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Rising Islamophobia and hatred in the UK

Have you ever wondered why the British society dont have this racism mistrust hatred towards other ethic minorities especially Sikhs whom they respect so much more than the average Muslim yet to white British person they are both foreign and alien to white british culture
sikhs and hindus are next in line... tera number bhi aaega... :p:

Islamofacism is on the rise in UK for several years.

The Respect Party with the jihadi galloway and IS supporters like Anjem Choudhary. Recently a woman was beheaded in heart of London.

The racism against non-muslims by muslims is a very serious matter.
was beheader a muslim.. and was he driven by religious motive?
was beheader a muslim.. and was he driven by religious motive?


Fat Nick, a recent convert.
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lolz.. that was a trap... I surrender... :suicide:

Idk, i didn't do no trap, and you need not surrender as well. I just find it funny when you suggest that the answer to the problems is giving role models. Role models are already there, the hard part is following that path.

btw, supposedly it wasn't terrorism. You got that going for you. Guy lost it, was chasing animals too.
Idk, i didn't do no trap, and you need not surrender as well. I just find it funny when you suggest that the answer to the problems is giving role models. Role models are already there, the hard part is following that path.

btw, supposedly it wasn't terrorism. You got that going for you. Guy lost it, was chasing animals too.
The guy was clearly displaying some sort of mental problem or high of bath salts. According to a news report..

One heard him shout 'The cats have stolen my lighter' as he hacked one animal to pieces.
The West needs an enemy, they used to be the "communists", now the enemy are the Muslims, stop buying the propaganda, ISIS is an American and Zionist fairy tale , Islamophobia and extremism in Europe is being promoted by our own governments and the sheeple that follow
The guy was clearly displaying some sort of mental problem or high of bath salts. According to a news report..

One heard him shout 'The cats have stolen my lighter' as he hacked one animal to pieces.
Don’t you know that it’s says in the Quran that you should kill all cats especially if you think they’ve taken your lighter. Some people will blame anything on Islam/Muslims.:disagree:
Don’t you know that it’s says in the Quran that you should kill all cats especially if you think they’ve taken your lighter. Some people will blame anything on Islam.:disagree:
cats are satanic.. that makes all egyptians satan worshipper.. off with their heads.. @Frogman
Sun Newspaper Slammed For 'Deliberately Inflammatory' Front Page On London Beheading
Sun Newspaper Slammed For 'Deliberately Inflammatory' Front Page On London Beheading

so he's a muslim

Last night a friend said: ‘Nicholas is an only child and his parents brought him here from Nigeria. But when he was about 13 or 14 he left home.'

'The truth is, he has never felt loved. He has been unlucky all his life.

‘He was always down, he never smiled, he never had any money. He was a known failure.’

Another friend said: ‘He is from a Muslim background but he is not a good Muslim – he gambles, plays roulette.

Read more: Machete murder suspect Nicolas Salvador was jobless loner who 'killed' Palmira Silva | Mail Online

so he's got a Muslim background .Nicolas Salvador

Nicolas Salvador is a muslim name .
Couldn't find on Google, but wonder how many Indian muslims are involved in Rotherham sex scandal?
There is, there definitely is, especially if you use it irrationally. You won't believe the stupid shit I've seen some Muslims do here that defies all logical thinking, all done in the name of religion. See there is a difference, living a life in compliance with religion, shoving religion in every bit of life you walk, including in other people's faces.
Well, yea maybe coz I have not lived in London long enough...Mostly was in Wales or Cambridge :ashamed:

Really? Please explain. I'm not sure what you mean here.
Well they are telling people to follow Islam and you are telling them the opposite...What they need to see is Islam is not what they believe in or are brainwashed to think...that can only happen if they move in circles more than their own society where everyeone is cloned from the same thinking!

People don't judge, they never do. But when you have Muslims setting up Shariah zones, putting bans on alcohol consumptions in areas where they have a majority, that is not only against secularist values of society, it is also against the law.
I agree with that...that really is stupid...and they have no right to do such crap!

