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Afghan Taliban hates Pakistan?

Better question to ask is, what/ who do T-bastards not hate?
you want to call blood and hand chopping and stoning as game?

That's pathtic life view.

Thank you

Rest assured Taliban is not that powerful now to take over Kabul, when US forces withdraws there will be power struggle among all these parties. For all those Pakistanis who are waiting for US to withdraw, they seem not to realize that the real danger of the whole unrest spelling into Pakistan will grow manifold.
WHAT the FFFFF i am reading here? afghan taliban hat us ? or love us ? these ultimate killing machines have emotions ? they are worse then dainsouars and barbaric even animals are better then them because animals kills when they feel hungry but islamist terrorists kill for joy .afghan taliban hain ya ayshoriya ray ke bety ? love hate hahahaa
Only idiot will say that they love Pakistan
hate or love dont know abt that but one thing is for sure some of them are on ISI payroll like some of nothern aliance guys are on RAW and CIA payroll
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Wrong perception.


@Spring Onion @TaimiKhan @farhan_9909 @ghilzai @Hyperion @Khan_patriot

Is our Indian 'friend' accurate here?

this is absolute preposterous, the Pashtuns dont resent Punjabis to the least and all this tale of them resenting Punjabi domination is also incorrect, the Pathans are a majority in their respective region and hence not ''dominated'' or anything, I have personally had several acquaintances from several races and I have felt no difference in anyone of them (other than personal/personality variations), to say that one race is better than the other is also bs, the notion mentioned is present in an ever dwindling minority regardless of the race, just like it is present in the rest of the world....

Ask the Pashtuns of Pakistan whether they have more economic opportunities as compared to Afghanistan.

Asked the Pashtuns of Pakistan whether they feel more secured as compared to Afghanistan.

Ask the Pashtuns of Pakistan why they want Pak Army to fight Militants.

Ask the Pashtuns of Pakistan why they hate Tajiks and Uzbeks more than Punjabis.

Ask the Pashtuns of Pakistan why they did not vote for ANP, a Pashtun Nationalist Party, in recent elections.

to answer your questions

Yes, we have alot more economic opportunities here, most of us are businessmen of varying capacity
Yes, Pakistan is our homeland andwe feel secure here
We want the army to fight the militants so they can be ousted from our land which they are destroying like a parasite
We dont hate any race per se but we do hate the few Tajiks and Uzbeks who have wreaked havoc on our land, as for Punjabis they are our brethren we have fought along side with on several occasions
We didnt vote because we were tired of their racial bias, they were also inefficient a leaders and administrators
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Only idiot will say that they love Pakistan

How about we check

If those Afghanistani Tali-bitches love Afghanistan

Once we figure that out

we can decide the following:

Do Afghanistani Tali-bitches love Pakistan
Do Afghanistani Tali-bitches love India
Do Afghanistani Tali-bitches love Iran
Do Afghanistani Tali-bitches love China
Do Afghanistani Tali-bitches love Timbaktu
Do Afghanistani Tali-bitches love Egypt
Do Afghanistani Tali-bitches love moon
Do Afghanistani Tali-bitches love mars
Do Afghanistani Tali-bitches love sun
Do Afghanistani Tali-bitches love Andromeda galaxy

this is absolute preposterous, the Pashtuns dont resent Punjabis to the least and all this tale of them resenting Punjabi domination is also incorrect, the Pathans are a majority in their respective region and hence not ''dominated'' or anything, I have personally had several acquaintances from several races and I have felt no difference in anyone of them (other than personal/personality variations), to say that one race is better than the other is also bs, the notion mentioned is present in an ever dwindling minority regardless of the race, just like it is present in the rest of the world....

to answer your questions

Yes, we have alot more economic opportunities here, most of us are businessmen of varying capacity
Yes, Pakistan is our homeland andwe feel secure here
We want the army to fight the militants so they can be ousted from our land which they are destroying like a parasite
We dont hate any race per se but we do hate the few Tajiks and Uzbeks who have wreaked havoc on our land, as for Punjabis they are our brethren we have fought along side with on several occasions
We didnt vote because we were tired of their racial bias, they were also inefficient a leaders and administrators

Great reply Sir
Fukk Afghanistan I want the khiljis to take over that land, it's our land, change it's name to khurasan.

Pakistan is my home it's my Watan forever I am it's humble servant.
Ask the Pashtuns of Pakistan whether they have more economic opportunities as compared to Afghanistan.

Asked the Pashtuns of Pakistan whether they feel more secured as compared to Afghanistan.

Ask the Pashtuns of Pakistan why they want Pak Army to fight Militants.

Ask the Pashtuns of Pakistan why they hate Tajiks and Uzbeks more than Punjabis.

Ask the Pashtuns of Pakistan why they did not vote for ANP, a Pashtun Nationalist Party, in recent elections.

better ask them this too

Ask them who give them representation of all islam and wage jihad IN PAKISTAN ?

Ask the why is this ak-47 culture IN PAKISTAN ?

Ask them why they dont let peoples to live in peace IN PAKISTAN ?

Ask them why they are not tolerant IN PAKISTAN ?

Ask them why they are involved in KIDNAPPINGS , SMUGGLING, DRUGS IN PAKISTAN ?

Ask them why they never follow any rule and law IN PAKISTAN ?

Ask them why they make so many No Go Areas IN PAKISTAN ?

i hope you will get the answers because i never get them
better ask them this too

Ask them who give them representation of all islam and wage jihad IN PAKISTAN ?

Ask the why is this ak-47 culture IN PAKISTAN ?

Ask them why they dont let peoples to live in peace IN PAKISTAN ?

Ask them why they are not tolerant IN PAKISTAN ?

Ask them why they are involved in KIDNAPPINGS , SMUGGLING, DRUGS IN PAKISTAN ?

Ask them why they never follow any rule and law IN PAKISTAN ?

Ask them why they make so many No Go Areas IN PAKISTAN ?

i hope you will get the answers because i never get them

Is Population of TTP formed by Phustun community 28 millions in Pakistan? I am not saying all Phustuns supports TTP, but TTP is formed by Phustuns. Is it correct statement? Trying to understand more on TTP and their background.
Is Population of TTP formed by Phustun community 28 millions in Pakistan? I am not saying all Phustuns supports TTP, but TTP is formed by Phustuns. Is it correct statement? Trying to understand more on TTP and their background.

Why you are mixing a terrorist organization with ethnicity? Anyway TTP is not exclusively Pasthun, there are Punjabis & Uzbeks as well. So - stop your foolish trolling .
Why you are mixing a terrorist organization with ethnicity? Anyway TTP is not exclusively Pasthun, there are Punjabis & Uzbeks as well. So - stop your foolish trolling .

How it's a foolish trolling for you? Stop attacking others. if you can't answer properly stop responding.
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