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Tejas far behind competitors, not enough to protect Indian skies: IAF

They only came to this conclusion after spending immense amounts of money and wasting years
When it finally became clear to them that Tejas was never going to be ready or good enough they cut their losses

Tejas was not meant for Navy. Navy always favors twin engine fighters not single engine.
Tejas was for IAF and for defending purpose and replacing migs.
"And, in some areas the vintage Russian made Mig-21 is better than Tejas, the IAF is understood to have told the government."

"In other words, for target that needs about 36 bombs to be destroyed, one will have to deploy six Tejas as against just three Gripen or F-16,” the IAF has told the government."

"Documents accessed by India Today reveal that the IAF has told the government that the “endurance” of Tejas in combat is just about 59 minutes as against 3 hours of Gripen and nearly 4 fours for the F-16."

Are you kidding me?? I was told that Tejas undergoing massive modifications and it will become much better than F-22 even :D :D :D

You guys are deluding yourselves, everything is set right infront of you and your acting like some fake blind beggar in a bazaar.

Tejas wasn't good enough, when IN realised they rejected outright

This is nothing to do with Standards and more to do with the IAF not wanting to induct a lemon not fit for the job

Please dont conpare the Tejas with the JF 17, the failure of a Tejas programme is no longer a worthy comparison to the JF17s which are only getting better and preparing to get its 3rd export order from Senegal

Thats exactly what it means, they want to reject the Tejas
It has everything to do with standards,
There is one institution who feels Tejas is not enough and there are some who have inducted likes of JF 17
Can't understand one thing!!! Shouldn't IAF/IN be intricately involved with this project from day -1 ????? How come they're raising such issues now??? As far as I can remember they started this project in mid 80s!!! Every phase had to be properly vetted before moving to the next one!!! Daily meetings involving mid tier folks from
all relevant parties and weekly from top tier folks should have been the norm to straighten out the issues long time back!!!!

You guys are deluding yourselves, everything is set right infront of you and your acting like some fake blind beggar in a bazaar.

Tejas wasn't good enough, when IN realised they rejected outright

This is nothing to do with Standards and more to do with the IAF not wanting to induct a lemon not fit for the job

Please dont conpare the Tejas with the JF 17, the failure of a Tejas programme is no longer a worthy comparison to the JF17s which are only getting better and preparing to get its 3rd export order from Senegal

Thats exactly what it means, they want to reject the Tejas
In countries like Pak and Turkey, military folks know it too well
they have no choices for they'll be always sanctioned and deprived of the good staffs!!! So, they put their acts together and build it for themselves!!!!
Can't understand one thing!!! Shouldn't IAF/IN be intricately involved with this project from day -1 ????? How come they're raising such issues now??? As far as I can remember they started this project in mid 80s!!! Every phase had to be properly vetted before moving to the next one!!! Daily meetings involving mid tier folks from
all relevant parties and weekly from top tier folks should have been the norm to straighten out the issues long time back!!!!

In countries like Pak and Turkey, military folks know it too well
they have no choices for they'll be always sanctioned and deprived of the good staffs!!! So, they put their acts together and build it for themselves!!!!

You are asking logical question mate.

They should let RIP the poor thing.
what i dont get is why i mean pakistanies keep so much worried about indian air force and how bad is Tejas ... if its bad then as per logic rather they should be happy and keep quite and let there enemy make that grave mistake so its easier for them in so called "ghazwa tull hind" :devil: :sarcastic:

now as per facts Tejas even in MK1 format has 4 chanell Digital Fly By Wire and fully digitally computrrised central DATABUS controlled avionics and soon in MK1A format going to get a la Growler type combined and minutrised GaN AESA based EW+ECM+Internal Jammer suits and GaN AESA based radar and other all aspect 360 degrees HOBS eneballing aids like internal pods and next gen JHMCS & better HUD & multiple IRST & IIR & other such sensors plus a new type of light wieght but wider landing gear for better braking capbility and loading and better turbofan engine which is very good to make LCA MK1A on par with latest fighter jest but with limited combat radius but IFR probe will solve that problem too ;)
Who told you Tejas cant fire BVR or refuel mid air ? Tejas mk2 will have an Aesa radar.
Apart from AESA what other improvement will the Mk2 have ? how many Hps etc .

I am asking cause JF-17 Block 3 will have 10 Hard points , Increased wing size , Composite material will also be used , Along with AESA and modified or new engine and many more things . :-)

Mid Air refueling or BVR are linked with FOC and present LSP version has completed both of them.
Btw, how many jf-17's were capable of firing BVR or mid air refueling when they were initially inducted ?