When Muslims who can't fit in prayer halls, block roads and pray in the middle of the road, blocking all traffic.
This should be taken up by the govt to provide larger masjids...as I believe in a secular nation the rights of the people to worship is still upheld and if they have smaller prayer halls which cant fit them...then it is up to the govt to knock on their door and show them a larger one...take rent or whatever but point them to a larger one instead of whining and yet doing nothing about it....take a legal notice so they have to move...On the side note the stupid in charge of the masjid..Imam or whatever they have should also realize they need more space and should do something about it....It is a 2 way street...both the imam and the govt should discuss it...or make it in their law that if your prayer hall is too small you need to move....and in order to allow such moving the govt should suggest some larger place....if only both parties do something in the same motion will such things get resolved! otherwise 1 will continue blocking other will continue whining ...

Every Friday prayer, right outside my mosque I know a guy who has a driveway and a place to park, he sometimes need to leave his home or come back around this time, more than a few times, someone has parked directly in front of his car, blocking his driveway, preventing him from leaving. He has to then wait sometimes almost an hour before we're done with prayers and out. And even then at least twice Ive seen the person who parked his car there, making excuses and actually picking a fight with the guy.
Now that has nothing to do with Islam but manners....Inconsideration is also not allowed in Islam....Why is there no carpark in your masjid? and in Malaysia though everyone loves to drive and many have a car although it is expensive...Many do get in 1 car to go to the masjid...its so that they will get parking (good for them) helps others get parking by reducing no. of cars (good for others) ....I remember a masjid in Manchester (forgot its name) where the imam gave such a speech about parking attitudes and another prayer hall in Wales (where we used to go) also gave something similar...I also remember a youtube clip of a talk by some sheikh in America who was also talking on a similar manner.....

I've heard from a friend who works in a school in Birmingham, of how the Muslim teachers plotted and got the White British headteacher kicked out because they did not like her personally and because she wasn't like them.
Bad sheep in every society....I am really not sure of Birmingham or its society never been there....

I see radical preachers in London who defame us in the media with their lies. I see a merry band of zealots, silent or vocal who speak with them. And then the not so merry band of moderates who have so much faith, but they dare not speak out.
This is where the problem arises....I have always been asked if I am a Muslim..even if I wear a headscarf ....I am not sure what they have in mind when they say Muslim but sometimes it does get a little embarrassing :ashamed:

No, I meant what pisses me off is when Muslims who know nothing, think they know everything, apply the idea of perfection of their religion to perfection of themselves, in doing so whatever daft and outrageous thought that comes in their mind they view as divine. The egotism doesn't stop there, I mentioned some more in that large post of mine.
Anyway, none of it would matter if their ego-maniacal nature wasn't there at a societal level.
This I can agree with some are absurd....and yes they cant distinguish ego from Islam and hence when they merge the two and make their own religion it really is pitiful!
Other parts of Western world are just filled with Islamohate. This is not phobia. They KNOW that they have nothing to fear from Muslims. But (some, many...most?!) westerners just hate Muslims/Islam and anything related with it.
you are so right specially from germany turks lived here sin 70ies but in 2000 they began to act like islam will kill them all.. they just hate thank you for your posting
possibly 1 Indian.. but not muslim but hindu/sikh.. name vikram singh or someting like that
That's not Rotherham but Aylesbury. There were 2 Hindu/Sikh people sent to jail a few days ago for something similar in Leamington.

You have list above. The list encompasses every field, from arts to politics, just like you mentioned it should. And there's quite a few individuals on that list. They are all Muslim. You can call them heroes. It certainly took some effort to come to where they came.

Now, tell me, how did that list help? It ticks all your boxes. But somehow Muslim problem is getting worse. Where's the inspiration you foresaw so eloquently?

You're just an apologist man. I have 0 comprehension problems, the problem is that i can see quite clearly what you're advocating here. In essence, my first comment was correct, you want Muslims to have more power, even when they already proved they cannot stop the attrocities and downright hypocrisy in their own ranks.

And you want to give them more power. Good job. 5th column.
He's right though that when the average Briton sees more Muslims in high positions whether its politics, sports, music or journalism they'll realise that not all Muslims are like that. Although this definitely isn't the only solution.
He's right though that when the average Briton sees more Muslims in high positions whether its politics, sports, music or journalism they'll realise that not all Muslims are like that. Although this definitely isn't the only solution.

He wasn't talking about Britons. He was talking about "heroes of Islamic community that reach up high and with that motivate their youth to do the same". And how, more of these heroes is what's needed.

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