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  1. viper1972

    Two Indian soldiers killed in LoC skirmish: Indian army

    abhi kal hi thread mein ro rahe the tyar reh rona nahi.
  2. viper1972

    Two Indian soldiers killed in LoC skirmish: Indian army

    aap tyar rahiyega par rona nahin.
  3. viper1972

    Two Indian soldiers killed in LoC skirmish: Indian army

    as if you don't fall for your own propaganda .
  4. viper1972


    self delete
  5. viper1972

    Two Indian soldiers killed in LoC skirmish: Indian army

    bhai jaan aap no bole to acha hai.
  6. viper1972

    Two Indian soldiers killed in LoC skirmish: Indian army

    yes bro fight as a man to man . decapitation is something which will create huge backlash .
  7. viper1972

    Two Indian soldiers killed in LoC skirmish: Indian army

    how come you know . you were there.
  8. viper1972

    India accuses Pakistan of killing soldiers near LoC

    yes you are genius where were you till this time .
  9. viper1972

    Two Indian soldiers killed in LoC skirmish: Indian army

    very true sir since i am a son of defense personal i would not like any one losing their father or son in peace time .
  10. viper1972

    Two Indian soldiers killed in LoC skirmish: Indian army

    sorry sir i was not aware but if we start taking all the cases to ICJ it will have to change the name to India Pakistan court of justice .
  11. viper1972

    Two Indian soldiers killed in LoC skirmish: Indian army

    in India too no one likes NDTV as too pro government.so the admiration is mutual.
  12. viper1972

    Two Indian soldiers killed in LoC skirmish: Indian army

    sir i never understood one thing when India is trying to normalize relations with Pakistan why the hell it will try to escalate situation on border where it has nothing to gain as far as Pakistan bogey is concerned India has bigger bogey in form of China .
  13. viper1972

    Two Indian soldiers killed in LoC skirmish: Indian army

    sir as far as my little knowledge ICJ is for war crimes not cross border disputes. and if soldier was killed RIP for him but beheading not able to digest that.
  14. viper1972

    Two Indian soldiers killed in LoC skirmish: Indian army

    when people join army they know the hazards of its occupation so kindly don't preach.
  15. viper1972

    Two Indian soldiers killed in LoC skirmish: Indian army

    have you seen the lines which are very clear to you . so you mean to say when Pakistan soldiers did not see Indians coming that is there fault.
  16. viper1972

    Two Indian soldiers killed in LoC skirmish: Indian army

    sir do you really think India or Pakistan will go to ICJ . and i agree who ever is at fault should be punished if fact are established not on mere suspicion.
  17. viper1972

    Two Indian soldiers killed in LoC skirmish: Indian army

    nor did i posted in other thread . i only asked you have you gone for same neutral evaluation which you have suggested.
  18. viper1972

    Two Indian soldiers killed in LoC skirmish: Indian army

    but sir did you checked whose weapon was left behind . or believed what army told.
  19. viper1972

    Two Indian soldiers killed in LoC skirmish: Indian army

    tyar rahna aur coward indian bolke rona mat agli bar .
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