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  1. kinsr

    Iran India Sign Major Rail Deal

    Iranian Railways use Standard Gauge (4'81/2") track width meanwhile Zahedan-Chabahar rail link is based on Broad Gauge (5'6") as used by India/Pakistan. India being the largest producer of Broad Gauge equipment in the region is the obvious choice because it doesn't make sense for Iran to...
  2. kinsr

    In strategic shift, India building its Navy to become maritime power: US expert

    The way things are going for Pakistan, its USN that will be breathing down your neck rather than the Indian Navy. Anyways to challenge Indian Navy in open seas you need a lot more numbers than you currently plan to have. Your future acquisitions may be effective in Pakistani littoral waters...
  3. kinsr

    Setback for Indian missile programme: Two failures in a week, submarine version stuck

    Moron... Stop putting tags on people you know shit about.... Ask the poster who brought about comparison about Pakistan firing from a sub whereas India still testing them from pontoons.
  4. kinsr

    Setback for Indian missile programme: Two failures in a week, submarine version stuck

    That trajectory tell us that it was indigenously made in Pakistan. Isn't it? Since you began with mocking India's attempt at developing a SLBM and India testing it on a Pontoon. Now kindly show me the advancements made by Pakistanis in fields of Missile development. You don't even have test...
  5. kinsr

    Setback for Indian missile programme: Two failures in a week, submarine version stuck

    Lol.. do let me know if you or your strategic forces have an answer to the things I have asked. You won't be able to bluff Indians by that Chinese video. Merely stating and showing a Chinese video doesn't make you capable of designing and producing a SLCM. You can't even improve the range of...
  6. kinsr

    Setback for Indian missile programme: Two failures in a week, submarine version stuck

    Then show me some pic of super Pakistani sub equipped with Babur. Whether Babur is launched vertically or angled. How does it prevent water getting into its air inlets. How is it ejected from the sub. Did you test Babur's ejection under water before putting it on a sub? How did you test Babur's...
  7. kinsr

    Setback for Indian missile programme: Two failures in a week, submarine version stuck

    Again ... Where do you see Pakistani Agostas. Don't show me that Chinese video of so called Babur launch. The lesser said about the super smart Pakistani scientists the better. Let's me show you an example of the smartness of you and your scientist. Your scientists designed the JF17...
  8. kinsr

    Setback for Indian missile programme: Two failures in a week, submarine version stuck

    Are you sure you even tested? Or it was a video given to you by the Chinese to show off... Lol...... Two videos stitched as one. Super smart Pakistani scientists, they succeed where all the P5, Iran, India,NoKo etc fail i.e. success in first attempt and induction right after the first and only...
  9. kinsr

    CPEC long-term plan: Pakistan, China will say goodbye to US dollar

    Pakistan depending largely on all kinds of imports from China, so switching to yuan will be a good option for short term, where by Pakistan can save precious USD for its gas/oil imports.
  10. kinsr

    LTTE Submarine on Display in Coimbatore Museum (sti lanka, tamil eelam)

    Not alone submarine, they had an airforce too..
  11. kinsr

    It flies, and it snoops: Norway’s pricey F-35s caught sending ‘sensitive data’ to US

    How would a F35 transmit data all the way to US, do they connect it to internet after flight? Or the Norwegians use US based satellite comms system?
  12. kinsr

    6 LeT militants incl. 3 commanders killed in North Kashmir encounter

    You can't even get Indians out of a Pakistani forum... Forget getting us out of anywhere. And by the way do you know what your native Pakistani brethren are drinking, when they drink water coming from Indian rivers.... Lol.... Go figure....
  13. kinsr

    JF-17 overhaul project started at AVIC Changsha

    Substantiate your claim about India with a link.
  14. kinsr

    Army to have ‘Make in India’ “eyes in the skies”

    Those are cheap disposable drones, its OK if they are shot down. Its nothing like they will be shooting down something like a MQ-9. Anyways, India has been using Searchers and Herons since a long time and a couple of them have been shot down too. No big deal, doesn't even make news in mainstream...
  15. kinsr

    India successfully tests its first nuclear-capable cruise missile

    No, the real reason is survivability till it reaches target. It may achieve that by flying low, or flying through blind zones of Radar coverage. And we are not so technologically advanced so as to test all parameters in a single test and come out successful. We can only work up our way...
  16. kinsr

    Tejas far behind competitors, not enough to protect Indian skies: IAF

    @waz please have a look at this. Making personal attacks.
  17. kinsr

    Tejas far behind competitors, not enough to protect Indian skies: IAF

    Didn't know India Today has started to publish crap. " IAF says" this "IAF says" that, not even a single IAF personell has been quoted. Meanwhile, the author forgot LCA, means LIGHT Combat Aircraft. While all the rest of its competitors were tested in MEDIUM Class of fighters. They will...
  18. kinsr

    India successfully tests its first nuclear-capable cruise missile

    I don't believe they have released the flight video of the latest test, just the launch video. You may be referring to previous videos when DRDO released the full flight video. Anyways, its just the testing phase, not all capabilities are tested in a single go. Flying low will probably be the...
  19. kinsr

    Iran's supreme leader throws weight behind Pakistan on Kashmir

    Kindly go through many threads here on PDF only, to understand UNSC Resolution 47.
  20. kinsr

    Iran's supreme leader throws weight behind Pakistan on Kashmir

    How does that become support for Pakistan?
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