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  1. Möbius Curve

    By Way of Deception: The Making of a Mossad Officer

    Though, I have studied this book completely, I want to view the points and counterpoints of the members of this forum. MOSSAD is an important & very powerful institution and it has been an object of curiosity for me for years. This is definitely and interesting book and narrative from MOSSAD...
  2. Möbius Curve

    China’s leaders must learn from Soviet Union’s fatal mistakes, Hu Deping

    Hu Deping, son of late party General Secretary Hu Yaobang – whose 1989 death ultimately led to the Tiananmen Square crackdown - says China must stick to reform Speech to seminar on reform and opening up warns China to avoid Soviet errors such as centralising power and rigid planned economy...
  3. Möbius Curve

    Global Wars and Peace: Insanity against Humanity: What is Next?

    Yesterday at 19:08 The road to hell is paved with good conventions." (Bert Rolling, The Law of War and National Jurisdiction since 1945). The Global Conventions Betrayed the Humanity The UNO, The Geneva Conventions, The Hague Conventions, The Declaration of Human Rights, The Human Rights...
  4. Möbius Curve

    The WSJ on US War Plans Against Iran

    Today at 01:38 The Wall Street Journal reported that the Trump regime "sought options to strike Iran," falsely saying it may pursue a course no previous US leadership considered. More on this below. Iran's 1979 revolution, ending a generation of US-installed fascist tyranny, launched 40 years...
  5. Möbius Curve

    Govt Issues NOC For Raheel Sharif To Continue Heading IMCTC

    Oh Come on man, don't be a child! I am a Sunni and I am completely from Sunni background, but said goodbye to Daesh/ISIS a longtime ago! And I believe greatest danger to me being Sunni Pakistani is from Sunni inhabitants of Pakistan, NOT from Iran! You, my friend, have completely forgotten...
  6. Möbius Curve

    MS Systems Engineering from NUST - Guidance Required

    Target the Job market. When i was pursuing Graduate program at Comsats Islamabad during 2011, almost 95% of the graduates were enrolled in the Power System Engineering (or Electrical Power Engineering), and the rest 5% were scattered in other fields. The reason was massive demand for Electrical...
  7. Möbius Curve

    Govt Issues NOC For Raheel Sharif To Continue Heading IMCTC

    A Handicapped, Deaf, Dumb and mumble-jumbled IMCTC WITHOUT Iran and Syria! Where are Iran and Syria? Will Pakistan be a Saudi War Front in case of Saudi-Israeli aggression on Iran? Houthis are already cleansing Saudi Mercenaries in the Jizan area! What about Saudi backed Al-Qaeda in Yemen? IMCTC...
  8. Möbius Curve

    Alcohol and Beer set to become available at Lahore Airport: Sources

    I tried Heineken while I was at Thailand, its an amazing stuff! Make sure its available for all Pakistanis, NOT just foreigners! PTI CAN earn more just by setting up Beer and Winery Plants inside Pakistan for Pakistani peoples than by setting up gun factories (Whose license is even more...
  9. Möbius Curve

    Pious Erdogan government wants to revive Cannabis production

    Oh, Just wait! A lot of things are going to be "HALAL" in a lot of places and especially in a lot of Muslim Countries. Soon Islam will be left as an option with the practicing individuals, and frankly speaking, Saudi-Israeli alliance and old mantra of "enlightened moderation" in Pakistan, does...
  10. Möbius Curve

    The “Good Assad”

    Monday January 14th, 2019 As the conflict in Syria looks to be heading into the final act, regional powers are seeking to understand what the Syria of the future holds for them and how they can use Assad writes Al-Modon. It goes without saying that the visions on the table for Syria’s future...
  11. Möbius Curve

    Qatar to donate US$50 million for Syrian people

    Oh! those Terrorists and Child beheaders called White Helmets. It means this amount will be used to fuel further insurgency and terrorism inside Syria! White Helmets staged Chemical attacks and time and again Syrian Government forces uncovered Chemical Weapons in the Headquarters of White...
  12. Möbius Curve

    Why Hassan Nisar and the Media have Gone against Imran Khan

    These rates are according to the viewing of the Channels. The more viewed they are, more costly they are! K-2 Channel is viewed in Hazara region and peoples watch for Hindko programs or news or updates on local areas. You cannot compare Serena Hotel Islamabad to some shabby Hotel in Pir...
  13. Möbius Curve

    Why Hassan Nisar and the Media have Gone against Imran Khan

    I am apolitical, but, the duty of Media is to criticize the government and absence of criticism is called "Dictatorship" in military or civilian guise. It will take a long time to establish credibility of Imran Khan and PTI Government, whether, they were really really Straightforward and honest...
  14. Möbius Curve

    FC arrests Afghan national during IBO

    What are these things? Terrorists do like 1. Toy Cars 2. Mobile Phones and 3. Chainak for drinking Quhwa (Green Tea) or Chayee (Tea) Ispr-bleh by Möbius Curve posted Jan 16, 2019 at 10:22 AM This reminds me of footage of U.S Marines searching an alleged location where Osama Bin Laden spent...
  15. Möbius Curve

    Female cop declared Lahore’s best crime fighter for 2018

    Tabdeeli aa nhi rhee, Tabdeeli aa gayee hay! :azn:
  16. Möbius Curve

    Iran could enrich uranium to 20% within four days, nation's atomic energy chief says

    KSA has petrodollars and more than that a strong ally: Israel. Well, Jonathan Pollard provided them a lot of info. and the Nuclear program of Israel might be the most advanced & developed one, I believe. And as long as KSA will keep dancing to American Tunes, no harm will come to them. But...
  17. Möbius Curve

    Iran could enrich uranium to 20% within four days, nation's atomic energy chief says

    You CAN use Nukes and Nukes WILL be used, but it depends on the right circumstances under right condition. You probably don't know, what hopelessness, frustration and desperation can force nations to do, which they even can't imagine in ordinary circumstances. Liddle by Möbius Curve posted Jan...
  18. Möbius Curve

    Iran could enrich uranium to 20% within four days, nation's atomic energy chief says

    Iran MUST develop Nuclear & Thermonuclear (if possible) device ASAP. An Iran armed with Nuclear Weapons will bring stability to the region. And If IsraHELL has stockpiles of Nuclear Weapons, why other nations can't?
  19. Möbius Curve

    Shehbaz presides moot of opposition parties in Islamabad

    In Peshawar Millions have been lost under BRT Project initiated under IK Government. Bro, its a One Man Show. I have never polled vote to any political party and I have remained apolitical until now, but the future looks very bleak indeed. In Pakistan, its fairly easy to do every illegal...
  20. Möbius Curve

    Indian Army to get new Sniper rifles for LoC on 20th January: COAS

    Meet the "Sheikh of Snipers" Abu Tahsin al-Salhi an Iraqi veteran Sniper. He is credited with killing over 350 ISIS/Daesh fighters. Though he died, while he was advancing in Hawija area of Iraq (May Allah Bless his soul), his pictures always create a strong impression in my mind: An old man...
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