These capabilities can be added later on.

Please don't compare JF-17 with Tejunk !
Around 85-90 JF-17s are inducted , In Sha Allah by 2019 we will have JF-17 Block 3 which will be a true 4.5 gen Aircraft .... 3 Countries have already placed orders for Thunders , While many countries are in negotiation process .
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Apart from AESA what other improvement will the Mk2 have ? how many Hps etc .

I am asking cause JF-17 Block 3 will have 10 Hard points , Increased wing size , Composite material will also be used , Along with AESA and modified or new engine and many more things . :-)
for starting even today your Blk3 does not have JHMCS or HOBS capability or capility to fire laser guided or precission guided bombs or have 4 chanell digital fly by fire which even LCA MK1 has as of now

now MK1A is right now bieng intigrated with combined GaN AESA based combined & Minutrised EW+ECM+Internal jammers + avionics suites (like growler or SPECTRA)and also internal forward looking IRST& IIR & other sensors & next gen JHMCS & HUD for all aspect 360 degrees High off bore sight capability and all these things controlled by a cetral DATABUS and a next gen Digital Fly By Wire & engine managemnt system all making LCA MK1A on par with latest Grippen E whats more LCA MK1A has 7 weapons station (3 wet) and 1 for pod plus one twin barrel 20mm cannon and it can carry 3.5 tonne weapons load to 400Km+ at 6Km altitude

besides there are more than 5000 t72 in service does it makes them better than T90 MS MBT ... ;) :P

plus the fact 40 MK1 already on order plus 120 MK1A already ordered while one production line working in full swing while the other production line has just been comissioned and will come in full steam in couple of months and by mid 2018 full steam production of MK1 will be on and from 2019 full scale production or 16+18 MK1A will commence
Jf 17 has 7 hard points Not 10.
Only thing jf 17 so for demonstrated is dumb bomb release. On the otherhand IOC LCA is firing bvr and LGB.
Bro read again !
I have written Block 3 will have 10 Hps , block 3 will be revealed in 2019 .
Jf 17 has 7 hard points Not 10.
Only thing jf 17 so for demonstrated is dumb bomb release. On the otherhand IOC LCA is firing bvr and LGB.
and those 7 hard points include wet and dry points with one for pod while tejas has 3 wet points and 4 dry points while 1 for pod meaning 7+1 hardpoints in MK1 engineers are looking for feasibilty of adding extra couple of hardpoints in wingtipes of future MK2

apart form that Mk1ais akready salted to loose some 500-800 extra wieght and unwanted flab due to extra harnessings and telmaterry instruments for testing and over engineered and heafty/extra heavy duty landinging gear

Jf 17 has 7 hard points Not 10.
Only thing jf 17 so for demonstrated is dumb bomb release. On the otherhand IOC LCA is firing bvr and LGB.
well what does i mean capabillities JF17 has in block 1 & 2 against MK1 as of now thats matters and here tejas beats it hands down as tejas has HOBS capabilty + BVR & WVR firing capability and laser guided bombs firing or precision guided bombs firing or long range glide bombs or small daimetere bombs firing capability or anty radiation missile firing capability which Jf17 does not have even Tejas is intigrated with OBOGS & IFR probe and is tested with two types of twin seat versions for almost a decade now .... ;) where is JF17 on this scale ...?
Jf 17 has 7 hard points Not 10.
Only thing jf 17 so for demonstrated is dumb bomb release. On the otherhand IOC LCA is firing bvr and LGB.

You been living under rock?

JF17 are capping as we speak the Indian border armed with SD10 BVR missiles. I am sure you have seen it by now?
You been living under rock?

JF17 are capping as we speak the Indian border armed with SD10 BVR missiles. I am sure you have seen it by now?
well ever heared of I Derby ER & Derby or Python 5 missiles or EL 2032 MMR (the combo on F16 SUFA) well sames on Tejas MK1 and on MK1A its gonna be GaN AESA based EL 2052 so get ready cause there aready rafales , MKIs , Mig29s and M2Ks and jaguars nd bisons ... LCA wont be coming alone ;) :D :sarcastic:

Tejas – the indigenously made Light-Combat single engine fighter – isn’t enough to protect Indian skies, the India Air Force (IAF) has told the government. The response came after the South Block asked the IAF to scrap its plans of acquiring single-engine fighters from global, top sources told India Today.

The IAF said the Tejas is far behind its competitors like the JAS 39 Gripen manufactured by the Swedish aerospace company Saab and the US made F-16 manufactured by Lockheed Martin, sources said.
National Security Adviser Ajit Doval is understood to have raised the issue after the government asked the IAF to scrap its plans to acquire foreign made single engine fighters and go for the Indian made fighters only. Recently, the IAF made a presentation to the government to explain why Tejas alone can’t meet India’s requirements.

