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  1. G

    Scottish Referendum: Yes Campaign Takes Lead

    I think if you are a country, why would you not want to govern your own affairs, I've yet to hear a single positive argument put forward for Scotland staying in the union. If Scotland stays it gets nothing... tax powers but not oil revenues.
  2. G

    Sikhs threaten agitation if security not provided

    what a clown . another clown .
  3. G

    Largest Annual Gathering of Muslims in Britain Rejects ISIS

    Exile ,Quraan (An Nisaa’/ The Women:157) وَقَوْلِهِمْ إِنَّا قَتَلْنَا الْمَسِيحَ عِيسَى ابْنَ مَرْيَمَ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ وَمَا قَتَلُوهُ وَمَا صَلَبُوهُ وَلَكِنْ شُبِّهَ لَهُمْ وَإِنَّ الَّذِينَ اخْتَلَفُوا فِيهِ لَفِي شَكٍّ مِنْهُ مَا لَهُمْ بِهِ مِنْ عِلْمٍ إِلَّا اتِّبَاعَ الظَّنِّ وَمَا...
  4. G

    Pakistani Police arrests 55 Christians under blasphemy charges on one complaint

    so these Pakistanis started digging up bodies of the dead ,good lock them up . I dont care what religion they are .
  5. G

    India's Hindu nationalists aim to 'convert' Muslims

    No & nor do i need to read any posts from a hate filled individual . biggest terrorist the world has ever seen these yanks .every race they've murdered in there millions for there greed ,even wiping out there own indigenous population ,millions on millions dead all over the world by these pale...
  6. G

    Danish mosque declares support for Isis

    nothing wrong in what he said
  7. G

    Poll: Should Indians be allowed on pdf (poll open to pakistanis only)

    take the ghee out of your backside and put it in your mouth nasty mouth indian
  8. G

    India's Hindu nationalists aim to 'convert' Muslims

    says the yank who caused all the problems in the middle east every where these paleface fassys go its just war war & pure war
  9. G

    1965 War Begins Today

    lol i seen it as well but still got my cirget & am puffing away .11 mins lost naaaah :enjoy:
  10. G

    Rising Islamophobia and hatred in the UK

    Sun Newspaper Slammed For 'Deliberately Inflammatory' Front Page On London Beheading Sun Newspaper Slammed For 'Deliberately Inflammatory' Front Page On London Beheading so he's a muslim Last night a friend said: ‘Nicholas is an only child and his parents brought him here from Nigeria. But...
  11. G

    Miss Universe China wants to marry from Sri Lanka

    Poojas hot :smitten:i'd give up eating beef for her :smitten:
  12. G

    Statistics: 92 women raped in India every day, 4 in Delhi

    92 rapes ever day no way must be bull ,i dont believe it sherin : your teams sh1t no i mean manure mk dons 4 manure 0 bigger shame
  13. G

    India's Hindu nationalists aim to 'convert' Muslims

    so rss chief lied ?
  14. G

    Largest Annual Gathering of Muslims in Britain Rejects ISIS

    name calling now hey .:enjoy: what about fadi ahmed his son ? why didnt his father mirza pray his janaza ????? I thought you said only Allah can judge couple posts back
  15. G

    Largest Annual Gathering of Muslims in Britain Rejects ISIS

    What about ? "It has been revealed to me that the person who did not follow me and did not enter into my fold, is disobedient and as such, should be thrown into Hell." (Miyar-ul-Akhyar, Vol. 9, P. 27, Mirza Ghulam Qadiani)
  16. G

    India's Hindu nationalists aim to 'convert' Muslims

    i thought everyone in india was hindu
  17. G

    Rising Islamophobia and hatred in the UK

    I'm sure the Sikh/Hindu people they've attacked in the past will be glad to hear
  18. G

    Largest Annual Gathering of Muslims in Britain Rejects ISIS

    ahmedis say all the muslims in the world are gonna be thrown in hell fire except them Allah has revealed to me that he who does not follow me and does not give me his oath of allegiance and remains in opposition is disobeying the will of Allah and His Rasul and is Jahannami (doomed to Hell)."...
  19. G

    Pakistan's Secret Shame

    what a shame ,but its kind of known that they bum little boys on both sides of the border .(Pak/Afg). Ijaz needs a burnt tyre thrown over his head .Nasty People
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