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Tejas far behind competitors, not enough to protect Indian skies: IAF

Rejecting something considered to be best by world is not new for IAF or IA. They evaluated world's top planes and rejected them. They rejected f16, F15, Saab Gripen, Mig 35 in technical evaluation. They are not satisfied with PAKFA. They do not want even PAKFA. So it is not surprising that they reject tejas. They have the options. They want rafale. so they are not satisfied with even Euro fighter. They do not have the compulsion to choose from whatever junk is available so they keep rejecting even F16, Gripen and even F15. No cheer leader need to very happy about the news. Had those [planes which are used by your air force are offered to IAF, they will not even look at those planes. IA rejected all the world's best rifle in technical evaluation saying that they do not meet their requirements.

I really don't understand the IAF's policy on Tejas. It is a home grown aircraft which should be better than the MIG-21 and the IAF is still dragging its feet on it. It looks like a well thought out strategy to let the fleet strength fall to unacceptable levels and then force the government to order the Rafale. If it were true, it would be extremely unfortunate for the Indian arms industry.
Your politicians ordered 123 tejas, IAF tried to reject on numerous occasions, IN out rightly refused.

Indin navy has changed its doctrine and they will use twine engine fighters from A/C only. So They opted out of program after spending 900 crore on project.

No point trying to paint it as IAF having 'super high' standards. The truth is LCA is just a gen 3+++++++++++ plane as per your Air Marshall.

absolutely wrong.
Tejas is indian J.U.N.K

The IAF know it, they were forced by the government to accept 123 fighters and nothing more

They want to scrap the programme and move on but government ego and lack of understanding is forcing this flying turd down the IAFs throat

You misunderstood,
This is called high standards of evaluation,
Only the airforces who can afford the best can set such standards,

However there are few who have inducted JF17, compare specs and performance of Tejas and JF17,
PAF has inducted JF17, lesser performer than Tejas,

Its shows the difference in standards of tow airforces,
One which says F18/ Tejas doest not suit its requirements and other which inducts JF17 :P
I really don't understand the IAF's policy on Tejas. It is a home grown aircraft which should be better than the MIG-21 and the IAF is still dragging its feet on it. It looks like a well thought out strategy to let the fleet strength fall to unacceptable levels and then force the government to order the Rafale. If it were true, it would be extremely unfortunate for the Indian arms industry.

1)In the article, all views are presented by author of the article not by any IAF officer.
2)Present fleet of the tejas lacks few capabilities which IAF is addressing now, which will be fixed during FOC.
3)For how much time, Indian military will rely on foreign maal, they will have to come back to home.

Your politicians ordered 123 tejas, IAF tried to reject on numerous occasions, IN out rightly refused.

IN rejected tejas bcos of its incapability to launch from aircraft carrier. Its engine is under powered when it comes to launch from A/C with weapon load.
You guys are deluding yourselves, everything is set right infront of you and your acting like some fake blind beggar in a bazaar.

Indin navy has changed its doctrine and they will use twine engine fighters from A/C only. So They opted out of program after spending 900 crore on project.

Tejas wasn't good enough, when IN realised they rejected outright

You misunderstood,
This is called high standards of evaluation,
Only the airforces who can afford the best can set such standards,

However there are few who have inducted JF17, compare specs and performance of Tejas and JF17,
PAF has inducted JF17, lesser performer than Tejas,

Its shows the difference in standards of tow airforces,
One which says F18/ Tejas doest not suit its requirements and other which inducts JF17

This is nothing to do with Standards and more to do with the IAF not wanting to induct a lemon not fit for the job

Please dont conpare the Tejas with the JF 17, the failure of a Tejas programme is no longer a worthy comparison to the JF17s which are only getting better and preparing to get its 3rd export order from Senegal

Just because they want certain foreign jets doesn't mean they reject tejas.

Thats exactly what it means, they want to reject the Tejas
No iN is not fool to realize it after spending 900 crore.

Thats exactly what happened

They spent sh*t loads of money but the Tejas simply wasent good enough

So they waited and waited demanding that the Tejas be made into a basic acceptable platform and not a death trap for navy pilots but it just WASN'T HAPPENING

so after spending all that money the only thing that they could do was cut their losses and move onto a working foreign plane
Thats exactly what happened

They spent sh*t loads of money but the Tejas simply wasent good enough

So they waited and waited demanding that the Tejas be made into a basic acceptable platform and not a death trap for navy pilots but it just WASN'T HAPPENING

so after spending all that money the only thing that they could do was cut their losses and move onto a working foreign plane

Ya we respect all wishful thinking if that makes people happy.

IN rejected tejas bcos of its incapability to launch from aircraft carrier. Its engine is under powered when it comes to launch from A/C with weapon load.

They only came to this conclusion after spending immense amounts of money and wasting years
When it finally became clear to them that Tejas was never going to be ready or good enough they cut their losses
You Pakistanis are poor,PAF can't afford expensive and new fighter while IAF has liberty to buy anything with no resource limitation...When they could have Rafael and might buy another single engine jet there is no need to induct TEJAS in large number to make fan boys or government happy "Made in India"...
Actually Tejas is an idea its a concept and the concept never dies .It may change into another idea but the evolution will go on and continue to provide much needed technical skills to Indian air space industry..It will remain alive until the patriotic people are alive
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