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FC arrests Afghan national during IBO

Abu Zarrar

Sep 11, 2016
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RAWALPINDI: The Frontier Corps of Balochistan on Tuesday arrested an unregistered Afghan national during an intelligence-based operation (IBO) from Balochistan’s Chaman area, the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) said.

Suicide jackets, improvised explosive device (IED) making material and communication equipment was recovered from the suspected terrorist’s possession.


RAWALPINDI: The Frontier Corps of Balochistan on Tuesday arrested an unregistered Afghan national during an intelligence-based operation (IBO) from Balochistan’s Chaman area, the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) said.

Suicide jackets, improvised explosive device (IED) making material and communication equipment was recovered from the suspected terrorist’s possession.


What are these things? Terrorists do like

1. Toy Cars
2. Mobile Phones and
3. Chainak for drinking Quhwa (Green Tea) or Chayee (Tea)​
View media item 17795

This reminds me of footage of U.S Marines searching an alleged location where Osama Bin Laden spent some time in Afghanistan. They broke the lock of a trunk by fire and were dazzled by some strange entangled mesh inside.
Kick out Afghan refugees & ban Afghanis entry to Pakistan.
What are these things? Terrorists do like

1. Toy Cars
2. Mobile Phones and
3. Chainak for drinking Quhwa (Green Tea) or Chayee (Tea)​
View media item 17795

This reminds me of footage of U.S Marines searching an alleged location where Osama Bin Laden spent some time in Afghanistan. They broke the lock of a trunk by fire and were dazzled by some strange entangled mesh inside.

That car was used to come to Pakistan from Afghanistan . That's what it implies , drinking quweah all the way along nd listening music from the phone I guess .
There was a security alert for punjab last week that 4 afghani terrorist have entered to do suicide bombing in punjab. I wonder if this is part of that.
Indian NSA Ajeet Doval recently meet with Kabul regime NSA. Pakistan must remain on its toes and prepare counter strategies against these people. Do not wait till they hit Pakistan and its citizens.
What are these things? Terrorists do like

1. Toy Cars
2. Mobile Phones and
3. Chainak for drinking Quhwa (Green Tea) or Chayee (Tea)​
View media item 17795

This reminds me of footage of U.S Marines searching an alleged location where Osama Bin Laden spent some time in Afghanistan. They broke the lock of a trunk by fire and were dazzled by some strange entangled mesh inside.
toy bomb....he was trying to make toy bomb to kill Pakistani people here!
What are these things? Terrorists do like

1. Toy Cars
2. Mobile Phones and
3. Chainak for drinking Quhwa (Green Tea) or Chayee (Tea)​
View media item 17795

This reminds me of footage of U.S Marines searching an alleged location where Osama Bin Laden spent some time in Afghanistan. They broke the lock of a trunk by fire and were dazzled by some strange entangled mesh inside.

Those are not toy mobile phones, those are ICOM handheld VHF/UHF radios, favored by the tali turds!

RAWALPINDI: The Frontier Corps of Balochistan on Tuesday arrested an unregistered Afghan national during an intelligence-based operation (IBO) from Balochistan’s Chaman area, the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) said.

Suicide jackets, improvised explosive device (IED) making material and communication equipment was recovered from the suspected terrorist’s possession.


looking at toys reminds me of communist Afghan agency Khad and KBG spreading toy bombs near Afghan refugee camps and in KPK cities to kill and maim children
looks like the former communist thugs and criminals in Northern Alliance have decided to use the same old dirty trick
looking at toys reminds me of communist Afghan agency Khad and KBG spreading toy bombs near Afghan refugee camps and in KPK cities to kill and maim children
looks like the former communist thugs and criminals in Northern Alliance have decided to use the same old dirty trick
These commie dallay have a new master to serve and its capitalist's not marxist! we do live in some very strange time.
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