.12, p.270, Hadith No.34999)

I am still waiting for our claim. Kateem-un is same as hatam. I don't know who these all gentalmen are/were nor know in which reference they said what ever you posted, so leave that.. so far the hadith concern it clearly stating that Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) is last Prophet and the Mosque he build will be the last mosque build by any prophet. So what is the issue here?

Qadiyanis are not muslims since they don't believe on Last Prophet Muhammad (SAWW). And believe me become non-muslim is good in Pakistan then becoming those who left Islam, you know what I mean.

If you guyz wanna be muslim then just leave Qadiyaniat and become Proper Muslim. Then every person will start calling you muslim.
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