Documents accessed by India Today reveal that the IAF has told the government that the “endurance” of Tejas in combat is just about 59 minutes as against 3 hours of Gripen and nearly 4 fours for the F-16. Also, Tejas can carry a pay-load of about three tons against nearly six tons and seven tons by the Gripen and F-16 respectively.

“In other words, for target that needs about 36 bombs to be destroyed, one will have to deploy six Tejas as against just three Gripen or F-16,” the IAF has told the government.The IAF has also said Tejas needs 20 hours of serving for every hour of flying as against six hours for Gripen and 3.5 hours for F-16.

The cost of maintaining the Tejas is much higher than the other fighters. Also, both the F-16 and Gripen has a life-span of 40 years against just 20 of Tejas. And, in some areas the vintage Russian made Mig-21 is better than Tejas, the IAF is understood to have told the government.

India is desperate for single-engine fighters to replace aging MiG-21s. The country needs at least 42 fighter squadrons to fight a two front war, but currently has only 33 squadrons. And, at least another 11 fighter squadrons of the IAF will have to be retired in the next two years.

So far, the IAF has ordered 123 Tejas fighters but wants a better single-engine fighter to make up for the huge-shortfall in the fighter strength. Of the 123 Tejas fighters, only 40 will be Tejas Mark-1 and the rest 83 will be an upgraded version.

Source:- India Today

I had a Good laugh at this ,What the hell now Indians saying it was a replacement for Mig-21's but its requirements were to be a multi-role Air superiority fighter.
Maybe Indians should concentrate making tomato soup.
On the other hand ,JF-17 is now a battle tested combat Jet deployed along various PAF requirements .

@Windjammer @Signalian

I was gonna open a new thread LoL

You been living under rock?

JF17 are capping as we speak the Indian border armed with SD10 BVR missiles. I am sure you have seen it by now?
Great vid ,Thanks bro.
for starting even today your Blk3 does not have JHMCS or HOBS capability or capility to fire laser guided or precission guided bombs or have 4 chanell digital fly by fire which even LCA MK1 has as of now

now MK1A is right now bieng intigrated with combined GaN AESA based combined & Minutrised EW+ECM+Internal jammers + avionics suites (like growler or SPECTRA)and also internal forward looking IRST& IIR & other sensors & next gen JHMCS & HUD for all aspect 360 degrees High off bore sight capability and all these things controlled by a cetral DATABUS and a next gen Digital Fly By Wire & engine managemnt system all making LCA MK1A on par with latest Grippen E whats more LCA MK1A has 7 weapons station (3 wet) and 1 for pod plus one twin barrel 20mm cannon and it can carry 3.5 tonne weapons load to 400Km+ at 6Km altitude

besides there are more than 5000 t72 in service does it makes them better than T90 MS MBT ... ;) :P

plus the fact 40 MK1 already on order plus 120 MK1A already ordered while one production line working in full swing while the other production line has just been comissioned and will come in full steam in couple of months and by mid 2018 full steam production of MK1 will be on and from 2019 full scale production or 16+18 MK1A will commence

Block 3 will be revealed in 2019 , so on what basis are you saying it doesn't have HOBS , can't fire laser guided bombs ?
JF-17 consists of three blocks : Block 1 / Block 2 / Block 3 .
All Block 1 Aircraft's are now Upgraded to block 2 . ( No block 1 left )
Soon all Block 2s will be upgraded to a new block , we cannot call them block 3 cause block 3 will be little bit bigger in size , they can be called Block 2.5 ( upgraded block 2s) :partay: . All these Block 2.5 Jets will have all the things you have mentioned above which LCA MK1 has .
Then In SHA Allah by 2019 block 3 will be revealed , it will be bigger in size , will have HOBS / JHMCS , 10 Hps , new or upgraded engine , composite material usage , AESA , in other words a true 4.5th gen aircraft .

So conclusion is in the end all Thunder block 2.5 ( Upgraded Block 2s) and Block 3s will have all the goodies you have mentioned above ,
( HOBS / JHMCS / AESA) , I can talk more about the Thunder program but info is confidential at the moment !
I think every thing is clear to you now ....
3 countries have bought thunders because they know it's cheap and can be upgraded easily . Many more countries are negotiating for the thunder . What about Tejas ? How many orders did it get ?
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Tajes is more than enough for our stone age rivals military. Tajes can easily deal with countries whose best squadron is filled with jets that's can't compete with Soviet era migs
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